GET READY to READ BEFORE reading instructional strategies

Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
DAY 1 Instructional Focus: Get Ready to Read (BEFORE)
BEFORE reading instructional strategies
45 minutes
Purpose: Activate Background Knowledge & Develop Oral Vocabulary
A. Oral Language Concept Talk (TE86j)
Question of the week: “Qué es lo que más les gusta hacer cuando tienen tiempo libre?
B. Activar conocimientos previos (en equipo)
Concept Talk Video
C. Anclar la conversación - ¿Por qué es importante tener un estilo personal?
D. Oral Vocab: Tested Vocab (TE91a)
Salsa, tradiciones, trópico, me prometí
1. Visual presentations and opportunity for conversation in context
2. Sentence completion
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
DAY 2 Instructional Focus: Get Ready to Read (BEFORE)
45 minutes
Purpose: Activate Background Knowledge & Develop Oral Vocabulary
A. Oral Language – Pregunta de la semana
B. Anclar la conversación (92ª)
C. Oral Vocab Tested (TE91a)
Escenario, lentejuelas, tumbadoras
- Visual presentations & opportunity for conversation in context
- Sentence completion
BEFORE reading instructional strategies
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
DAY 3 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING)
BEFORE reading instructional strategies
20 minutes
Purpose: Phonics/Word Analysis
Phonics (TE89a) palabras de uso frecuente – Decodable
Comer, hacia, joven, largo, pronto
& ge, gi, j, x
25 minutes
Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text
Teacher Read Alous (TE96-97)
Student Book 94-99 TE 94-99a
Model fluency, guide comprehension, extend thinking
DURING reading instructional strategies
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
DAY 4 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING)
DURING reading instructional strategies
45 minutes
Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text
Second Half Read – Teacher read aloud
“Me Llamo Celia” – student book (100-107)
Teacher edition (100-107a)
Teacher models fluency (expression 109b)
Page 104 – 1st paragraph: Have students turn to page 104 and read the 1st paragraph practicing reading with expression until they read it
with the right pronunciation and make no mistakes.
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
DAY 5 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING)
DURING reading instructional strategies
45 minutes
Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text
Choral read the selection w/ teacher as reader (pages 94-107)
Comprehension Skill: (TE 96-97) hecho y opinión
Academic Vocabulary: modismo, problema, y solución.
DAY 6 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING)
DURING reading instructional strategies
45 minutes
Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text
Phonics (TE100C- 100D & 112C)
Librito de fonetica: ge, gi, j, x
Pair Read: Reread for fluency: expression (page 107)
Retelling (TE108) Work in pairs to retell the selection using cards as prompts.
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
DAY 7 Instructional Focus: Language Arts (AFTER)
AFTER reading instructional strategies
Whole group instruction
Purpose: Writing and Conventions
A. Daily Fix it Practice “Correcciones diarias” (TE 109e)
Sentence 1: María se puzo la kamisa rota. (puso, camisa)
Sentence 2: Los hojos de Alverto son azules. (ojos, Alberto)
B. Conventions Grammar (TE 109e)
Normas: Posesivos
Transparencia de gramática 18
Display transparency 18 and read aloud the explanation and examples in the box. Point out the possessives in the sample
Identifying ad writing the correct form of the possessive to complete exercises. Explain that you look for the word that
shows ownership to identify the possessive s.
Guided Practice
Guide students to complete item 1 and then have them complete 2-4 on their own.
Present (online component) Posesivos “Gramatiritmos”
C. Comprehension Review of Skill or Strategy (TE 115h)
Hecho y Opinión
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
Review the definitions of statements of fact and statements of opinion on pg. 90. Remind students that statements of fact
can be proved true or false and that statements of opinion give someone’s thoughts or feelings about something. For
additional support have students review I-7 on fact an opinion.
Guided Practice
Have partners identify the facts and opinions and evaluate whether or not they can be proved. Have student pairs find an
example of a statement of fact in Me llamo Celia. Then have pairs tell whether their statement of fact is correct.
On their own
For additional practice with fact and opinion, use p 245 of practiquemos in Recursos para el maestro en DVD-ROM
DAY 8 Instructional Focus: Language Arts (AFTER)
AFTER reading instructional strategies
45 minutes
Purpose: Writing and Conventions
Writing (91e) and Sequencing (99d)
Minilesson: Biography Teacher helps students come up with questions to be used for the biography interview. As group comes up with
questions, discuss which organizer box (sequence) the questions should be categorized in. Students will use this graphic organizer/thinking map
to organize their biography later.
Talk: Students are paired with heterogeneous partners and interview each other taking notes in a bubble map (Thinking Map)
Write: Students use the information from their bubble thinking map to organize their information into 2-3 paragraph biographies of their
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
DAY 9 Instructional Focus: Small Group (DIFFERENTIATION)
SMALL Group Instruction
AFTER reading instructional strategies
45 minutes
Purpose: Differentiated Instruction; formative assessment & connection to Social Studies, Science and Culture
Students are divided into six differentiated groups. They will go to three of the six groups on day 9 and three on day 10.
Group 1:
Go Fish using phonics words.
Group 2:
Vocabulary Bingo – One student reads definition and the other students in the group find the matching vocabulary word on their bingo cards.
Group 3:
Practiquemos page 242 – Posesivos
Group 4:
Listening Center: Salsa Music – Students listen to salsa music by Celia Cruz and write down as many words that they recognize.
Group 5:
Browsing Box – Students choose from past reading selections and identify fact and opinion from within the selection and note on a graphic organizer.
Group 6:
Teacher Center – Story Retell – sequencing. Teacher assesses student comprehension by having them retell parts of the story using the sequencing
picture cards.
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
Can-Do Statements
DAY 10 Instructional Focus: Small Group (DIFFERENTIATION)
SMALL Group Instruction
AFTER reading instructional strategies
45 minutes
Purpose: Differentiated Instruction; formative assessment & connection to Social Studies, Science and Culture
Students are divided into six differentiated groups. They will go to three of the six groups on day 9 and three on day 10.
Group 1:
Go Fish using phonics words.
Group 2:
Vocabulary Bingo – One student reads definition and the other students in the group find the matching vocabulary word on their bingo cards.
Group 3:
Practiquemos page 242 – Posesivos
Group 4:
Listening Center: Salsa Music – Students listen to salsa music by Celia Cruz and write down as many words that they recognize.
Group 5:
Browsing Box – Students choose from past reading selections and identify fact and opinion from within the selection and note on a graphic organizer.
Group 6:
Teacher Center – Story Retell – sequencing. Teacher assesses student comprehension by having them retell parts of the story using the sequencing
picture cards.
Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura
Cultural Activity:
Teach students simple salsa dance steps and have them implement the steps to a slower salsa rhythm.
Can-Do Statements