Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth Supporting Information for Seismicity and shallow slab geometry in the central Vanuatu subduction zone C. Baillard1, W.C. Crawford1, V. Ballu2, M. Régnier3, B. Pelletier4, E. Garaebiti5 1Université Paris Diderot – PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, UMR CNRS 7154, Paris, France, 2Université de La Rochelle - Littoral, Environnement et Sociétés (LIENSs), UMR CNRS 7266, La Rochelle, France, 3Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Géoazur, UMR CNRS 6526, IRD, Valbonne, France, 4Institut pour la Recherche et le Développement (IRD), Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie, 5Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department, Port Vila, Vanuatu Contents of this file Text S1 to S3 Figures S1 to S6 Tables S1 to S2 Introduction This supporting information includes texts explaining the methodology used to 1) test the sensibility of our velocity model, 2) assess the spatial errors of our locations (bootstrap method) and 3), relocate our events and assess relocated spatial errors. Figures are provided to: Support the methodology section. They provide information about the stability test and the bootstrap method. Show the concepts used to compare cluster orientations with composite focal mechanisms. Show the time evolution of events within the main clusters. Provide details about historical seismicity along the Vanuatu arc. Tables give details about the focal mechanisms computed and shown on Figure 9 of the article. 1 Text S1. The following text describes the velocity stability test we used. The test consists of inputting the final velocity model and randomly shifted hypocenter positions into the joint inversion for hypocenters and the velocity model. If the original hypocenters are recovered, we consider the velocity model to be stable. We randomly shifted 285 “high-quality” hypocenters calculated using the final velocity model by 5-10 km. The original hypocenter positions are recovered to within ~0.2 km (Figure S1), indicating that the velocity model is stable. Text S2. The following text describes the principle of the bootstrap method used to assess spatial errors in our catalog. The HYPOCENTER software provides error estimates that are calculated using assumptions of linearity that may be invalid for the velocity model and/or the network/earthquake geometry. We use a “bootstrap” method [e.g., Billings et al., 1994] to separately quantify the influence of picking errors and network geometry on the location error. This method makes no linearizing assumptions, is easy to implement and gives a direct and comprehensible overview of location errors. It also allows us to introduce a different estimate of picking P- and S- wave picking errors for each station of the network. First, we define a set of synthetic hypocenters in the vicinity of the network and compute theoretical travel times from these hypocenters to a set of stations in the network. We then perturb these travel times at each station using a random Gaussian distribution centered at zero and with a standard deviation equal to the picking uncertainty at that station. Finally, we use the "perturbed" travel times to calculate the hypocenter. We repeat the last two steps many times to obtain a “cloud” of hypocenters that statistically images hypocenter location error. We defined a set of 225 synthetic hypocenters near and under the network, with a horizontal spacing of 50 km and vertical spacing of 30 km starting at 10 km depth. To reflect the most common picking conditions, we only use 10 onshore stations (Figure S2a). The Gaussian perturbation applied to theoretical travel times is based on the standard deviation of our automatic picks with respect to a subset of manual picks: 0.1 s for P-picks and 0.2 s for S-picks [Baillard et al., 2014]. We repeat the perturbation-inversion process 300 times to generate sets large enough to image the location errors (Figure S2b-c). Hypocenters are well defined in the first 75 km beneath the network (errors < 10 km) but horizontal errors grow rapidly with depth (errors > 20 km for depths > 100 km). Vertical errors are also important outside the network, reaching 20 km at 40 km depth and 70 km away from the network. As is often stated (but rarely quantified), hypocenters located at a distance larger from the network than the network aperture (~ 100 km in our case) can not be used for proper interpretation due to their large spatial uncertainties. Text S3. The following text describes the relocation process and error estimate methodology. The first step in our double-difference relocation is the calculation of the time delays between waveforms, using cross-correlations. We computed cross-correlations between all events in the Total catalog (31,019 events), using a 3-second window for P-waves and an 8-second window for Swaves to establish the correlation value and the time delay (signals were bandpass filtered from 320Hz prior to cross-correlation). Only 15% of event pairs have correlations higher than 0.8. We next used HypoDD [Waldhauser, 2000] to relocate the paired events using their cross-correlation delays. We only relocate pairs that 1) show a correlation value > 0.8, 2) are observed on more than 2 2 stations and 3) have inter-event distance < 5 km. 1621 of the 9514 events in the Local catalog satisfy these criteria and 837 of them (in 118 clusters) could be relocated. The largest cluster contains 70 events. The relative error of events inside the clusters can be assessed using the bootstrap approach. This time we perturb the time differences by the cross-correlation measurement error, which is on the order of the sampling rate of the data, 10 ms in our case [Waldhauser, 2001]. We then relocate cluster events using the perturbed travel time differences. We repeat the perturbation/relocation steps 200 times. We applied this bootstrap approach to the 30 largest clusters, which contain 64 % of the relocated events. Spatial errors are obtained by taking the 95% error ellipses on relocated positions and by adding a systematic error of 40 m due to possible velocity variations inside a given cluster. For all clusters studied the relative spatial error is less than 240 meters, approximately 12 % of the average cluster size. 3 Figure S1. Illustration of the velocity model stability test. Grey dots represent the offset of 285 hypocenters from their initial positions after being randomly shifted by 5-10 km. Black dots show the offset after a joint inversion using the best velocity model. Mean values (m) and standard deviations (σ) are also indicated for each direction. 