Soda Springs Area Plan Draft Goals and Policies based on December 2014 Community Meeting HISTORICAL RESOURCES Goal Promote and enhance the Donner Summit historical resources for the enjoyment and enrichment of present and future generations and to improve the local economy. Policy Identify, preserve, and where feasible restore significant archaeological, cultural, and historical resources on the Donner Summit, including historic sites, buildings, and features. Policy Foster an appreciation of and long-term stewardship for historical resources by increasing public awareness of the economic, social, and environmental values and benefits of historic preservation. Policy Support local efforts to promote the Donner Summit historical resources and the 20 Mile Museum by providing uniform signage along Interstate 80 and at freeway off-ramps associated with Hampshire Rocks Road and Donner Pass Road and providing informational visitor guides and brochures online and on-site. Policy Identify new and innovative funding sources to support cultural heritage initiatives. Policy Encourage the inclusion of significant archaeological and cultural resources in the Federal or State Historical Register based on the recommendation of the local historical society or a qualified professional. Policy Cooperate with the Donner Summit Historical Society, other local historical organizations, and historians to identify significant historical, cultural, and archaeological resources and encourage safe access to and signage for the interpretation of unrestricted resources. Policy Support educational programs that highlight the outdoor historic and natural resources of the Donner Summit area. Policy Encourage innovative techniques to preserve archaeological and historic sites by gift, private conservancies, and easements. Goal Ensure new development does not adversely affect historical resources in the Donner Summit area. Policy All proposed discretionary projects within the Soda Springs Rural Center shall be reviewed for opportunities to contribute to historical preservation and/or education efforts. Policy Protect from development the rich history of the Donner Summit, including but not limited to: the Native American petroglyphs and grinding rocks, the Emigrant Trail, the Chinese Wall, the first transcontinental railroad, highway, and air route, historic buildings such as the Rainbow Lodge, Donner Ski Ranch, and Clair Tappaan Lodge, and historic sites/landmarks such as the Rainbow Bridge, Beacon Hill, Tunnel 6, Lake Van Norden, and the 20 Mile Museum. Policy Establish permanent open space for new development by utilizing project design techniques such as clustering and restricted building sites to protect sensitive cultural and historical resources. Policy Encourage the adaptive reuse of historic buildings and where possible allow for maximum flexibility of development standards for remodeling of historic buildings to maintain the character of the Soda Springs community and Donner Summit area.