EDRD New Prog - Winona State University

This form is to be used to submit a proposal for a new undergraduate or graduate major, minor, concentration, or option. Every item
on this form must be completed prior to submission to A2C2 for the proposal to be considered for approval. The department
proposing a new program must include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet and the New and Revised Course and Program
Approval Form with department’s and dean’s signatures. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for
complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.
Date FEB 12, 2013
Title of Program: READING MINOR
This is a new:
______ Major
___X__ Minor
______ Concentration
______ Option
______ Other
Proposed Major/Minor Code: EDRD
Total Semester Hours in Program ___20___
Please provide all of the following information:
(Note: Other documentation may not substitute for this. All information must be on this form)
A. A statement of the major focus and objectives of the new program
This proposal is for a reading minor to be offered through the WSU Department of Education. The minor is
being created primarily to offer additional depth of preparation in deliver of quality literacy instruction for
teacher candidates enrolled in education majors related to literacy instruction, e.g. Early Childhood and
Elementary Education. While completion of the minor in itself would not provide additional licensing
endorsements, courses in the minor have been designed to lay the foundation for students wishing to seek the MN
Teacher of Reading License at some point in future studies.
B. New catalog copy
1. Provide a list of program content as it will appear in the catalog including required courses, electives, etc., by number and
name. Include the number and name for each prerequisite (and prerequisites of those prerequisites) which must be included
in the total credit hour calculations for the program. (note: a course may not be included in any program unless it has been
approved according to Regulation 3-4)
ENG 250 Grammar and Usage, 2 credits.
EDUC 221 Children’s Literature, 3 credits. Prerequisites: none
EDUC 328 Reading and Language Arts I, 3 credits. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education
EDUC 329 Reading and Language Arts II, 3 credits. Prerequisites: EDUC 328 Reading and Language Arts I
EDRD 450 Differentiated Reading Instruction, 3 credits. Prerequisites: EDUC 329 Reading and Language Arts II
EDRD 460 New Literacies and Literacy Engagement, 3 credits. Pre- or Co-requisite: EDRD 450 Differentiated Reading Instruction
EDRD 470 Data-based Improvement of Reading Programs, 3 credits. Prerequisite: EDRD 450 Differentiated Reading Instruction
Total credit hour calculation: 20 semester hrs.
2. For each required and elective course in the program, provide the course number, name, and catalog description
ENG 250 - English Grammar and Usage (2 S.H.)
This course introduces students to the basic concepts and elements of English grammar and usage. The primary
purpose is to develop students’ abilities to understand grammar from 321 - Children’s Literature (3 S.H.)
This course teaches students about children’s literature. Consideration will be given to locating and evaluating early
literacy, primary, and intermediate children’s books and to the method of organizing, teaching, and evaluating a
literature program at all age levels. Current issues and research will be examined. Grade only. Offered each
EDUC 221 - Children’s Literature (3 S.H.)
This course teaches students about children’s literature. Consideration will be given to locating and evaluating early
literacy, primary, and intermediate children’s books and to the method of organizing, teaching, and evaluating a
literature program at all age levels. Current issues
EDUC 328 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts I (3 S.H.)
The first of a two-course sequence in literacy methods examines the integration of reading, writing, listening,
speaking, and viewing competencies in a unified literacy curriculum for learners ages three to eight (PreKindergarten-3rd grade). Instructional emphasis is placed upon assessment, fluency, active construction of meaning,
and matching learner capabilities with appropriate instructional strategies. Prerequisites: EFRT 303 or EFRT 304 and
EFRT 310 or EFRT 311. Offered each semester.
EDUC 329 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts II (3 S.H.) The second of a two-course sequence in literacy
methods extends the examination of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing competencies by focusing on
learners ages nine to fourteen (grades 4-8). Emphasis is placed upon strategies for expanding purposes and genres,
integration of assessment and instruction, and teaching for self-regulation of comprehension, composing, and editing
strategies. Prerequisite: EDUC 328. Offered each semester.
EDRD 450/550 Differentiated Reading Instruction
This course examines the use of assessment data to plan differentiated reading instruction for a range of learners
with diverse cognitive, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. Emphasis is placed upon differentiation of instruction
within classrooms and collaboration with other professionals for the design of data-based interventions for struggling
readers, advanced readers and English language learners. Graduate project required if taken at graduate level. (3
cr.) Prerequisites: EDUC 328 & EDUC 329. Offered as needed.
EDRD 460/560 New Literacies and Literacy Engagement
This course helps teachers balance the strengths of traditional text-centric reading materials with the demands and
opportunities of increasingly diverse environments for interactive digital literacies. Special attention is given to
supporting authentic engagement through blending of multiple literacies, student-driven dialogue, analysis of authors’
intended meaning, and interrogation in text in light of multiple viewpoints. (3 cr.) Prerequisites: EDRD 450/550.
Offered as needed.
EDRD 470/570 Data-based Improvement of Reading Programs
This course has a focus on understanding collection, analysis, and interpretation of data as the driving force behind
continuous improvement of reading instruction in the classroom and school. Particular attention is paid to continuous
progress monitoring, responsive intervention, and collaboration among important stakeholders in the classroom,
building, district, and community. Graduate project required. (3 cr.) Prerequisites: EDRD 450/550. Offered as
3. Provide the catalog narrative describing the new program.
Reading Minor (20 S.H.)
The Reading Minor is designed primarily for teacher candidates in education majors (such as Early Childhood
and Elementary Education) who seek additional depth of preparation for delivering quality literacy instruction.
While completion of the minor in itself does not provide additional teacher licensing, courses in the minor have
been designed to lay the foundation for students wishing to seek a MN Teacher of Reading License in future
professional development. Note: Admission to Teacher Education is required prior to completion of courses in
the reading minor.
C. Impact of this program on other departments, programs, majors, and minors
1. Clearly state the impact of this new program on other departments, programs, minors, or majors.
2. It is the responsibility of the department submitting a new program proposal to send written notification to the department(s) or
program(s) affected. Attach letter(s) of understanding from any impacted department(s).
With the exception of ENG 250, all required courses for the minor are being offered through the EDUC department.
a. In consultation with the ENG department, it appears there are currently 3 sections of ENG 250 running each
semester at near capacity. The ENG department has expressed willingness to offer additional sections if financial
support from the College of Education can be obtained for hiring of an adjunct once or twice per year. The Dean
of the College of Education has indicated willingness to do so, assuming an agreement concerning distribution of
the generated tuition dollars can be arranged.
D. Attach to this proposal a completed
1. Financial and Staffing Data Sheet (see attached)
2. New and Revised Course and Program Approval Form for this course.
You will also need to fill out the MNSCU New Program Application and submit this directly to the VPAA.
This program will be implemented in the fall semester following completion of the approval process.
E. Department Contact Person for this Proposal:
Name (please print)
e-mail address
F. Review by Department A2C2 Representative
I have reviewed this proposal and certify that it is complete _______________________________________________________
Signature of A2C2 representative
Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program.
Course or Program: ___Reading Minor_
Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data.
Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be
taught by adjunct faculty, include a rationale.
Some shifting of faculty might be necessary to ensure that higher level courses are delivered by tenure track faculty;
however existing faculty lines should be sufficient to meet instructional needs in the Education Department.
What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of
sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc.
Students already admitted to teacher education are the primary target of the Reading Minor. Three of the seven required
courses in the minor are already offered five times per year as requirements in the Early Childhood and Elementary
Education programs. No impact on those offerings is anticipated.
What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support
expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc.
Staffing cost would be paid for by the typical means of generated tuition dollars. Expenditures for office supplies,
equipment, and instructional resources should be minimal given that none of the newly added courses would require
monies for special equipment or recurring monies for materials beyond normal practice. Since the EDUC 470 / 570
course incorporates student use of current reading assessment instruments, there might be a need for one time start up
funds for purchasing of current assessment instruments.
a. Anticipation expenditure for office support staff
b. Anticipation expenditure for office equipment
c. Anticipation expenditure for office supplies
d. Anticipation expenditure for instructional resources (rdg assessments, etc.)
e. Miscellaneous expenditures
$ 50
Anticipated TOTAL
Attachment (C2)
Support for EDRD Minor from ENG department and agreement for COE subsidized funding if needed.
From: <Sherman>, Janice <JSherman@winona.edu>
Date: Friday, February 8, 2013 8:12 PM
To: R Winters
Subject: RE: EDUC 330 and proposal for new minor
How many sections a year or semester are we talking about? If we are talking one section per year or semester, I don’t see a
problem with funding it with an adjunct instructor for 2 credits.
From: Winters, Roderick E Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 5:04 PM
To: Sherman, Janice
Subject: FW: EDUC 330
and proposal for new minor
JanAs you'll see in the email from Ethan Krase (below), ENG 250 Grammar is currently running at near capacity in the English
department. We had wanted our students to take the course ( 2 credits) as part of the reading minor. Ethan is asking about
possibility of Education "helping out" with possible funding to add a section with an adjunct. We really want our students to
take the course; however, we would still have 21 credits in the minor even if we didn't require the course. Would you like me
to delete the course from the minor as I complete the paperwork to submit to A2C2 this week?
From: <Krase>, Ethan <EKrase@winona.edu>
Date: Friday, February 8, 2013 3:36 PM
To: R Winters
Cc: "Larsen, Ditlev" <DLarsen@winona.edu>
Subject: Re: EDUC 330 and proposal for new minor
Hi Rod,
Thanks so much for keeping us informed regarding Ed.330. We certainly appreciate the work you do with our students.
The new minor sounds like a good one, and we're certainly in support. Yet, we may well have an issue meeting the increased
demand on E.250. Presently, we offer three sections each year and all are full (or, in some cases, over-enrolled). If the minor
gains popularity, we'd perhaps need to add a section of E.250. Do you know if there's any possibility of Education helping out
with the funding? Most likely, I'd be looking for an adjunct who could cover a lower-level course (or perhaps a Gen.Ed.) so
that I could slide one of the faculty members who teaches E.250 into an extra section of that course.
I'm currently at a conference in Texas. I'll be back on Monday and have access to all my enrollment data. This may help to
further contextualize the conversation.
Hope all is well with you.