BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN PSYCHOLOGY Catalog Year: 2015 Name: KSU ID#: Catalog Year: GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Req’d Hours 42 Earned Hours 3 ENGL 1102 (Must earn ‘C’ or better) 3 MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1112, MATH 1113, or MATH 1190 Choice: 3 Req’d Hours 36 Must earn a “C” or better in all courses in this area. Must earn a “C” or better for prerequisites to be satisfied. Complete one course from each of the five areas and one capstone course. At least 21 of the 36 required hours in this section must be completed at KSU. At least 39 upper-level hours are required to graduate. Lower-level courses substituted for upper-level courses may not count toward the 39 hours. A maximum of 6 hours of PSYC 4400 can be used in this section. PSYC 3301 Experimental Design and Analysis Area B: Institutional Option 4 Prereq: PSYC 2300 ANTH 2105, CRJU 2105, GEOG 2105, PSYC 2105, SOCI 2105, or STS 2105 Choice: Developmental Area Prereq: PSYC 1101 PSYC 3205 Child Development PSYC 3305 Life-Span Developmental Psychology PSYC 3315 Infant Development PSYC 3505 Psychology of Emerging Adulthood PSYC 4130 Psychology of Aging Choice: 2 PSYC majors should not take PSYC 2105. AADS 1102, AMST 1102, ASIA 1102, COM 1100, GWST 1102, LALS 1102, PAX 1102, PHIL 2200, POLS 2401, RELS 1102, or any foreign language ≥ 1002 Choice: 3 3 Area C: Humanities / Fine Arts Diversity and Multicultural Area Prereq: PSYC 1101 PSYC 3355 Cross-Cultural Psychology PSYC 3385 Ethnic Minority Psychology PSYC 3395 Psychology of Prejudice and Privilege PSYC 3401 Psychology of Diversity PSYC 3425 Psychology of Gender PSYC 4000 International Psychology Choice: 3 ENGL 2110, ENGL 2111, ENGL 2112, ENGL 2120, ENGL 2121, ENGL 2122, ENGL 2130, ENGL 2131, ENGL 2132, or ENGL 2300 Choice: 3 ART 1107, DANC 1107, MUSI 1107, or TPS 1107 Choice: 3 Area D: Science, Mathematics, and Technology MATH 1107 Personality and Social Area Prereq: PSYC 2300 PSYC 3325 Social Psychology PSYC 3335 Theories of Personality Choice: 3 3 SCI 1101, GEOG 1112, GEOG 1113, CHEM 1151&L, CHEM 1211&L, PHYS 1111&L, PHYS 2211&L, or BIOL 1107&L Choice: SCI 1102, GEOG 1112, GEOG 1113, CHEM 1152&L, CHEM 1212&L, PHYS 1112&L, PHYS 2212&L, or BIOL 1108&L Choice: Biological Bases Area Prereq: PSYC 2300 PSYC 4410 Physiological Psychology PSYC 4415 Perception Choice: 4 4 3 Learning and Cognition Area Prereq: PSYC 3301 PSYC 4345 Learning and Behavior PSYC 4455 Cognitive Psychology Choice: 4 Senior Capstone Experience * PSYC 4499 Senior Seminar in Psychology PSYC 4445 History and Systems of Psychology PSYC 3398 Internship in Psychology Choice: 3 PSYC majors must complete MATH 1107 in Area D. Area E: Social Sciences POLS 1101 3 HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 Choice: 3 HIST 1100, HIST 1111, or HIST 1112 Choice: 3 ECON 1100 or ECON 2100 Choice: 3 INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT * WELL 1000 Earned Hours Area A: Essential Skills ENGL 1101 (Must earn ‘C’ or better) UPPER DIVISION MAJOR FIELD REQUIREMENTS Req’d Hours 3 Earned Hours 3 * Prereq: PSYC 3301; submission of an application before registration; and one course from each of the five areas. One of the five area courses may be completed concurrently. * Students must take the ETS Major Field Test as part of the Capstone Experience. * PSYC 4400 or HON 4498 may substitute. See an advisor. Psychology Electives 3000-4000 level courses in PSYC Choices: 12 * First-year seminar may be required. See notes below. LOWER DIVISION MAJOR FIELD REQUIREMENTS Req’d Hours 18 Must earn a “C” or better in all courses in this area. Must earn a “C” or better for prerequisites to be satisfied. PSYC 1101 Introduction to General Psychology 3 PSYC 2210 Careers in Psychology 3 Earned Hours ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Related Studies * 3000-4000 level courses outside of PSYC Choices: Req’d Hours 24 Earned Hours 12 Prereq: PSYC 1101 and a psychology major PSYC 2300 Research Methods and Statistics 4 Prereq: ENGL 1101; MATH 1101, 1111, 1112, or 1113; and PSYC 2210 (PSYC 2210 may be taken concurrently.) Any 1000-2000 level courses in MATH, BIOL, CHEM, & PHYS Choices: Any 1000-2000 level course(s) in the university curriculum Choice(s): 6 * Courses applied towards a minor: 1) typically appear here or in Free Electives, 2) cannot also be applied towards General Education requirements, and 3) must consist of ≥ 12 credit hours that are not applied towards the major. Free Electives Any courses in the university curriculum Choices: 12 2 May be one 2-hour course, one 3-hour course, or two 1-hour courses. NOTES: First-year full-time students with <15 earned hours must complete a first-year seminar or learning community in their first term. A minimum 2.0 AGPA and 123 hours must be earned to graduate. Courses retaken to raise a grade count once toward graduation. CPC and Developmental Studies hours do not count toward graduation. At least 30 hours total (60 for honors), and at least 20 of the last 30 hours, must be completed at KSU. Students should frequently consult Degree Works to monitor degree progress. Final decisions regarding completion of requirements always rest with the Registrar. Last Modified: 1/20/2016 by DTR