Pennsylvania Pi Chapter

Pennsylvania Pi Chapter
Monday, September 27, 2010 at Pitzers Restaurant
The regular meeting of Pi Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa was called to order by President Mary Jane
Armentrout. There were 36 members present.
Sue Hooks, our chaplain read a poem from Chalkdust about the first day of school.
 Approval of minutes
The minutes from the May meeting were read by the recording secretary. A motion was
made by Lisa Meyerhuber and seconded by Beth McCrea to accept the minutes as read.
The motion carried.
Financial report
Sue Kutsch- as of 9-27-10 $718.09
Beginning in October we will start to pay .50 for not wearing our ADK pin.
This report will be filed for audit.
Charlene Krecota- mentioned that Lizzie Swala, our 2010 ADK Scholarship winner, sent a thank
you note on behalf of herself and her parents.
A thank you note from Vickie Frerotte was read regarding her 25th anniversary as an ADK sister
and becoming a Silver Sister.
Amanda leech thanked ADK for the floral bouquet that was sent to her during her surgery.
Past chairs shared jobs and duties of committees with present chairs.
 ADK Month: Lynette Dowling & Mary Jane Armentrout
 Altruistic:
 Budget: Sue Kutsch, Carrie Alwine and Jaci Parks
 Founder’s Day: Lynette Dowling & Mary Jane Armentrout
 Fraternal Education: Cami Morda
 Membership: Lynn Steffy & Beth McCrea
 Nominating: Jill Brown, Mary Jane Armentrout
 Publicity:
 Social: Nancy Jamison & Cathy Bohan
 Ways and Means: Lynette Dowling & Carrie Alwine
Flowers fall/spring
By-laws: Lisa Serrao & Sharon Thomaswick
 Program:
 Auditor: Arlene Colecchi & Saundy Smith
 Western District Conference (April 30th): Vicky Frerotte, Linda Jacques, Peggy McCafferty, Lisa
Meyerhuber, Donna Neal, Amy Swast
Program book – Check names/emails/numbers
It was noted that on page 16 dues have increased by $4 now $84
We are looking for ways cut the cost.
There will be no Silver Sisters for 2010-2011
Bylaws: Chapter Bylaws Amendments
The Bylaws were revised over this past summer and presented at the September meeting
allowing 30 days to review (October mtg).
Lisa reviewed the changes and marked the new additions by underlining.
Membership Campaign: Always continue to increase membership.
Form H-128: Membership action plan due by Oct. 15th 2010
Sue Bowser is resigning.
Teachers Exhibiting Excellence Award
Mary Jane recognized Lynette Dowling for bringing in monarch butterfly caterpillars for each of the
3rd grades classrooms at Lenape Elem. This hands-on experience has helped the 3rd graders better
understand the life cycle of butterflies which ties into their science curriculum.
Lynette now needs to pass it [Teachers Exhibiting Excellence Award] on to another sister at the
October meeting.
ADK Pi Chapter has been awarded. “The Four Pearl Award” for turning in forms on time.
Thanks you to Lisa Serrao and all of the officers who completed the work and reports in a timely
The meeting was adjourned by Linda Shoop and seconded by Melissa Venesky.
The evening closed with the traditional singing of the “Lamp of ADK”.
Respectfully submitted,
Carrie Alwine
Guest speaker
Trooper Kesten out of Butler talked about personal/community safety.
Virginia Alese
Carrie Alwine
Robin Altman
Mary Jane Armentrout
Claire Ashe
Marilyn Barger
Catherine Bohan
Jill Brown
Susan Camberg
Karen Claypoole
Arlene Colecchi
Barbara Collar
Lynette Dowling
Vicky Frerotte
Eleanor Gard
Susan Gould
Diane Heim
Janet Hellgren
Mary Margaret Hilliard
Alta Hogg
Sue Hooks
Linda Jacques
Nancy Jamison
Mary Ellen Keeney
Susan Kutsch
Amanda Leech
Devin Lorigan
Mary M. McCafferty
Charlene Krecota
Beth McCrea
Sara Meighan
Lisa Meyerhuber
Esther Miller
Cami Morda
Donna Neal
Susan Neal
Kathy O’Donnell
Jaci Parks
Patsy Rupert
Lisa Serrao
Monica Stango
Kim Sharp
Linda Shoop
Saundra Smith
Mary Station
Lynn Steffey
Amy Swast
Sharon Thomaswick
Lynn Toth
Betty Waugaman Toy
Melissa Venesky
Cindy Volek
Carol Wolfe
Alice Young