Global Health and the World Health Organization Table of Contents Monographs and Chapters………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1 Journal Articles.............................................................................................................................................. 4 Dissertations ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Online Resources................................................................................................................................... 5 Lectures ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Websites: Information and News Portals ..................................................................................................... 5 Monographs and Chapters Sunil Amrith, Decolonizing International Health: India and Southeast Asia, 1930-1965 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). Review available here. Sunil Amrith, “Development and Disease: The United Nations and Public Health, c. 1945-55,” in M. Daunton and F. Trentmann, Worlds of Political Economy: Knowledge and power in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (London: Palgrave, 2004). Warwick Anderson, Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines, (Duke University Press, 2006). Review available here. Alison Bashford, “‘The age of universal contagion’: history, disease and globalization,” in Medicine at the Border: Disease, Globalization and Security, 1850 to present, ed. Alison Bashford (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006). Yves Beigbeder et al., The World Health Organization (Dordrecht: Matinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998) General historical survey of the .World Health Organization, slightly out of date, but informative nonetheless. This work is particularly noteworthy for its description of the WHO’s administrative structure, as well as its case-studies approach to research programs. Gian Luca Burci and Claude-Henri Vignes, World Health Organization (Frederick: Aspen Publishers, 2004). Extremely well detailed survey of WHO from legal and administrative aspect, and special focus on rules and procedures. Excellent bibliography. Matthew Connelly, Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population (Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2010). On UN agencies amongst others and attempts at population control (including India in 1970s). Review available here. See also Matthew Connelly’s website. Andrew F. Cooper and John J. Kirton, “Innovation in Global Health Governance,” in Innovation in Global Health Governance, ed. Andrew F. Cooper and John J. Kirton (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009), 305-327. Richard Dodgson, Kelley Lee, and Nick Drager, Global Health Governance: A Conceptual Review (Geneva: World Health Organization and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2002). John Farley, Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008). Review here. Jin Young Kim and Paul Farmer, “Global Issues in Medicine” in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 18th Edition, Dan Longo et al. (New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2011). JY Kim, JV Millen, A Irwin and J Gershman, Dying for growth: global inequality and the health of the poor (Monroe: Common Courage Press, 2000). Arthur Kleinman, “Critique of Objectivity in International Health,” from Kleinman, Arthur, Writing At the Margins (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995). Kelley Lee, World Health Organization (New York: Routledge, 2009), Introduction, chs 1-2 (Creation of the WHO, Structure and functions), 1-45. Kelly Lee, Health Impacts of Globalization: Towards Global Governance (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003). Useful for context on global health through a several case studies, such as the fight against AIDS and anti-tobacco campaigns. Kelley Lee, Kent Buse, and Suzanne Fustukian, “An introduction to global health policy,” in Health Policy in a Globalising World, eds. Kelley Lee, Kent Buse and Suzanne Fustukian (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 3-17. Ruth Levine ed., Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health (Washington D.C.: Center for Global development, 2004). Franklyn Lisk, “UNAIDS: Unique UN-System Institutional Partnership for Coordination of the Global Response to HIV/AIDS,” in Global institutions and the HIV/AIDS epidemic: responding to an international crisis (New York: Routledge, 2010). Michael Merson, Robert Black, & Anne Mills, International Public Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies (Gaithersburg: Aspen Publishers, 2001). Focus on international aspects of global health governance. Steven Palmer, Launching Global Health: The Caribbean Odyssey of the Rockefeller Foundation (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2010). A review by Kathi Nehls can be found here. Dorothy Porter, Health, Civilization, and the State: A History of Public Health from Ancient to Modern Times (New York: Routledge, 1999). A review with the author’s response can be found here. Amy Sayward, The Birth of Development: How the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization, and World Health Organization Changed the World, 1945-1965 (Kent: Kent State UP, 2006). Available with copyright restrictions on Google Books. Gita Send, Asha George, Piroska Östlin, eds., Engendering International Health: the Challenge of Equity (Cambridge: MIT, 2002). Available