Name: Period: _____ Date

Name: _______________________________ Period: _____ Date: ________________
Rock & Mineral Review
Chapter 3, Section 1, Page 66. Properties of Minerals.
What is a Mineral?
1. A mineral is a ______________________ occurring, inorganic solid that has a
______________ structure and a definite ___________________ composition.
2. A mineral must be inorganic. This means that the mineral cannot form from materials that
were once part of a _________________ thing.
3. When you compare quartz to coal, coal is not a mineral as it does not have three necessary
characteristics that quartz has: (1)________________________, (2)
______________________, and (3)_____________________________.
Identifying Minerals
4. Each mineral has characteristic ______________ that can be used to identify it.
5. The color of a mineral is an easily observed physical property. But the color of a mineral alone
often provides too little information as there are many minerals that are the same _________.
6. The streak of a mineral is the color of its _____________ when you rub it against a piece of
unglazed porcelain tile.
7. Luster is the term used to describe how ______________ is reflected from a mineral’s
surface. Terms to describe luster include: shiny, metallic, glassy, earthy, waxy, and _________.
8. Each mineral has a characteristic _________________. Recall that _____________ is the
mass in a given space, or mass per unit volume.
9. What is the name of the scale we use when measuring a mineral’s hardness?
10. Which mineral is harder, according to the scale, Calcite or Quartz? ______________
11. _______________ is the softest known mineral and ________________ is the hardest
known mineral.
12. A mineral that splits easily along ____________ surfaces, has the property called cleavage.
13. Fracture describes how a mineral looks when it breaks apart in an ______________ way.
14. What is the crystal system that makes up Quartz? ____________________.
15. Some minerals have special properties. For example, magnetism is a property of the mineral
___________________. Calcite bends light to produce a ______________ image.
16. Minerals that glow under ultraviolet light have a property known as ________________.
Section 2, page 76. How Minerals Form.
17. A geode is a rounded, ______________ rock that is often lined with mineral crystals.
18. Crystallization is the process by which ___________ are arranged to form a material with
a ________________ structure.
Minerals From Magma and Lava
19. Minerals form as hot ________ cools inside Earth, or as _________ cools on the surface.
When these liquids cool to a solid state, they form ______________________.
20. When magma remains deep below the surface, it cools ___________over many thousands
of years. Slow cooling of magma leads to the formation of _____________ crystals.
21. Magma closer to the surface cools much ___________than magma that hardens deep below
ground. With more rapid cooling, there is no time to form large crystals. Instead,
____________ crystals form.
Minerals From Solutions
22. Sometimes the elements and compounds that form minerals can be dissolved in water to
form a ________________.
23. When elements and compounds that are dissolved in water leave a solution,
____________________ occurs.
24. Huge _________________ crystals were discovered in a cave in ________________.
25. Using the diagram on pages 78 and 79, fill in the missing information:
Mineral Name
Where does it form?
How does it form?
On the surface
In hot water (close to magma)
magma cools deep beneath the
Chapter 4, Section 1, Page 95: Classifying Rocks
Mineral Composition and Color
26. Rocks are made of mixtures of ____________________ and other materials.
27. A rock’s color provides clues to the rock’s mineral composition. For example ____________
is generally light-colored rock that has high ________________ content. Basalt is a darkcolored rock that is low in __________________.
28. What minerals are in Granite? (Figure 2) 1. _________________________________,
2.______________________________, 3.______________________________ and
4. ________________________________.
Texture (page 96)
29. As with minerals, color alone does not provide enough information to identify a rock. But a
rock’s texture is very useful in ______________________________ a rock.
30. Most rocks are made up of particles of minerals or other rocks, which geologists call
_______________________. Grains give the rock its texture.
31. ( Figure 4) Fill in the table below to reflect the characteristics of grains.
Name of rock
Grain Size
Fine Grain
No visible grain
Name of Rock
Name of Rock
Grain Shape
Rounded Grain
Jagged Grain
Grain Pattern
Nonbanded (Non-foliated)
Banded (Foliation)
How Rocks Form (page 97)
32. Geologists classify rocks into three major groups:
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
33. Igneous rock forms from ________________________________________________
34. Sedimentary rock forms when ___________________________________________
35. Metamorphic rock forms when _____________________________________________
Chapter 4, Section 2: (page 98)
36. Igneous rocks are classified according to their ____________________________,
texture and mineral composition.
37. Extrusive rock is igneous rock formed from ________________________ that erupted
onto Earth’s ______________________.
38. Igneous rock that formed when magma hardened beneath Earth’s surface is called
_______________________ rock.
39. Rapidly cooling lava forms ________________-___________________ igneous rocks
with small crystals. Slowly cooling magma forms ________________-________________
igneous rocks with large crystals.
Chapter 4, Section 3: (page 102)
40. Most sedimentary rocks are formed through a series of processes: erosion,
______________, compaction and _____________________________.
41. In erosion, running water, wind, or ice loosen and _____________ away fragments of rock.
42. Deposition is the process by which _____________________ settles out of the water or
wind carrying it.
43. Compaction is the process that _____________________ sediments together.
44. Cementation is the process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and ________________
particles of sediment together.
Chapter 4, Section 5: (page 110)
45. Heat and ___________ deep beneath Earth’s surface can __________________any rock
into metamorphic rock.
46. Metamorphic rocks that have their grains arranged in parallel layers or bands are said to be
47. Some metamorphic rocks are _________-___________________. The mineral grains in
these rocks are arranged ________________________.
(Figure 17)
48. Granite (igneous) forms ________________ metamorphic.
Sandstone (sedimentary) forms ________________metamorphic.
Shale (sedimentary) forms ___________________metamorphic.
Chapter 4, Section 6: The Rock Cycle
49. Forces deep inside Earth and at the surface produce a slow cycle that
________________, destroys, and __________________ rocks in the crust.
(Figure 19)
50. Igneous rock turns into sediment through _______________________________.
51. Volcanic activity produces ______________________ rock.
52. Sedimentary rock forms metamorphic rock through _______________________ and
53. Use these terms to fill in the blanks below: Igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic
rock, magma or lava, sediment.
Cooling &
The Rock Cycle