August 2015 Dear 4-H`er, Congratulations on your accomplishment

August 2015
Dear 4-H’er,
Congratulations on your accomplishment! We are pleased you will be representing your county
at the 2015 Iowa State Fair 4-H Educational Presentation Program. You are scheduled to
give your Educational Presentation at the Iowa State Fair on August ____ in the (morning –
afternoon) session at the 4-H building.
1. Check-in begins at 8:00 A.M. or 12:45 P.M behind in the Annex.
Note: Afternoon participants may check in any time between 9AM and 12PM.
a. At check in, you will turn in your report form
b. You will receive your exhibitor name tag and T-shirt. (One T-shirt/member
even if participating in multiple events.)
2. You must attend an orientation meeting (8:30 a.m. or 1 p.m.) following check in.
3. Presentations
4. Awards
Equipment and Presentation Information:
 Each presentation room has 1 ‘30 x 84 inch’ table, 2 easels, 2 microphones, LCD
projector. We are not able to change light settings in the rooms. Room 1 has an electric
stove, refrigerator, and microwave available.
 Each presentation room will be equipped with a computer with a Windows operating
system. Basic Microsoft Office software will be loaded including Microsoft PowerPoint,
Firefox, and Internet Explorer. No other operating systems or software will be provided.
 The 4-H Building is equipped with wireless Internet access. However, due to the high
demand for Internet services at the state fair, we cannot guarantee the reliability of
Internet access during presentations. Please have a backup plan.
 Please load your videos, power-point, etc., on a flash drive. We will collect your
presentations at check-in and pre-load them onto the computer in your
presentation room. Make sure your presentation is visible in bright conditions.
 You may provide your own computer. If you use a Mac, you will need to provide your
own adapter cables to connect with the LCD projector. We do not guarantee your
computer will be compatible with our projector or be able to access the internet in the
4-H Exhibits Building.
 We recommend that you display the 4-H clover either in your presentation or on your
 Only 4-H members are allowed in the preparation rooms. 4-H staff will assist presenters
and will notify adults if additional help is required.
 You will be asked to evaluate another presenter with the judge.
 Judges will make comments and award certificates to all participants at the end of the
half-day. Please make sure to stay the full half- day.
 If your presentation involves a live animal, you must notify your county extension
office now. Animals must be removed from the fairgrounds after your half-day. See
Entrance and Parking Instructions for additional information, on this subject.
If you need to contact the State Communication Staff during the Iowa State Fair, please call the
4-H Building at the Iowa State Fairgrounds at 515-262-3111 Ext. 380. We wish you the best of
luck as you represent your county at the 2015 Iowa State Fair! Please see for information on admission,
parking, and lodging.
Madeline Hora
Iowa State 4-H Communications Program Assistant
4-H Admission Ticket
Educational Presentation Form (VI-947-A, rev. 3/98)
Exhibits Building Map