PUYALLUP VALLEY COOPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL BY-LAWS Article I: Name The name of this organization shall be the Puyallup Valley Cooperative Nursery School (PVCNS). This organization will also be known as Puyallup Valley Cooperative Preschool (PVCP) for operational purposes. Article II: Purpose The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a part time nursery school program for the children enrolled so that they may be helped to develop their social, emotional, physical, and intellectual capacities. Its purpose is also to further the education of its parent members in the principles of child guidance through observation of children in the classroom, participation in daily program as an assistant to a trained Teacher and attendance at education meetings. Article III: Affiliation PVCNS is a member of the Parent Child Preschool Council coordinated by Bates Technical College. Article IV: Membership Eligibility Section 1: PVCNS is organized and shall be operated exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the 1954 Internal Revenue Code. Consistent with the requirements of the code, the cooperative shall not carry on any activities precluded by the Internal Revenue Code for an organization exempt from taxation under said section, nor shall it discriminate against members, prospective members, or their children on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, or physical handicap. The nondiscriminatory policy includes, but is not limited to all facets of the cooperative’s operation including it’s admission policy, its scholarship programs, if any, its athletics programs, its extracurricular activities or any other similar activity. The cooperative will not maintain separate facilities into separate sections on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, or physical handicap. Section 2: Any child whose parents/guardians are willing to accept the duties and responsibilities of active membership in PVCNS, as defined by the Standing Rules, is eligible for membership. A child must meet age requirements established for each class. Section 3: The Board reserves the right to ask withdrawal of any child who seems unable to adjust to this cooperative nursery school and/or family that is not fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of active participation in these By-Laws and the Standing Rules. Section 4: A criminal history background check will be required of all individuals volunteering in the classroom each school year. A criminal history background check form will be provided to any individual wishing to volunteer in the classroom to complete in its entirety. This form will be turned into PVCNS, and the background check will be performed through the Washington State Patrol WATCH Program. Individual names will also be checked through the Registered Sex Offender Database. There will be no charge for the check. All information provided and obtained will remain confidential and held in a locked cabinet at the school. Page 1 of 4, By-Laws, Revised January 2016 Any individual shown through the background check process to have been convicted of child abuse or any crime involving actual or attempted sexual molestation of anyone, whether adult or child, will not be allowed to volunteer in the classroom. Article V: Membership Responsibilities Section 1: Earn one (1) Parent Education credit for each month the family is enrolled (Parent Orientation and Parent Training are mandatory). A minimum of four (4) Parent Education credits must be earned by the end of January. Failure to obtain these credits may result in dismissal from the school. Section 2: Participate in the preschool classroom as a teaching assistant on a rotating basis and be responsible for your assigned days. Arrange for a substitute in the event you cannot assist in class. Section 3: Accept a Committee or Board job and perform the job as outlined in the job description. Section 4: Participate in the school Fundraiser(s) each year. Section 5: Pay tuition in a timely manner, as outlined in the Standing Rules. Section 6: Give written notification to the Membership Chairperson 30 days before leaving. If this is not done, tuition will be charged. Section 7: Participate in one classroom cleaning assignment per year. Article VI: Fees and Finance Section 1: The Treasurer and President are empowered to sign checks. The Vice President would be a designated third signer, only in the case of emergency when the Treasurer or President is wholly unavailable. The President would keep a book of checks, out of numerical sequence, in the event that a Treasurer is unavailable. Two signatures shall appear on each check. Section 2: PVCNS shall be a non-profit organization with all funds remaining in the treasury at the end of the school year. In the event of dissolution of the group, remaining funds and equipment shall be donated to an non-profit, charitable, educational, or religious organization qualified exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. These decisions will be made by the Board. Section 3: A committee shall be established consisting of the President, Treasurer, Teacher and Coordinator to evaluate scholarship fund applications. Those applications will be evaluated and funds distributed based on financial need. Any information received by this committee will remain confidential. Article VII: Elected Board of Officers Section 1: The