Constitution and By-Laws Metro St. Louis Storm Chaser’s Association Article I: NAME/ADDRESS This association shall be called the Metro St. Louis Storm Chaser’s Association, herein referred to as the "Association." Article II: MISSION The mission of the Metro St. Louis Storm Chaser’s Association is to support and promote excellence in operational meteorology and storm spotting through research, forecasting, broadcasting and education. We will work to assist agencies in storm spotting measures and provide information to the General Public. We will work to provide a medium for all persons interested in weather, and will work to build relationships between all who work with and study meteorology throughout the greater St. Louis Metropolitan area and surrounding states. Article III: MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to anyone interested in operational meteorology or storm spotting and who agrees to abide by the requirements of these By-Laws. There shall be three (3) types of Membership: Active, Associate and Lifetime. Membership definitions are as follows: 1. Active Members – Members who are active Storm Spotters or Storm Chasers, Meteorologists (Broadcast Media, Private or Governmental), Meteorology Students. Active Members shall have all voting rights, may hold officer positions, and have all other rights as set forth in the By-laws and Constitution. 2. Associate Members – Members who have an interest in, or is associated with a business or profession that has an interest in severe weather, storm spotting or storm chasing or who have an interest in promoting safe storm spotting and chasing as well as educating the public. 3. Lifetime Members – Members who have been active in the Association for a minimum of ten (10) years and who are voted into Lifetime Membership by a simple majority of the Association Members in Good Standing. Membership in the Metro St. Louis Storm Chaser’s Association is allowed based on the following requirements: 1. Member Requirements: 1. Prospective Members must make application to join the Association and must have a sponsor from a Member in Good Standing of the Association. 2. Prospective Members shall be voted into the Association by a simple majority vote of Association Members in attendance and in Good Standing. 3. All Members must pay annual membership dues of $35.00 per member per household or corporation for Active Members and $25.00 per member per household or corporation for Associate Members. 4. All Members are required to attend a minimum of at least two (2) meetings per year through video conference and at one (1) meeting per year in person. Members 1. A sign-up sheet will be passed around at each meeting to determine official meeting attendance. 2. Official meeting attendance records will be kept by the chapter Secretary. 5. All Members must be current on Association dues. 6. All Members must be Storm Spotter certified through their respective National Weather Service office or show proof of certification thereof. 7. Members must promote the Good and Welfare of the Association. 8. Members must attend at least two (2) trainings per year through in-house or outside sources. Article IV: MEMBERSHIP DUES Annual dues shall be paid to the Metro St. Louis Storm Chaser’s Association due at the first meeting of the calendar year. All memberships will expire at the end of the first meeting of a calendar year. Dues for new members shall be prorated, those joining between January 1 and June 30 shall pay the full amount, those joining between July 1 and December 31 shall pay ½ of the regular amount. All members will be extended all membership privileges over a grace period of 30 days after the first meeting of each calendar year. Membership privileges will begin immediately after dues are paid in full for the calendar year. Membership privileges shall be revoked after 30 days after the first meeting of each calendar year if dues are not paid. Article V: ELECTIVE & APPOINTIVE OFFICERS Elective officers of the Association are President, Vice-President , Secretary/ Treasurer. These officers shall perform those duties prescribed by these Bylaws and must be members in good standing, and will encompass the Executive Committee. All officers are elected for a term of two (2) years, and may be re-elected. The President shall: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Preside over all general meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Enforce due observance of the By-laws. Decide all questions of order. Sign all official documents (except checks) on behalf of the Association. Perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of President. The Vice-President shall: 1.) Assume all duties of the President at any general meeting or Executive Committee meeting should the President be absent. 2.) Assume the Office of President should that office become vacant. 3.) Gather information and contacts regarding Association business and general meeting locations. 4.) Perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of President. The Secretary shall: 1.) Keep a record of all proceedings of each general meeting and meetings of the Executive Committee. 2.) Maintain all official Association records. 3.) Keep a roll of members in good standing. 4.) Publish any notices to members as required by these By-laws, Association updates, and future meetings. The Treasurer shall: 1.) Receive and receipt all monies paid to the Association. 2.) Keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended and shall pay no bills without authorization as defined in Article X of these Bylaws. Article VI: ELECTIONS Elections of officers will be conducted during the regularly scheduled January meeting. Nominations will be presented to the membership during the regularly scheduled December meeting . The nominee receiving the most votes shall be elected. Votes must be cast in person. Any vacant office (except the President) shall be filled by action of the Association members. Any vacated office will be subject to the same voting procedures outlined above. Officers will serve from January 1 to December 31. Any officer may be removed from office by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at a meeting whenever, in their judgment, the best interest of the association will thereby be served. Article VII: VOTING PROCEDURES All members in good standing of the Association are eligible to vote. A quorum for a general meeting is defined as 10 members, or one half of the current membership, whichever is less. Voting may take place by one of two methods 1.) Voting may take place at a meeting where a quorum is present. 