QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT FINANCIAL YEAR: 2012-2013 REPORTING PERIOD: Q2 (Apr - June) Administrative Unit: Ministry of Works and Human Settlement. Division/Field Office/Regional Office :(if it is an independent budgeting entity): Department: DES Program Name and AWP Title:Capacity Building on Disaster and Climate Resilient Construction Contribution to National & International Goals & Targets Targets / Indicators 5 By 2012, national capacity for environmental sustainability and disaster management strengthened UNDAF Outcomes CT Outcomes Outcomes Indicators Baseline CT Outcomes 5.2.1: Capacity of national focal agencies, relevant sectors and disaster management authorities at all levels strengthened to implement disaster management framework 1. Number of engineers and local masons including men and women trained in Earthquake safe construction practices Engineers and local masons have limited knowledge and skills on safe construction practices CT Output 5.2.2: Preparedness and response systems to reduce risks, mitigate and cope with disasters/climate change operationalized 2. Number of Government officials including men and women trained in Disaster Risk Reduction 3. Gender sensitive preparedness and mitigation/adaptation measures/plans in place through gender analysis and consultation with women of the vulnerable communities Limited capacity of national authorities on safe construction practices Plan Target 1. Training Manual material and manual developed for the safe construction, ensuring gender sensitivity. 2. About 150 Engineers and 500 Artisans trained in Disaster Safe Construction Practices providing equal opportunities and ensuring women are represented in equal numbers. 3. Housing Typology in Bhutan compiled. 4. Housing Vulnerability Assessment for Stone Progress Training manual/ The Guideline for Stone Masonry 2013 is ready. To finalize and be reviewed by the core group of engineers will be done as soon as the election is over. A workshop will be held. Exposure Trip/training for four engineers in Indonesia on the earthquake safe design and construction was completed. The desk study and development of survey forms for the typology study is ready. Masonry Houses Developed. 5. Publication on Housing Typology and Disaster Safe Construction Practices printed and disseminated after due consultations and verification by men and women of vulnerable communities. 1. Activity Progress Details Program Outputs & Activities Indicators Annual Target Physical Progress Current Quarter Cumu lative Budget (USD) (A) Expenditure (USD) Current Quarter Cumul ative (B) Balance (A)-(B) Explanation of Progress (explain Progress in detail) Output 1: Develop training materials for engineers and artisans and conduct training on earthquake safe construction. Activity- 1.1:Develop training material for engineers and artisans To develop training materials 95% comple ted .The training manual/the guideline for stone masonry 2013 is ready and a workshop will be held as soon the election is over, the material will be reviewed by the core group of engineers. Activity 1.2 – Printing and Publications Activity 1.3 – Capacity building for district engineers, artisans and home owners in safe construction practice strengthened through involvement of both men and women local artisans. Output 2. Study Housing typologies and traditional safe construction practices and construction of demonstration units of safe building elements Activity 2.1 – Collect data and conduct desk study on the housing typologies and traditional safe construction practices Activity 2.3 – Construct Print and Publish the training materials to be distributed during the training For the whole project, a total of 100 engineers and 300 artisans trained and awareness raised among the home owners. As soon as the material is reviewed by the core group of engineers, it will be sent for printing. Conduct desk study, do survey and publish a housing typology in Bhutan. The desk study and the development of the survey forms for the typology study is ready and as soon as the election is over the surveyors will be sent to collect the data. The surveyors are also recruited. After discussions with Construct an As soon as the material is reviewed and printed the training for 6 districts will be carried out. prototype demonstration units Activity 2.4 – Hire and train demonstration instructors with equal opportunities to men and women Activity 2.5 – Demonstration and practical hands on training Output 4: Knowledge Management, Networking and Institutional Capacity Building Activity 4.2: Regional training/institutional visits to be conducted on disaster safe construction practices and vulnerability assessment Output 5: Project Management Support appropriate demonstration unit to be used as a tool while conducting the trainings. Hire and train masons to teach hands on while conducting the training in the districts. Trained masons to conduct the practical sessions during the training. the core group of engineers the appropriate demonstration units will be developed. Institutional visit to be conducted Four engineers, three male and one female were sent to Indonesia to train on Earthquake safe design and construction in April 2013 for 5 days. Will hire and train as soon as the material is reviewed by the core group of engineers. This will be carried out along with the training in the districts. Activity 5.1:Procurement of Audio Visual Equipment Procurement of Video Camera Activity 5.2 – Moving Expenses A video camera to take records of the training and also to capture disaster safe practices and demonstrate to the engineers, artisans and home owners is procured A vehicle will be hired to transport the training material and the staff while conducting the trainings. Total 2. Summary of Issues & Recommendations Key Achievements: (Highlight the main achievements in the current Quarter) Constraints & Issues: (List the constraints/problems & issues faced) Recommendations: (Suggest your recommendations/remedial actions to improve implementation.) Training material development, Institutional visit and training of trainers , capacity building in 6 districts and typology survey 1. Due to the restriction from the election, most of the activities had to be put on hold till the election is over. Additional comments Prepared by: Name Dago Zangmo Designation Contact Numbers: Date: Telephone 322182 -106 Fax: Verified by: Contact Numbers: Date: Executive Engineer Agency DES Email dzangmo@yahoo.com 5th July 2013 Name Telephone Designation Fax Agency Email