officers of this group shall consist of President, Membership, Committees, Secretary, Treasurer, Class Representatives, Parent Education, Ways and Means, Health, Newsletter, Publicity and other officers that may be needed. All officers must be registered parents at PVCNS. Section 2: In cases of emergency requiring an immediate decision, the following officers will be contacted: President, Membership, Committees, Treasurer and Class Representatives. Section 3: The duties of each officer shall be outlined in the PVCNS Standing Rules. Page 2 of 4, By-Laws, Revised January 2016 Section 4: Provided there is a quorum, motions will carry upon as simple majority vote of the Board members present unless otherwise stated in the By Laws. Section 5: Each elected officer shall have one (1) vote. The President votes only in the case of a tie. Section 6: A non-voting advisory position to the Executive Board will be held by the Teacher and Liaison member of the church, in whose premises the school is located. The Bates Coordinator will serve as a non-voting advisor to the Board. Section 7: The Board shall have the following duties: a. b. c. d. Hold monthly meetings (excluding July) and report business to the Membership. Be responsible for conducting school business and determining school policies. Appoint standing committees. Board Meetings will be open to the Membership. Only official Board members have voting privileges and a quorum consists of 2/3 of Board members present. e. Recommend additions and amendments to the By-Laws and Standing Rules. f. Arrange to have the Teacher’s books reviewed at the end of each school year. g. Select a Teacher, determine the salary and prepare a contract for the following year. h. Prepare incoming officers to take over business for the following school term. i. Beginning on the date of appointment to the Board, each Board member must attend at least 75% of the monthly Board meetings in order to fulfill his/her parent education requirement. Failure to meet this attendance requirement will result in immediate removal from the Board and prevents any further Board involvement hereafter. This failure may also result in family termination from preschool (see Standing Rules §11(a)(iii)(3)). j. Board members should submit their resignation to the Board if they feel they cannot perform their duties. The Board may request the resignation of any PVCNS Board member who it believes has not performed their duties or whose actions are detrimental to the school by 2/3 vote of the entire Board. Article VIII: Teacher Section 1: The teacher is a salaried employee whose benefits and obligations are set down in a yearly agreement that is approved by the Board. Section 2: Teachers shall be hired by a 2/3 vote of the entire Board with recommendations by the Bates Coordinator. Section 3: Cause for dismissal of a Teacher will be determined by a 2/3 vote of the entire Board. Article IX: Standing Rules Section 1: A set of Standing Rules for each year shall be enacted and distributed to the membership no later than the first day of school. Section 2: The Teacher, or any member, may submit to the Board, proposed amendments to the Standing Rules. The Standing Rules must be amended by a vote of the Board. Page 3 of 4, By-Laws, Revised January 2016 Article X: Elections Section1: Each family will have one (1) vote in the election and in other matters requiring a membership vote. Section 2: Fifty (50) percent of the membership constitutes a quorum. Section 3: A vote by a simple majority of the quorum shall be considered binding. Section 4: The Board shall select a Nominating Committee with at least one (1) member representing each class. Elections will be held in March. Section 5: The proposed slate of officers must be posted at least one (1) week prior to the election. Voting shall occur in March by written confidential ballot, at which time write in votes may be cast with the permission of the write in candidate. Section 6: The term of office shall be one (1) year, beginning June 1st. Section 7: Joint Board meetings shall be held by the old and new Boards in May. Section 8: Any vacancy in elective office after the March election shall be appointed and approved by the Board. Article XI: Risk Management Section 1: The school and its members will adhere to the State of Washington Risk Management Manual and Records. Section 2: No other children shall be permitted to attend school when class is in session. The exception is infants, six (6) months and under, who have been registered with PVCNS and have paid the required insurance premiums. Article XII: Accident and Illness Section 1: In case of an accident, a parent/guardian will be notified immediately. In the event that a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the emergency procedures given by the parent/guardian will be followed. In the event none of the above can be reached the child will be taken to the nearest available hospital. Section 2: The school shall carry a liability insurance policy the adequacy of which will be reviewed yearly by the Board. Section 3: Neither PVCNS, the Teacher or any individual member within the group will be liable for any injury, either during sessions, in transit between the home and school or on any excursions. Article XIII: Amendments The By-Laws may be amended upon recommendation of the Board and a majority vote of the Membership. Page 4 of 4, By-Laws, Revised January 2016