30 June 2012 DCH National Meeting – Trades & Labour Club Sheffield Approx 40 people present – from Leeds, Sheffield, Harlow, Southwark, Lambeth, Tower Hamlets, Birmingham, Broxtowe, Scottish Unison, Bolsover, NE Derbyshire, North West Chair : Eileen Short 1. Intro: DCH is a bottom up, tenant led organisation, with affiliations from key Trade Unions. All organising is open to anyone; there is a national committee. Housing is a top political issue currently and Govt policies are savaging council and private tenants. So far response has been slow and Labour Party is not far behind Govt in terms of their support for privatisation. Some good campaigns on the go e.g. demands that Local Authorities do not use the fixed term tenancies; do not evict people not able to pay market rents; campaign set up by Occupy movement – Housing for the 99%; in Norwich and Cambridge a campaign involving both council and private tenants. So, how does DCH operate within the bigger picture? TUs are discussing marches. The worst issues affecting people are – capping of HB, self financing that provides inadequate funding and pursues debt, large rent rises, proposals for demolition where major repairs are going to be too costly. 2. Local reports: Leeds – rents will go up 25% over 4 years; the impact of the Welfare Reform Bill means that the council will lose millions in rent. Council knows that it will only be able to manage day to day repairs – no capital work. Where they had been helping tenants to ‘down size’ voluntarily, this has now stopped. Sheffield – Massive debt so can only maintain stock; no new build. Only positive result recently is that the ALMO has gone back to direct mgt by the council. Debt is a fallacy. Original money borrowed to build housing has been paid back years ago. In 1970s and 1980s, money was borrowed off Govt but was not spent on housing. Re. Right to Buy – DCH take the line that every house to be replaced like for like or better, but NOT at market rents. Southwark – Massive debt; massive cut in Govt funding. Rents have gone up by 8%. Still paying off debt for housing that is now being demolished. Should bring contractors back in-house. Harlow council has taken on £210m HRA debt. No guarantee it can be paid. Housing minister Grant Shapps has written to local paper promoting RTB. His assertion that RTB will not diminish stock as each house will be replaced, is nonsense when there are going to be 75% discounts. At GMB conference, was stated that few councils (Cambridge, Ipswich, Slough, Bournemouth) planning to build council housing under self-financing NE Derbyshire - £194m debt; if only had to pay the interest, would mean there could be new house-building. Question – if there could be some sort of ALMO, that would mean the debt could be avoided but stock still retained by council? No, not possible as if stock owned by council is still a debt, if stock not owned by council, then it is not council, public housing. North West – The Govt plan is to replace council housing; is all part of the globalisation, privatisation agenda. Universal Credit is going to have negative impact on councils who retain their stock. Skelmersdale is one of very few LAs to have council housing. There is lack of accountability in Housing Assoc. Cuts to small grants that LAs give out to local groups mean that many groups are folding. Tenants are struggling to make voices heard. Scotland – Right to Buy for new council housing is finished. Scottish Govt has a policy ‘Firm Foundations’ around housing issues. However rents up, but there is a bit of new build. Also ‘Buy Backs’ of some council houses. Leeds – some criminal activity around groups getting tenants to sign contracts to take over the house and then renting it back off new owners?? Harlow – private l/lords buying property to make into HMOs to house East Europeans. Need to fight back, need to use the power of the trade unions. ES – good if we could get some useful information about progressive elements of Scottish policies. PB – Cameron has absolutely U-turned on pre election promises – not to touch secure tenancies, attacking under -25s, implying that people do not have a right to a home. We need to get a ‘Coalition of Interest’ on why we should have a home of our own. Need petitions, Early Day Motions etc. Leeds –there is a split in local Labour Party – one section wants to bring the ALMOs back in house; the Chair, though, does not intend to implement. 