Melton City Council has prepared it
’s 2013/2014 Budget and Council Plan for 2013 -
2017 which are proposed for approval at meeting of the council to be held on 25
June 2013.
The Budget relates to the financial year commencing on 1 July 2013, and Council a) Discloses that, as at 30 June 2013, the total amount borrowed by
Council will be $27,055,519; b) Proposes that $7,500,000 be borrowed by Council during the
2013/2014 financial year; c) Projects that $6,841,680 of the amount borrowed by Council will be redeemed during the 2013/2014 financial year; d) Projects that, as at 30 June 2014, the total amount of Council borrowings will be $27,713,839; e) Projects that the cost of servicing Council borrowings during the
2013/2014 financial year will be $1,567,390; f) Proposes the declaration of the following differential rates, according to differential rating category:
Proposed Rates & Charges for 2013/2014
General Rate
Vacant Land
Cents in $ of Capital Improved Value
Extractive Land 0.92244
Commercial/Industrial Developed Land 0.51246
Commercial/Industrial Vacant Land 0.64058
Retirement Village Land
Rural Living Land
Rural Land
0.23061 g) Proposes that a municipal charge of $123.00 be declared, as a common contribution to the base operating cost of Council; h) Proposes that an annual service charge for refuse collection and disposal be declared in respect of developed land (excluding commercial/industrial), and that the following unit costs (annually expressed) will apply depending upon which option is chosen:
Option A: 120 litre garbage bin, 240 litre green waste bin and 240 litre recyclables bin - $279
Option B: 80 litre garbage bin, 240 litre green waste bin and 240 litre recyclables bin - $248
Option C: 120 litre garbage bin, 120 litre green waste bin and 240 litre recyclables bin - $239
Option D: 80 litre garbage bin, 120 litre green waste bin and 240 litre recyclables bin - $207
Option E: 120 litre garbage bin and 240 litre recyclables bin only -
Option F: 80 litre garbage bin and 240 litre recyclables bin only -
Any Additional bin will have a unit cost of $121; i) Proposes that a Council rebate on rates be granted to each pensioner
("eligible recipient" within the meaning of the State Concessions Act
1986) of $45 per annum; and j) Proposes that in accordance with Section 74(4) of the Local
Government Act 1989, that Mayoral allowance and Councillor allowance be set at the maximum amount applicable to a Category 3
Council as prescribed in the order in Council as made from time to time, currently at $93,672 per annum as Mayoral allowance and at $29,326 per annum as Councillor allowance, which includes an amount equal to the superannuation guarantee contribution of 9.25% (effective from 1
July 2013).
The Budget is complemented by a Non Urban Zones Environmental Enhancement
Policy (“policy”). The Policy involves a rate rebate generally being available to owners of rateable land located in rural areas. The Policy details eligibility for the rate rebate and proposes that the rebate available to eligible land owners as per the
“policy” will be capped to a maximum of $10,000 per assessment.
An Outline of Differential Rating Categories has been prepared to assist ratepayers in understanding the differential rating regime, and which differential rating category is applicable to them.
The proposed Budget 2013/2014, and Council Plan for 2013 - 2017, the proposed
Non Urban Zones Environmental Enhancement Policy and Outline of Differential
Rating Categories are now available for inspection at the Municipal Office, Civic
Centre, 232 High Street, Melton and Caroline Springs Civic Centre/ Library, 193
Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs, during opening hours of the respective centres until 5:00pm 30 May 2013. These are also available on Council’s website
Any person proposing to make a written submission on a proposal contained in the
Budget or Council Plan must do so before 5 p.m. on Thursday, 30 May 2013. Any person who wishes to be heard in support of their written submission must request this in their submission.
Submissions should be addressed to Chief Executive and emailed to
or posted to Po Box 21 Melton 3337. They will be considered in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 at a meeting of the section 223 Committee of the Council at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 11 June
2013 at Council Chambers Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton.
Any person requiring further information should contact the General Manager-
Corporate Services on 9747 7200.