DNA/RNA Modeling Activity

DNA Modeling Activity
Student: _______________________________________ Class:__________________ Date:
Using what you have learned about the structure of DNA you and your partner will construct a model of
DNA using the materials found in your DNA model bag. It is up to you how you use the materials to
make the model, but it must be accurate and you should be able to justify your choices. After
completing the activity you will each complete this guide on your own.
1) Remove the materials from your bag and spread them on your table.
2) With your partner decide which of the materials will best represent the phosphate groups,
deoxyribose molecules, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, and how they bond to one another.
3) One partner will build the first side of the DNA molecule. It should represent the DNA sequence
4) The second partner will build the complementary DNA strand.
5) Complete the following portions of this guide on your own without sharing with your partner.
Draw a diagram of your DNA molecule and label each of the parts. Use colored pencils to represent the
different materials you used. (ex. Color green pipe cleaners green)
Draw and label your DNA model here:
Answer the following questions:
How does your model show the correct pairing of
the nitrogenous bases?
Which molecules attach to the deoxyribose?
Is DNA single stranded or double stranded?
Describe the shape of the DNA molecule.
What is the complementary strand for TACGAT?
What would the sequence of the complementary
strand be if the first strand sequence was
What is the function of DNA?
RNA Modeling Activity
Student: _______________________________________ Class:__________________ Date:
Using what you have learned about the structure of RNA you and your partner will construct a model of
RNA using the materials found in your RNA model bag. It is up to you how you use the materials to
make the model, but it must be accurate and you should be able to justify your choices. After
completing the activity you will each complete this guide on your own. You will also need your DNA
model to refer to when completing this guide.
1) Remove the materials from your bag and spread them on your table.
2) With your partner decide which of the materials will best represent the phosphate groups, ribose
molecules, adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine, and how they bond to one another.
3) One partner will build the top half of the RNA molecule and the other will complete the bottom
half. Your RNA molecule will represent the mRNA sequence AUGCUA
4) You will need your DNA model from the first activity to make a comparison. Repair or rebuild it if
5) Complete the following portions of this guide on your own without sharing with your partner.
Draw a diagram of your RNA molecule and label each of the parts. Use colored pencils to represent the
different materials you used. (ex. Color green pipe cleaners green)
Draw and label your RNA model here:
Complete the following:
Compare your DNA and RNA models using this TChart.
Ex. Cytosine
What is different about the sugar molecules between
DNA and RNA?
If DNA is described as a ladder, how would you
describe RNA?
What is the function of RNA?