2.) Matters other than officer elections and amendments to bylaws may take place by electronic voting, where the total number of votes submitted shall be equal to a quorum. (a.) The president (or the president's designee) may call a vote of the members in good standing through electronic mail. (b.) All votes must be submitted within one week of the vote being called. (c.) All votes must be submitted by electronic mail to the president (or the president's designee). (d.) Members without an electronic mail address may submit their vote by having another member send their vote. (e.) Copies of all electronic votes must be kept for one year from the date of the close of voting. (f.) The results of the vote must be announced through electronic mail and at the next general meeting. Article VIII: OTHER COMMITTEES The Association may form various committees for the purposes of controlling the varied activities of the Association. Each committee leader shall keep regular records of its proceedings and report the same to the Association. Article IX: MEETINGS The Association will have no less than six general meetings each year, at a place and time to be designated by a two-thirds majority by those members who cast votes. Special meetings may be called by majority vote of the executive committee. All meeting minutes will be available on the chapter web site or in writing through the Secretary by request within (14) days of the meeting. Meeting minutes will include details on the next chapter meeting. These details will include, but are not limited to: Date; time; location and purpose of the next meeting. For the purpose of conducting official business of the Association, a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the active members must be present. “Roberts Rules of Order, Revised Edition” shall govern, in applicable cases and where they are consistent with Bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt. Article X: TRAINING 2 Hours of training shall be given each year in any related field to meteorology, storm spotting, forecasting and public education. Seminars may be held from time to time at a place approved by the active membership of this Association. A minimum of four (4) hours will be credited towards a half (1/2) day seminar and seven (7) hours shall be given for training on full days. Article XI: NON-PROFIT FINANCES/POST OFFICE BOX Expenditures of the Association less than fifty (50) dollars may be authorized by a majority of the Executive Committee or members in attendance at a general meeting. Expenditures of the Association in the amount of fifty (50) dollars or more shall require the majority approval by members in attendance at a general meeting. The Association is organized and operated exclusively for non-profit purposes, and no part of its earnings shall inure to the benefit of any member. A member of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for a key to the post office box, and in turn, checking this box at least once every two weeks. Article XII: ASSOCIATION POLICIES Policies pertaining to chapter business and activities may be outlined in separate documents, provided that these policies are approved by a three-fifths affirmative vote of a quorum. Any changes to these policies must also be approved by a three-fifths affirmative vote. 1. It is the policy of this Association that members conduct themselves appropriately at all public functions and gatherings to which the Association is associated with, or has sponsored. Any Member who if found to be in violation of this policy, shall be suspended from future Association events until the Association reconvenes a regular business meeting. A simple majority vote shall determine the Members continued participation, suspension, or disbarment from the Association. Any member disbarred from the Association shall lose all due monies paid into the Association. 2. Anyone removed from office or membership can appeal to the active members to be reinstated as a member in good standing with the Association. This appeal must be made in writing and sent to the President of the Association within ten (10) days of notice of being removed from office or membership. Appeals shall be heard by the membership at the next regular business meeting or at a special meeting called by the President, at which time the members can, with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present, overrule the action taken. 3. Vacancies in any office may be filled by means of an election process as outlined in these by-laws at the next regular business meeting, or at a special meeting called by the presiding officer. Article XIII: DISSOLUTION Upon dissolution or disbandment of this Association, all funds and properties in excess of liabilities and expenses of dissolution will be distributed as determined by a majority of the active members. Article XIV: AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any Association member. Amendments must be presented to the Executive Committee in writing, and will be considered for adoption during any regular or special meeting at which a quorum is present. This is provided all members have been notified of the proposed amendment at least 10 days in advance of the meeting date. The adoption of a proposed amendment shall require the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all members who cast ballots. Article XV: OFFICER AMENDMENT The executive committee of the Metro St. Louis Storm Chaser’s Association shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall be members in good standing and be elected by a majority of chapter members, also which must be in good standing. In the event that active participation in the chapter is lacking, one or more of the officer positions may be combined as deemed necessary and appropriate by the present members of the executive committee. Combinations of officer positions are valid for one year and should be re-assessed at the next officer election period. PASSED: _________________________________ AMENDED: ______________________________ SIGNED: _____________________________________ President _____________________________________ Vice-President _____________________________________ Secretary/ Treasurer