Practice, Learn and Improve

WorkSource Oregon
Online Learning Resources for Oregon’s National Career Readiness Certificate
Reading for Information Applied Mathematics  Locating Information
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Practice, Learn and Improve
Practice and give yourself the chance to
perform your best. The more you practice,
the easier it becomes. We learn best
through practice and repetition.
Reading for Information Applied Mathematics  Locating Information
LearningExpress Library accessed through Oregon CIS ( includes WorkKeys®
Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information Practice Tests 1 and 2; a web-based
learning website that provides access to a collection of test preparation tools, skill-building materials, and career
resources. LearningExpress Library has practice tests that will familiarize you with the content, format, and
timing of WorkKeys® assessments and includes detailed answer explanations and instant scoring.
To access LearningExpress Library
1. Log into Oregon Career Information System (CIS) ( with your personal
username and password.
2. If you do not have a username and password, ask your local WorkSource Oregon Center staff for assistance.
3. Log into Oregon CIS, go to “My Portfolio”, and click “What other tools can I personalize?” and then “College
Admissions and Career Practice Tests & Guides”
4. The transition page to LearningExpress Library will appear, click “continue”.
5. From the “Welcome” page, go to “All Centers”, select “Career Center”, then” Resources” and select
“Prepare for the WorkKeys® Assessments and TOEIC®”.
6. Click “Prepare for WorkKeys® Assessments” then select the assessment you wish to practice.
Core Skills Mastery ( a free web-based adaptive course. CSM integrates math,
literacy, and problem solving. The system also encourages users to think about their own learning patterns and
progressively use their resources to make better learning decisions.
OPB PBS LearningMedia ( to access these Oregon Public Broadcasting
resources you must create a free student account.
 Reading for Information (
This collection of resources helps learners understand and apply what they have read. Workplace
communications, including company policies, procedures, and announcements, often contain important
information or instructions for employees.
 Locating Information (
This collection of resources helps learners locate information in commonly used graphics.
 Applied Mathematics (
Register receipts, spreadsheets, budgets, and the company’s bottom line are just a few of the instances
in which employees are required to use some math knowledge. This section covers the ability to apply
mathematical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving techniques to work-related problems.
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics Formula Sheet ( ( and GCFAprendeLibre (
Math Basics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, timetables, and percent. Their basic
math tutorials and learning interactive make learning math easier, and allow you to practice basic math
skills at your own level and pace.
Khan Academy ( A library of videos to help you learn what you want, when you
want, at your own pace. Go to the Math section and select applied math.
Applied Math Questions ( from A+ Click The applied math
problems become more difficult as you go down the page. This site offers math and logic problems to
develop logical reasoning and creative thinking. Practice makes perfect!
Virtual Career Network ( - Math Refresher. To help workers transition into Healthcare and
Green Economy careers and other high growth industry sectors. Refresher courses are under the Career
Tools tab and include Math Refresher, Computer Skills for the Workplace and Grammar Refresher are
offered within either the Healthcare or the Green sections.
Reading for Information
Reading Tutor GradAtions® (
User's Guide (
Web based reading comprehension tutor designed for adults. It helps individuals to improve their reading
comprehension while they are reading materials related to a new career in healthcare. You must create a
username and password to log into this resource.
Reading & Annotating Texts part of University of Delaware Roadway to Success Workshops Free online
workshops include goal setting, time management, note-taking, reading texts, studying strategies, and test
taking. (
Active Reading: Comprehension and Rate Video from Dartmouth College Academic Skills Center
( Learn techniques and strategies for improving academic
learning. These four videotapes guide college and university students in getting the most out of their
academic experience.
Improving Reading Comprehension Study Skills Workshops Virginia Tech. Cook Counseling Center provides
in depth information on different topics that will improve several crucial aspects of academic strategy and
knowledge. These Online Study Skills Workshops gives students the tools they need to study and test
better. (
The Study Zone ( University of Victoria's English Language Centre Englishlanguage lessons and practice exercises are created by teachers at the ELC. Designed to support their adult
English-language learners, all are welcome to read the lessons and use the exercises. Grammar Index Level
200 — Upper Beginner - These are the topics available for level 200. Grammar Reading Vocabulary
DISCLAIMER: WorkSource Oregon does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of the materials provided by other websites or
organizations, nor does WorkSource Oregon endorse other sites or organizations, their views, products or services.
WorkSource Oregon is an equal opportunity program/employer. The following services are available free of cost
upon request: Auxiliary aids or services and alternate formats to individuals with disabilities and language assistance
to individuals with limited English proficiency. To request these services contact your nearest WorkSource Oregon
Updated May 5, 2014