4th July 2013
Dear Karl,
Welcome to PNZ Plastics News Brief – a brief roundup of what is occurring with Plastics New Zealand and the Plastics Industry.
Membership Services o Duty Concession Applications o Standards o Websites o Member Benefits o Industrial Relations
Education & Development o Training & Seminars o National & Branch Events
R & D and Technology o Government & Business News
Current Duty Concession Applications previously advised
24 th
June 2013 - “ Baskets, trays or cutlery holders, for use with non household type washing machines.”
24 th
June 2013 -
“ Polypropylene needle felt tiles backed with polyolefin, in sizes 1m x
1m and 1m x 2m.”
24 th June 2013 - “ Cups, without handles, of polylactic acid (PLA).”
Any PNZ Member having a manufacturing interest in this item can contact Bruce Dunlop email bruce@bwdunlop.com
Ph 021 276 3542.
Standards New Zealand is New Zealand’s leading developer of Standards and Standards based solutions. These Standards are continually monitored and PNZ Members are advised of those that could affect them.
New Publication
AS/NZS 1754:2013 - Child restraint systems for use in motor vehicles
Members Section Login details are changing
Plastics New Zealand’s information based website www.plastics.org.nz
will shortly be changing the login details for the Members Section of this site. All current PNZ Members will be sent the details of the new username and password to access this section on the 29 th July 2014.
Please note: These login details are separate to the ones individual Members have for the Trade
Website (and Online profiles) at www.plasticsnz.com
Insurance – A thought Starter from Willis Insurance
With ever more demanding environmental legislation, businesses are becoming more aware of the environmental liabilities they could potentially face. But do you know if these events are covered by your current policy?
Willis Insurance have produced an Environmental Fact Sheet regarding Insurance policy and claims.
Please visit the Membership Benefits pages in the Members section at http://www.plastics.org.nz/members/membershipbenefits/ to view this document and for further information.
2013 – 2015 Plastic Industry Multi Employer Collective Agreement (MECA)
This year’s MECA negotiations get underway on the 13th – 15 th August 2013. We will shortly be sending out a survey to all PNZ Members and Subsequent Parties asking for their feedback on issues around movement in wages and allowances, agreement of term and State of your Industry Sector, so that we have updated and accurate information to present to the EPMU when we are negotiating. All information supplied will be kept in the strictest confidence.
PNZ Diploma in Design & Specification of Plastics (DDSP) – Semester 2 2013
This 4 part (7 Day) course was developed specifically to meet the needs of the Plastics Industry and is run by Plastics New Zealand. Semester 2 kicks off in Auckland on the 20 th September
For further information or to register to attend these course, please download the relevant forms below:
Part 1 – 20 th September 2013
Part 2 – 3 rd – 4 th October 2013
Part 3 – 7 th & 8 th November 2013
Part 4 – 21 st & 22 nd November 2013
National Certificate in Plastics Materials (Level 5) – New Qualification
This is a high level qualification for staff in plastics companies who want to advance their technical skills and knowledge about polymers. It is aimed primarily at production and technical staff, however, it may also be relevant to managers or support personnel who want to increase their knowledge of plastics materials.
Five on-line learning modules are available via the PaMPITO website. These materials are supplemented with four face-to-face tutorials with a renowned polymer expert in
Enrolments are currently open and the on-line learning materials will be available from 1 May – 31
December 2013. Students are expected to complete all their assignments by 31 March 2014.
The tutorials are scheduled at suitable intervals to provide support and technical guidance to students and run from August – November 2013
For further information and details on how to enrol for these courses please click here or contact info@pampito.org.nz
or call 09 254 4877 to talk to one of PaMPITO’s Training Service Managers.
PGCertEng in Plastics - Selected Topic in Plastics Processing
The final block course in the current round of the PGCertEng in Plastics programme will run from
August 5-9, 2013 at Tamaki Campus, The University of Auckland. While potential students wishing to complete the full programme are advised to start with the Advanced Polymer Materials course in
March 2014, anyone with a specific interest in the following topics can attend the current course.
Lecturers include Dr Peter Plimmer and Dr John McKee. Please contact Neil Edmonds for
further details, email nr.edmonds@auckland.ac.nz
Note: For full programme details see http://www.pcoe.org.nz/PGCertEng.html
Polymers and Advanced Materials Conference 8 – 13 th December 2013
The 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM) is being held in Auckland, from the 8 th – 13 th December 2013 at the University of Auckland.
The high quality of the conference is reflected in the PLENARY and KEYNOTE SPEAKERS.
For further information and to register to attend this event please visit www.icfpam2013.com
Please click on the link to download information and registration forms for Branch Events.
Auckland Affiliates Group will be holding their next Technical Event in August 2014. This will be a tour of Visy Recycling. Further details and registration forms will be available shortly.
Changes to the Plastics Identification code .
An ASTM International plastics committee has announced a big change to the Resin Identification
Code: the iconic chasing arrow symbol will be replaced by a solid equilateral triangle.
http://www.plasticsnews.com/article/20130611/NEWS/130619978# http://www.waste-management-world.com/news/2013/06/12/astm-plastics-committee-releases-majorrevisions-to-resin-identification-code-ric-standard.html
From a NZ perspective we will need to fall in line with the changes and your Environmental
Committee will provide further information later in the year.
Strong demand for new tools to help manage hazardous substances
Environment Minister Amy Adams says she is pleased with the strong demand for a new multimedia toolbox to help businesses understand and manage the risks posed by hazardous substances.
Two weeks since Ms Adams launched the resource, more than 1500 orders have been made for the toolbox.
The toolbox is designed to help businesses, particularly small businesses, understand and manage the risks posed by hazardous substances. Click here for further information or visit http://www.hazardoussubstances.govt.nz/toolbox .
Research & Development student grants through Callaghan Innovation - applications close shortly
The 2013/14 R & D Student Grants (Callaghan Innovation) are receiving applications from businesses seeking R & D interns NOW.
The R&D Student Grants for businesses seeking interns are limited in number.
If you are a business seeking postgraduate interns please note applications close at 12 noon on 8
July 2013 .
If you are a business seeking undergraduate interns please note applications close at 12 noon on
Wednesday 17 July 2013 .
For more information:
Undergraduate interns http://callaghaninnovation.govt.nz/undergraduate-rd-student-grants
Post Graduate interns http://callaghaninnovation.govt.nz/post-graduate-rd-student-grants
Callaghan Innovation New e-zine, Accelerate is here
The Callaghan Innovation has a new Magazine – new E-zine Accelerate. To access the publication go to http://www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz/news-events/accelerate-ezine
Kind Regards
The Plastics New Zealand Team
Ken Sowman
Interim Business Manager ken@plastics.org.nz
Ph 09 255 5662 ext 102
Mob 021 655 098 or 021 935 963
Kelly Buchanan-Johns
Membership Services Manager kelly@plastics.org.nz
Ph 09 255 5662 ext 103
Mob 021 655 348
Lorna Landon
Accounts Administrator lorna@plastics.org.nz
Ph 09 255 5662 ext 101
Simon Wilkinson
Environmental Projects Manager simon@plastics.org.nz
Mob 021 944 992
Plastics New Zealand
P O Box 76378
Manukau City 2241
Building 2, 4-8 Pavilion Drive
Airport Oaks, Auckland
Ph 09 255 5662
Fax 09 255 5663 www.plastics.org.nz
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Plastics New Zealand - Trade Association for the Plastics Industry in New Zealand
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