3. Speaker – Joan Miller – Climate Change – Campaign for 1million climate jobs, backed by 4 major TUs. Jonathan Neale, Marxist analysis; should be state led intervention. Could be 200,000 jobs in built environment; concentrate on insulation of properties; would stimulate economy; residents would have lower energy bills; Unison has written a document called the New Green Team which contains numerous examples of good practice such as Wrexham. Birmingham made particularly good use of the funds available through CERT; UCU keen on training people in Green Technology/Alternative energy sources. Need to revive manufacturing capacity in UK Some discussion about District Heating – pros and cons of some current systems. 4. ALMOs – Paul Burnham – DCH position has always been that ALMOs are a 2 step process to privatisation. Many LAs used ALMOs as a means to access funding for Decent Homes. Now that this advantage has gone, no point to ALMOs. This Govt is keen that ALMOs go on to become Housing Associations. Current position is that 50 ALMOs manage about 40% of council housing stock.11 ALMOs recently closed - 6 have gone to HAs. We should campaign to get all remaining ALMOs back in-house. Look at options appraisals. Newest idea being floated is of CO – Cos- Durham and Gloucester looking at this model. Nat Fed of ALMOs is keen to get out of public sector. Leeds – their ALMOs – recently a Freedom of Info request about viewing the balance sheet of ALMOs was refused. Believe there is an expensive pension scheme being funded out of HRA allocation Sheffield – campaign was run on 3 main advantages of in-house mgt – accountability, cost, anti- privatisation. Campaigners lobbied consultation events, meetings, fly posted estates, did letters to local papers, talks on local radio, demos outside Town Hall etc. Also helped that the Council’s preference was for the in-house option. Some tenants sceptical of council motives; needed to emphasise that we were defending the principle of public sector services across the board; had to be careful with GMB/Unison workers that we were not advocating redundancies. Stock is to come back in-house a year earlier than end of contract – so in April 2013 5. Speakers from S. Yorks Migration & Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) – Robert Spooner from ASSIST spoke of campaign for ‘Decent Housing for All’. Sheffield CC has lost the contract for housing asylum seekers, now taken over by G4S – biggest security firm in world – who won contract. Will end up housing asylum seekers far from support networks – schools, friends, doctors and in poorly maintained, unregulated cheap accommodation. G4S have shocking record – manslaughter charges, numerous serious complaints. Danger that as G4S already run many services – prisons, police – they could get into business of social housing as well. United Property Mgt – a sub contractor of G4S has been thrown off the contract after local campaign. There needs to be public resistance to slum private sector housing. Called for support for Jeremy Corbyn’s EDM 182. Former Labour Minister, John Reid, has a position on board of G4S. Comments – need to develop arguments to put to council tenants showing that asylum seekers are victims of Govt housing policy too. Would help if ASSIST can produce a leaflet 6. Housing Emergency Campaign - the Govt is waging all out war – see all previously noted policies – fixed term tenancies, HB capped, HAs can put up to 10% of existing stock to 80% market rents, homeless figures rising. Councils should be developing strategies based on NEED Best way to build movement is to link up with all other anti-privatisation fight backs in the defence and promotion of good public sector services. Unite have their newly launched Community Membership branch - the unemployed have time and ability to help with campaigns Cannot rely on councils – need to involve tenants and residents Need to put pressure on unions to finance campaigns. 7. Campaigns Link up with Occupy Housing Group Make sure that UNITE and UNISON follow up on their conference pledges of funding/ backing 20 October TUC demo – ‘A Future that Works’ – need to get thousands of tenants on streets to show the Govt how wrong their policies are. Would like to have tenants and housing campaigners in a Housing Bloc on march. Maybe issue numbered tickets, when we are encouraging people to come on the march, to ensure commitment to date. Yes, need to mobilise for 20 October but must have something planned for after that. Other dates are – 9-12 Sept TUC conference in Brighton; 30 Sept – 4 Oct Labour Party Conference in Manchester – DCH have a meeting on Tuesday 2nd 6pm Friends House; Lib Dem Conf in B/ham 22 September; Conservative Conference October Dates to be confirmed Next DCH national meeting - November