Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 2404: Lab Practical 1 Lab Safety Rules: Please read and sign. Chapter 1: Organization of the body Abdominal Carpal Acromial Digital Axillary Femoral Brachial Frontal Gluteal Mammary Mental Optic Identify and locate the following Heart Liver Lung Small Intestine Diaphram Large Intestine Medial/Lateral Superior/Inferior Chapter 3: Identify the Microscope parts Arm Body Base Coarse adjustment knob Identify the Cell Structure Cell membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm DNA/Chromatin Identify the stages of Cell Cycle Umbilical Vertebral Stomach Kidney Adrenal Glands Identify the abdominopelvic regions and quadrants Right Epigastric Left hypochondriac region hypochondriac region region Right lumber Umbilical Left lumber region region region Right illiac Hypogastric Left illiac region region region Directional Terms: Otic Pectoral Pedal Pubic/genital Right Upper Quadrant Right Lower Quadrant Proximal/Deep Superficial/Deep Fine Adjustment Knob Eyepiece Mitochondria Golgi Interphase Left Upper Quadrant Left lower Quadrant Objective lens (scan, low, high) Stage Rough Endoplasmic reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum Mitosis Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Chapter 4: Identify the tissues Epithelial Connective Simple squamous Loose (areolar) Simple cuboidal Hyaline Cartilage Simple columnar Blood Stratified squamous Bone Musclular Skeletal Cardiac Smooth Chapter 5: Integumentary Epidermis Sweat gland Dermis Sebaceous gland Hypodermis Nervous Neuron cell Neuroglia cell Hair root Hair Shaft Chapter 6: Identify parts of the bone section Epiphysis Diaphysis Epiphyseal Line Compact bone Spongy Bone Medullary Cavity Identify the bones in the Skeletal System Skull- Cranial Bones Sutures Skull- Facial Bones Frontal Bone Coronal Suture Maxillary bones Parietal Bone Sagittal Suture Palatine bone Occipital bone Lambdoidal Suture Zygomatic bones Foramen Magnum Temporal Bone Squamosal Suture Lacrimal Bone Mastoid process Sphenoid Bone Nasal Bone Ethmoid Bone Mandible Hyoid Bone Vertebrae Cervical Vertebrae (C1 to C7) Atlas (C1) Intervertebral disk Thoracic Vertebrae (T1 to T12) Axis (C2) Lumbar Vertebrae (L1 to L5) Sacrum (4-5 fused) Coccyx Costal (Ribs) - 12 pairs True ribs(7) Sternum Bone Pectoral Girdle Clavicle Upper limb: Manus (Hand) Humerus Carpals (8) Pelvic Girdle: Coxal Bone (hip bone) False ribs (5) Floating ribs (last 2 pairs) Scapula Glenoid cavity Radius Ulna Metacarpals (5) Phalanges (14) Illium Ishium Pubis Lower Limb: Foot: Femur Tarsals (7) Tibia Metatarsals (5) Fibula Phalanges (14)