AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATION “NAZARBAYEV UNIVERSITY” CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR PROGRESSION OF CENTER FOR PREPARATORY STUDIES GRADUATES TO UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOLS OF THE AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATION “NAZARBAYEV UNIVERSITY” ____________________________________________________________________ Approved by the resolution of the Academic Council of the autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev University” Minutes #__ of __________ 201_ 1. General statements 1. The following are the criteria and procedures for progression of graduates from the Center for Preparatory Studies (“CPS”) to undergraduate Schools of the autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev University” (“NU”). 2. The following abbreviations and terms are used in the present document: ARM Academic Research and Methods EAP English for Academic Purposes Conditional Admission Conditional Students Core Subject Modules CPS graduate Double Conditional First choice School/program CGPA Students who do not meet the usual admissions criteria of the Schools may be admitted subject to specific conditions, such as successfully completing a remedial English during the first semester or maintaining a minimum grade point average. Conditional students are those students admitted to undergraduate programs on a conditional basis. Main subject module in CPS selected by student among three options: Physics/Mathematics, Chemistry/Biology, Economics/International Relations Those who have completed the University Preparatory Certificate Program in the Center for Preparatory Studies Students admitted who have not achieved the required EAP score nor the required subject score. School/program indicated first when selecting School/program Cumulative grade point average, computed by multiplying the numerical grade received by number of credits for each class, divided by the total number of credit hours studied Overall Score An average of all final scores in all subjects Second Choice School/program School/program indicated second when selecting School/program Tutor A teacher on a subject module in CPS who conducts one-on-one sessions with students on various lectures, practical workshops and seminars, consults on specific subject and supervises subject coursework and projects 2. Admission of students who have completed studies in the Centre for Preparatory Studies 3. CPS graduates who satisfy the requirements for non-conditional admission as described herein are automatically eligible for admission to undergraduate programs at NU subject to the availability of space in each program. Additional admission decisions are made within each NU School by an Admissions Committee of faculty within that School (“Admissions Committee”) and/or by the Dean of the relevant School. 4. Students who do not meet a minimum score of 30 on subject scores will not be considered for admission. Exemptions to this may take place only in the Math/Physics stream if the Math score is above 70. 5. Decisions concerning the admission of students on a conditional basis will be reached in accordance with the rules and procedures described below. Documentation of conditional admission decisions should be sent with the decision to the Office of the Registrar for processing. 3. School of Engineering 6. CPS graduates achieving all of the following scores will be accepted into the School without condition: Core Subject Modules Mathematics Physics EAP S&S Overall Score 70% 70% 60% 60% 65% 7. Those CPS graduates who achieve an overall mark of at least 60% (or in exceptional cases if the overall score is between 58-59%) and subject marks of better than 50% but less than the marks specified above will also be considered for entry at the discretion of the Dean, with the final decision based on the Student Profiles prepared by the CPS. 8. Tutor reports may be used in the decision-making process when they demonstrate a history during their preparatory year of that a student: a. has been consistently absent from class; b. has had a history of plagiarism and/or cheating and/or c. has a continual behavioral problem that affects his/her ability to act as a serious student in undergraduate work or affects the work of other students or instructor. 9. In the event there are more CPS graduates who are eligible for unconditional admission to the School of Engineering than there are spaces available, the Admissions Committee will decide which students are offered admission, giving preference to those students who have identified the School of Engineering as their first choice for enrollment. 4. School of Science and Technology 10. CPS graduates achieving all of the following scores will be accepted into the School of Science and Technology without condition: Core Subject Module Physics Mathematics Score 60% 60% Chemistry Biology 60% 60% International Relations Economics 60% 60% EAP Science and Society/Academic Research Methods 60% 50% OR OR AND 11. CPS graduates who score between 50 and 59 in core subject modules may be admitted on a conditional basis (“GPA conditional students”). GPA conditional students will be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA during their first semester. A GPA conditional student who fails to do so will be subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President. 