Arundel Christian School Financial Contract 2015

Arundel Christian School
Financial Contract
2015-2016 School Year
Student Name: _________________________________________ Grade: _________
Student Name: _________________________________________ Grade: _________
Student Name: _________________________________________ Grade: _________
Student Name: _________________________________________ Grade: _________
Name of Person Financially Responsible: ________________________________________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________ City/State/Zip Code: ______________________________
Home Phone: ______________________ Work Phone: ______________________ Cell Phone: _____________________
Parent(s) Name(s) (If not the same as person financially responsible): __________________________________________
Yearly Tuition Amount: _______________ (This Includes Yearly Bible Club Amount IF APPLICABLE)
Applicable Discounts (Military/Government Employee/Pastoral/Teacher @ 10%): _______________ =
I agree to pay Arundel Christian School (ACS) $ __________________ (TOTAL FOR ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR) by one of
the following methods (select one and initial):
1. ONE PAYMENT of $ ________________ due to ACS by AUGUST 31, 2015. (Initials _______________)
2. Payment will be made to the school office consisting of TWO PAYMENTS of $ ___________________ each.
The first payment will be due by AUGUST 31, 2015 and the second payment will be due by FEBRUARY 1, 2016.
(Initials _______________)
3. Payment will be made to the school office consisting of FOUR PAYMENTS of $ ___________________ each.
The first payment will be due by AUGUST 3, 2015, the second payment will be due by DECEMBER 1, 2015, the
third payment will be due by MARCH 1, 2016, the fourth payment will be due by JUNE 1, 2016.
(Initials _______________)
4. Payment will be made to the school office consisting of TEN PAYMENTS of $ ___________________ each. The
first payment will be due by AUGUST 3, 2015 or SEPTEMBER 1, 2015, the last payment will be due by MAY 2,
2016 or JUNE 1, 2016. (Initials _______________)
5. Payment will be made to the school office consisting of ELEVEN PAYMENTS of $ ___________________ each.
The first payment will be due by AUGUST 3, 2015, the last payment will be due by JUNE 1, 2016.
(Initials _______________)
6. Payment will be made to the school office consisting of TWELVE PAYMENTS of $ ___________________ each.
The first payment will be due by JULY 1, 2015, the last payment will be due by JUNE 1, 2016.
(Initials _______________)
Tuition payments may be made by cash, check, or money order.
________All tuition payments are due on the 1st of the month. If your tuition payment is not current by the 20th of the month,
your child will be sent home until the account is brought up to date.
________ To keep tuition rates low, they are non-refundable. No refund is given for Registration fees, Learning Materials
fees or prepaid Tuition. This policy applies whenever a student is expelled or removed from school by parents for any
reason. If tuition is paid on a monthly or quarterly basis, full tuition for any partial month or partial quarter in which a child
attends school must be paid.
________ Should a payment made by check be returned for any reason, a $30.00 fee will be incurred per child. If a check is
returned a second time, all further payments must be made by cash or Certified Check.
________Students who withdraw during the school year are expected to give a 30 day notice, pay a $250.00 withdrawal fee
and complete the withdrawal form in the front office.
________ Any outstanding tuition at the end of the school year will result in the student being sent home and Arundel
Christian School may then withhold final credit, report card, transcripts, and diplomas until the account is brought up to date.
________ No student will be permitted to register for the following academic year until all financial obligations for the prior
year are met.
The tuition, fees, and payment options have been explained to me. I have read and understand the Terms and Agreements
of the tuition contract and have initialed the above information. I agree to the Terms and Conditions of this tuition contract.
Responsible Party: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
Parent (If not the same as person financially responsible): _______________________________ Date: _______________