Selectmen Meeting 9-2-15 approved

Selectmen's Meeting
Town Office
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
6:00 P.M.
Present: Selectmen Roberta Oeser, Dan Aho, Bob Hamilton, Executive Secretary Katy Robbins, Town
Administrator Jane Pitt and Finance Director Ellen Smith
Ron Osimo showed the Board a rusted faucet from the Fire Department which is indicative of the
problems with the water system. Ron said that Rick Donovan and Mike Cloutier are working on a
long term solution which may involve a new water system.
Dan made a motion to approve the accounts payable and payroll manifests for 8/27/15 and
9/3/15, seconded by Roberta and approved 3-0.
Roberta made a motion to approve the minutes of August 19, 2015, seconded by Dan, approved.
a. Police Department-Hiring of Part-Time Officer
Chief Todd Muilenberg requested permission to hire Tom Bishop as a Part Time Police Officer for
the Town of Rindge. Roberta made a motioned to hire Tom Bishop as Part-Time Police Officer,
seconded by Dan and approved. 3-0.
b. Heating Oil and Propane Cost Prices
Mike Cloutier contacted 4 companies to request pricing of propane for the upcoming season. Two
of the vendors did not return the call. Mike presented two quotes based on 2,400 gallons of usage:
 Allen & Mathewson quoted $1.49 per gallon
 Dead River quoted $1.51 per gallon
Roberta motioned to accept Allen & Mathewson to provide propane for the Town of Rindge at the
price of $1.49 per gallon, seconded by Dan and approved. 3-0
Mike Cloutier contacted 4 companies (Allen & Mathewson, Fraticelli, Red’s, and Peterson Oil) to
request pricing of oil for the upcoming season. All 4 companies presented quotes based on 13,000
gallons of usage as follows:
Peterson Oil Red's
Allen & Mathewson
$1.87 per gallon
$2.09 per gallon
$2.09 per gallon
$2.149 per gallon
Dan made a motion to accept Peterson Oil to provide oil for the Town of Rindge at the price of
$1.87 per gallon, seconded by Roberta and approved. 3-0
Mike will contact Peterson Oil and lock in the price on September 3, 2015. The Town of Rindge is
not in a pre-buy contract, the Town will pay Peterson Oil by invoiced delivery.
Bob mentioned that the School Board and the Town of Rindge had previously had an arrangement
whereby the two would work together to obtain heating oil, however, the School Board locked into
a price in the beginning of 2015 and did not notify Mike Cloutier.
Roberta made an additional motion with regard to the contract issued to Peterson Oil, to have
Red’s as our back up supplier, Dan seconded and approved 3-0
Windows from Maki - Belletetes approximately $2,300 - from Gardner - windows have
safety clips.
Mike informed the Board that he had 2 quotes for replacing the windows at the Police Department
that were within $120.00 of each other. The lower quote is from Maki. This company will provide
same day replacement of glass and will provide windows with safety clips.
c. RFD $1,800 Grant-Acceptance of Unanticipated Revenues
The Rindge Fire Department applied for and was awarded a Volunteer Firefighters Assistant
Grant to offset the cost of foam fire suppression material and hoses.
Dan made a motion to accept the $ 1,800 VFA Grant as unanticipated revenues under RSA
31:95b, Roberta seconded, approved. 3-0
d. Charlie Eicher-Reappointment to Town/Gown Committee
Bob made a motion to reappoint Charlie Eicher to the Town/Gown Committee, Dan
seconded, approved 3-0
e. Ken Smith-Appointment to Town/Gown Committee
Bob made a motion to appoint Ken Smith to the Town/Gown Committee, Dan seconded,
approved 3-0
f. Lisa Wiley-Appointment as Alternate Library Trustee
Roberta made a motion to appoint Lisa Wiley as an Alternate Library Trustee. This
appointment would expire on March 31, 2016. Dan seconded, and approved. 3-0
g. Unlicensed Dogs - Notice of Forfeiture
Nancy Martin, Town Clerk provided a report to Jane regarding the owners that, to date, have
not yet registered their dogs. Jane asked to send out the Notice of Forfeiture which requires a
fine of $25 which needs to be paid within 15 calendar days. If the payment is not made, the dog
owner will be issued a letter to appear in District Court.
Roberta made a motion to file notice of forfeiture, Bob seconded, approved 2-0-1 Dan abstained.
h. Pipeline Update
Roberta reported that she and members of the Municipal Coalition had met with Senator Ayotte
and with Governor Hassen. Letters have also been sent to the Congressional Delegation. There
is a meeting with Portland Gas next Tuesday, September 8, 2015 and with Counselor Wheeler.
Todd met with Maureen Sturgis who told him that she was contacted by FERC for permission
to use the Field House at Franklin Pierce University for the final scoping session for the
pipeline September 29th from 5-8 pm. FERC is estimating that 700 people will attend.
Many present voiced concerns regarding the lack of parking. Jane asked Roberta to contact
FERC to request another venue. Jane has not received official notification regarding the use of
Franklin Pierce for a scoping session.
Work on Middle Winchendon Road – Eversource is making improvements to the power lines.
Reports from homeowners of the excessive noise and longer hours of their operation prompted
Bob Hamilton to contact Eversource. Hours of operation were to be between 7am and 5pm
Monday through Saturday. Some residents reported hours as early at 6am. And work being
done on Sunday.
Bob mentioned that Franklin Pierce University is offering parking permits to Town residents.
Residents can bring their plate numbers to Campus Security on University Drive receive a free
parking permit.
i. Revaluation Update
Jane advised that we are in the informal hearings phase with KRT. There was a problem with
the addresses on 745 letters - addressee and information on the letter did not match property
owner. This problem was corrected and new letters were sent out.
The Vision Database has been updated to reflect the newly assessed values.
KRT and the Town have extended the informal hearings through September 9, 2015.
j. David Tower-Jaffrey Civic Award
David Tower is receiving the Marion Mack Johnson Award at the Jaffrey Civic Center on
September 16, 2015 at 5pm. Jane Pitt and our Town Selectmen will be attending. Therefore, the
Board of Selectmen meeting will begin at 4:00 pm on September 16th.
July Expenditures
Ellen explained where changes have occurred. She also explained that paving will be paid this week
and it will be reflected in the September expenditures.
Regarding Police expenditures, we expect that overtime will be up from now through the end of the
June and July Revenues
On the revenue reports it appears as though some line items are approaching the revenue
estimations made at the beginning of 2015. Revised estimated revenues will be calculated on Form
MS4 which will be completed shortly. Future revenue reports will reflect the revised estimates.
Any other business to come before the Board
Jane informed the Board of the closing that is taking place this week of Lots 48-49 on Friday.
$6,324.00 in back taxes are due to Town.
Roberta made a motion to authorize Bob to sign the Settlement Statement and other closing
documents, Dan seconded, approved 3-0.
Update on Auction
Jane spoke with Gary Kinyon regarding Map 6 Lot 26-3-1 thru 3-14. The title exam on Cromwell
Court has confirmed that there was no collector’s deed and that this parcel was never put on the
“sale list” which is recorded at the Registry of Deeds. Because of this, Jane and Gary believe that
we will not be able to correct this problem before the Fall Auction. Therefore, Cromwell Court will
be a spring Auction property.
Jane indicated that she would check with the Auctioneers about a possible auction date of Saturday,
October 3, 2015.
Roberta made a motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 (c) reputation. Dan seconded all
in favor. 3-0
Adjournment of Meeting:
Entered into non-public session: