Cuesta College Pre-Employment Orientation Quiz

Cuesta College Pre-Employment Orientation Quiz
1. A. You are a student taking 12 units and working part-time on campus. You are not in a Federal Work Study
or Cal Works program. Is there a limit to how many days you are able to work during the year?
(select one)
B. If so, how many days?
2. Overtime must be pre-approved by your supervisor. Overtime is:
A. General campus hours: More than
hours per day and
B. Summer campus hours: More than
hours per day and
hours per week
hours per week
3. What happens if you are not in Federal Work Study or Cal Works and you work over 1,000 hours in a fiscal
(select one)
4. True or False: You are required to take a 15 minute break if you work four hours in a row.
(select one)
5. What information can you find on the myCuesta portal, from the Banner Self-Service link?
6. What department collects time cards at the end of each month?
Hint: This department also has Direct Deposit forms and completes employment verifications.
7. You were scheduled to work through the end of the school year; however you found your dream job
somewhere else and need to start as soon as possible. It is best to let your supervisor know you will be
leaving your job at least
weeks before your last day.
8. True or False: The department you work in may ask you to adhere to a department-specific dress code.
(select one)
9. The following web sites are okay to access on Cuesta College district computers during work hours
(select one)
10. If you are hurt while working, who do you call to report the incident?