4 Figure S2. Bootstrap analysis of location errors. (a) Map view of the test configuration with synthetic hypocenters shown by orange dots (there are 9 hypocenters beneath each dot, equally spaced from 10 to 250 km depth). Triangles represent the stations. The perturbation/inversion process is applied 300 times, with applied perturbations following a Gaussian law with 0 mean and 0.1 (0.2) s standard deviations for P (S) travel times. (b) Cross-section along profile 1 using all stations. Red dots indicate hypocenters obtained, black ellipses indicate uncertainties estimated using HYPOCENTER’s linearizing assumption. (c) Same as b, but representing a more common case for this experiment were travel-times are only picked on 10 onshore stations (green triangles in a). 5 Figure S3. Comparison of focal mechanisms with cluster geometries. (a) Focal mechanism geometry and two nodal plane poles. (b) A cluster’s mean pole, calculated using the three points method. (c) The poles are compared using a polar diagram (φ and θ are respectively the azimuth and the colatitude of the poles), stars represent the focal mechanism poles and the thin white contour their error estimated using HASH [Hardebeck and Shearer, 2002]. The color-filled contours represent the probability density distribution of the cluster pole. The case shown here represents a good fit between the focal mechanism pole 1 and the cluster pole, indicating that the earthquakes are distributed on nodal plane 1. 6 Figure S4. Comparison of nodal poles and pole distribution using the three points method for clusters 1 and 7. These clusters have a linear shape (poles aligned in a circle around the cluster axis) and this distribution of poles intersects one of the focal mechanism poles, indicating that the earthquakes lie on its plane, which may be interpreted as the rupture plane. 7 Figure S5. Magnitude and time distribution of events in the 13 clusters with composite focal mechanisms. (a) Map view of the locations of clusters and their composite focal mechanisms. (b) Distribution of cluster events with time (x-axis). 8 Figure S6. Vanuatu region earthquakes having M > 7.5, since 1900 (ISC catalog). The lower panel shows the distribution of these earthquakes with time. 9 Date 2008-05-06T01:20:15.2 2008-05-06T21:18:52.8 2008-05-30T01:29:53.4 2008-07-07T09:41:27.1 2008-08-16T02:03:44.8 2008-08-16T22:49:11.2 2008-09-01T17:22:53.0 2008-09-07T11:30:08.0 2008-11-25T07:20:31.7 2009-01-15T18:45:58.1 ML Lon. (°E) Lat. (°N) 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.0 167.222 167.261 166.786 166.706 167.242 167.249 167.129 166.931 167.220 167.086 -15.928 -15.762 -15.730 -15.721 -15.724 -15.777 -15.807 -15.679 -15.714 -15.756 Depth (km) 23.7 28.0 35.0 29.9 35.0 30.1 22.8 23.4 25.0 22.6 Strike (N°) 149.9 271.6 267.5 275.7 344.3 322.8 116.2 215.3 301.9 297.5 Dip (°) 34.8 29.2 50.8 54.4 30.9 32.8 35.0 71.3 7.9 33.9 Rake (°) -105.6 28.7 -11.4 -7.3 84.1 60.9 40.7 -160.3 100.6 48.3 Table S1. Characteristics of the focal mechanisms shown in Figure 9 Clus. ID 1 3 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 Number of events 70 47 27 25 26 25 19 16 16 13 15 11 11 ML range Lon. (°E) Lat. (°N) 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.1 166.905 166.919 166.950 167.021 166.969 167.183 167.343 167.189 166.788 167.150 167.130 166.995 166.916 -15.177 -15.442 -15.247 -15.373 -15.224 -15.763 -15.620 -15.504 -15.672 -15.330 -15.677 -15.336 -15.256 - 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.1 2.5 3.0 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.6 2.7 Depth (km) 24.2 31.5 23.8 29.8 15.8 22.6 22.1 33.1 23.1 17.7 21.9 31.5 16.9 Strike (N°) 358.4 191.7 35.4 148.6 48.7 212.2 164.8 226.8 274.6 141.3 359.7 289.5 306.5 Dip (°) 45.6 45.0 52.7 40.4 33.6 68.6 48.0 31.0 43.1 51.4 76.3 12.3 18.4 Rake (°) 128.2 -103.6 137.4 -100.2 69.9 -172.1 -1.0 60.1 -3.3 -141.4 149.2 -45.9 157.5 Table S2. Characteristics of the composite focal mechanisms (associated to relocated clusters) shown in Figure 9. 10 References Baillard, C., W. C. Crawford, V. Ballu, C. Hibert, and A. Mangeney (2014), An automatic kurtosisbased P-and S-phase picker designed for local seismic networks, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 104(1), 394–409, doi:10.1785/0120120347. Billings, S., M. S. Sambridge, and B. L. N. Kennett (1994), Errors in hypocenter location: picking, model, and magnitude dependence, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 84(6), 1978–1990. Hardebeck, J. L., and P. M. Shearer (2002), A new method for determining first-motion focal mechanisms, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 92(6), 2264–2276, doi:10.1785/0120010200. Waldhauser, F. (2000), A Double-Difference Earthquake Location Algorithm: Method and Application to the Northern Hayward Fault, California, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 90(6), 1353– 1368, doi:10.1785/0120000006. Waldhauser, F. (2001), hypoDD - A Program to Compute Double-Difference Hypocenter Locations. 11