12. CPS graduates student receiving an EAP score below 60% may be admitted to the School of Science and Technology on a conditional basis (“EAP conditional student”) by decision of the Dean or other designated School official. An EAP conditional student will be required to take an additional English class during the Fall semester, and to re-take the EAP exam at the end of the semester. If the student fails to achieve a score higher than 60% for the second time/repeatedly he or she is subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President. 13. CPS graduates may be admitted to the School of Science and Technology as “double conditional students” if the conditions described in both paragraphs 11 and 12, above, apply. A “double conditional” student must satisfy both of the requirements described in paragraph 11 and 12 above, or else he or she is subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President. 14. Tutor reports may be used in the decision-making process when they demonstrate a history during their preparatory year of that a student: a. has been consistently absent from class; b. has had a history of plagiarism and/or cheating and/or c. has a continual behavioral problem that affects his/her ability to act as a serious student in undergraduate work or affects the work of other students or instructor. 15. In the event there are more CPS graduates who are eligible for unconditional admission to the School of Science and Technology than there are spaces available, the Admissions Committee will decide which students are offered admission, giving preference to those students who have identified the School of Science and Technology as their first choice for enrollment. 5. School of Humanities and Social Sciences 16. CPS graduates achieving all of the following scores will be accepted into the School of Humanities and Social Sciences without condition: OR Core Subject Module Physics Mathematics Score 60% 60% OR Chemistry Biology 60% 60% International Relations Economics 60% 60% AND EAP 60% Science and Society/Academic 50% Research Methods 17. CPS graduates who score below 60 in core subject modules may be admitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences on a conditional basis (“GPA conditional students”). A GPA conditional student will be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA during their first semester. A GPA conditional student who fails to do so will be subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President. No student with any core subject module score below 40% will be admitted to SHSS. 18. CPS graduates scoring below 60% on the EAP exam may be admitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences on a conditional basis (“EAP conditional student) by special permission of the Dean or other designated School official. Under normal circumstances SHSS will not admit EAP conditional students. An EAP conditional student will be required to take an additional English class during the Fall semester, and to re-take the EAP exam at the end of the semester. If the student fails to achieve a score higher than 60% for the second time/repeatedly he or she is subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President. 19. A CPS graduate may be admitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences as a “double conditional student” if the conditions described in both paragraphs 17 and 18, above apply. A double conditional student must satisfy both of the requirements described in paragraphs 17 and 18 above, or else he or she is subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President. 20. Tutor reports may be used in the decision-making process when they demonstrate a history during their preparatory year of that a student: a. has been consistently absent from class; b. has had a history of plagiarism and/or cheating and/or c. has a continual behavioral problem that affects his/her ability to act as a serious student in undergraduate work or affects the work of other students or instructor. 21. In the event there are more CPS graduates who are eligible for unconditional admission to the School of Humanity and Social Sciences than there are spaces available, the Admissions Committee will decide which students are offered admission, giving preference to those students who have identified the School of Humanities and Social Sciences as their first choice for enrollment. 6. Choice of the School and program 22. Students will be notified by email when their final marks from CPS are received. The email will explain what the steps and procedures are to make their final decisions for their first and second choice programs. Once the decisions are made by students, lists will be generated by the Office of the Registrar with all pertinent information for the Admission committees within each School. Student profiles completed by CPS will be sent to each School for additional input into the decision. 23. CPS graduates with the highest relevant core subject module scores will be given preference for admission to their first choice program. 24. As the number of places in the Schools is limited, there is no guarantee that every CPS graduate who meets the minimum criteria for admission will be accepted to the School of his/her first choice. If a CPS graduate’s first choice is not available, the University will make every effort to ensure that the CPS graduate’s second choice is accommodated. 25. Successful CPS graduates progress to their Undergraduate School for the Fall semester of the University Academic Year 2015-2016. 26. Admission of CPS graduates to undergraduate programs in the Schools of NU is carried out by the Order of the Provost of the University on the basis of the recommendations of the Admission Committees and/or the Deans of the undergraduate Schools.