Darrel Romba ENG 202C ASSN. 4 11/1/14 How to prepare and cook Old Bay fried chicken Ingredients required: Tools needed: Chicken breast Egg Unbleached all-purpose flour Bread Crumbs (preferably Panko) Salt Pepper Old Bay seasoning Canola Oil Chef’s knife 2 General purpose knives Cutting board Whisk Large fork 2 mixing bowls Frying pan Stove top 2 Plates Trash bin Access to kitchen sink Hand or dish soap PREPARATION Before beginning the preparation stage of the process, all tools and ingredients must be laid out for access in order to avoid CONTAMINATION. Tools and ingredients must be laid out in the order that they appear in the preparation stages. Chicken breast must also be thawed before beginning. Place chicken breast into refrigerator once almost entirely thawed. Chicken has been thoroughly thawed once it is no longer stiff. When determining the correct frying pan to use, the total diameter of the pan should not be much larger than the food you are using. In this case, the diameter of the frying should barely exceed the overall diameter of the chicken breast. Step 1 Begin by turning on the cold water on your sink. Allow water to stay on throughout preparation process. Step 2 Place trash bin in close proximity to working area and ensure that lid or cover is removed. Step 3 Next, remove chicken breast from refrigeration and stand over sink. Step 4 *requires 1 plate Standing over the sink, remove chicken breast from package and place package into trash bin. Place chicken breast onto first plate. Step 5 Take chicken breast from plate and thoroughly rinse chicken breast under water to remove remaining juice and contaminants. Once clean, place chicken breast back onto plate. Step 6 Using soap, wash hands in sink before moving to next step Step 7 *requires general purpose knife Using a general purpose knife, cut excess fat from chicken breast and dispose of fat in trash bin. Place chicken breast back onto plate. Place knife in the sink as it is no longer needed. Step 8 *requires cutting board and fork Using a fork, move chicken breast from plate to cutting board. Step 9 *requires chef’s knife, cutting board and fork Using the chef’s knife, cut chicken breast lengthwise to reduce thickness. Once breast is in 2 pieces, cut each large piece into three approximately equal sections. Step 10 Place all the pieces of chicken back onto plate from cutting board. PREPARATION OF SPICES AND BREADING Step 11 *requires mixing bowl Crack 1 egg into mixing bowl. Step 12 Wash hands with soap to avoid contamination Step 13 *requires whisk Add pinch of salt and pepper to egg. Then add 5 shakes of Old Bay seasoning to egg and mix egg and seasoning with whisk. Step 14 *requires 2nd mixing bowl Using new bowl, add generous amount of flour, enough to easily cover base of mixing bowl. Then add equal part Panko bread crumbs. Step 15 Add pinch of garlic salt, pepper and generous amount of Old Bay seasoning to flour and Panko mixture. Blend contents of mixing bowl until seasoning and Panko are evenly dispersed throughout mixture. Step 16 *requires fork Using a fork, add all cuts of the chicken into the egg. Make sure that the surface of all the chicken has been coated in egg. Allow chicken to sit 1 minute. Step 17 Move chicken from mixing bowl with egg to the mixing bowl with the flour and bread crumbs. Step 18 *requires fork Using a fork, flip and thoroughly coat each piece of chicken with breading, flour and seasoning. PRE-COOKING Step 19 *requires frying pan Place frying pan onto stove top. Turn stove setting to medium high and allow 2-3 minutes for pan to heat up. Step 20 Add canola oil to pan. Add enough to cover the entire pan and is approximately ¼” in depth. COOKING Step 21 Add all pieces of chicken to the frying pan one by one, ensuring that each piece has adequate space and is not touching another piece of chicken. Step 22 Allow chicken to cook for 5-7 minutes on medium-high heat. After 5-7 minutes the breading will begin to smell sweet and will appear to be golden brown and not over saturated with oil. FLIP CHICKEN NOW. Step 23 Allow chicken to cook on opposite side for 5-7 minutes. After 5-7 minutes, move chicken onto clean plate and allow to cool. Turn off stove at this point. Step 24 Cut into largest piece of chicken to ensure that it is thoroughly cooked. The center of the chicken should appear white with no traces of pink.