with copyright restrictions on Google Books. Javid Siddiqi, World Health and World Politics: The World Health Organization and the UN System (University of North Carolina Press, 1995). Available with copyright restrictions on Google Books. Richard Skolnick, Essentials of Global Health (Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007). Excellent primer on critical global health topics. Available with copyright restrictions on Google Books. Paul Weindling, International Health Organisations and Movements, 1918-1939 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). Available with copyright restrictions on Google Books. Journal Articles Sunil Amrith, “In Search Of a Magic Bullet For Tuberculosis: South India and Beyond, c.19551965,” Social History of Medicine 17.1 (2004): 113-130. Douglas Bettcher and Kelley Lee, “Globalisation and public health,” Journal of Epidemiology Community Health 56 (2002): 8-17. John Cohen, (2006) “The New World of Global Health,” Science (2006): 162-167. Jon Cohen, “Gates Foundation Rearranges the Public Health Universe,” Science 295, no. 5562 (2002): 2000-2001. David P. Fidler, “Architecture amidst Anarchy: Global Health’s Quest for Governance,” Global Health Governance Journal 1.1 (2007): 1-17. David P. Fidler, “Globalization, International Law, and Emerging Diseases,” Emerging Infectious Diseases 2.1 (1996): 77-84. Julio Frenk and Octavio Gómez-Dantés, “Globalization and the Challenges to Health Systems,” Health Affairs 21.1 (2002): 160-165. Lawrence Gostin and Emily Mok, “Grand challenges in global health governance,” British Medical Bulletin 90.1 (2009): 7-18. Paul Greenough, “Intimidation, Coercion, and Resistance in the Final Stages of the South Asian Smallpox Eradication Campaign, 1973-1975,” Social Science and Medicine 41.5 (1995), 633645. WC. Hsiao, (2003) “What is a Health System? Why Should We Care?” Harvard School of Public Health Working Paper. Ronald Labonte and Renee Torgerson, “Interrogating globalization, health and development: Towards a comprehensive framework for research, policy and political action,” Critical Public Health 15.2 (2005): 157-179. Kelley Lee and Richard Dodgson, “Globalization and Cholera: Implications for Global Governance,” Global Governance 6.2 (2000): 213-236. Roger S. Magnusson, “Non-communicable diseases and global health governance: enhancing global processes to improve health development,” Globalization and Health 3.2 (2007). L. Magnussen, J. Ehiri, P. Jolly, “Comprehensive versus selective primary health care: lessons for global health policy,” Health Affairs 23.3 (2004): 167-76. Susan Okie, “Global Health –The Gates-Buffet Effect,” New England Journal of Medicine 355.11 (2006): 1084-1088. Randall Packard, “Malaria Dreams: Postwar Visions of Health and Development in the Third World,” Medical Anthropology 17 (1997): 279-296. Elizabeth Prescott, “The Politics of Disease: Governance and Emerging Infections,” Global Health Governance 1.1 (2007): 1-8. M.R. Reich, K. Takemi, M.J. Roberts, W.C. Hsiao, “Global action on health systems: a proposal for the Toyako G8 summit,” The Lancet 371 (2008): 865-869. JP Ruger, “The Changing Role of the World Bank in Global Health,” American Journal of Public Health 95.1 (2005): 60-70. Darwin Stapleton, “Lessons of history? Anti-malaria Strategies of the International Health Board and the Rockefeller Foundation from the 1920s to the era of DDT,” Public Health Reports (1974): 206-15. Gill Walt, “Globalisation of international health,” The Lancet 351 (1998): 434-437. Dissertations Benjamin Meier, The Highest Attainable Standard: The World Health Organization, Global Health Governance, and the Contentious Politics of Human Rights (2009). Critical look at WHO policies with special focus on Human Rights. Online Resources Lectures Paul farmer, “Colonial medicine vs. post-colonial medicine and their legacies: Facts and Myths.” Lecture, Harvard University. September 15, 2009. Websites: Information and News Portals The Communication Initiative Network: News and official information relay portal followed by activists, NGOs, international organizations, with particular focus on global health. GlobeMed Online Google Site GlobeMed resource site. Includes material relevant to understanding global health World Bank – Health, Nutrition & Population New York Times Topics Features all articles on written by the NYT on the WHO and Global Health news Portal to a variety of websites on public health History of Public Health Excellent portal to multimedia material on public health Human Virology at Stanford Excellent collection of primers John Snow site Ralph Frerichs, History, Maps and the Internet: UCLA’s On epidemiological tracking The Global Health Chronicles Collection of primary source documents on a few global health subjects Global Health Hub Online portal and news aggregate for global health and development Case Studies for Global Health Series of multi-sector case studies to identify ways in which key stakeholders can address global health concerns. WHO online collection List of collections, special collections, and list of research subjects Books contributed by WHO to Internet Archive ( Available in PDF WHO Youtube Channel WHO photogallery: see also here WHO 60 photo project Official WHO histories: WHO Global Health Histories: The Third Ten Years of the World Health Organization The Second Ten Years of the World Health Organization The First Ten Years of the World Health Organization WHO Global Health Histories – Lunchtime Seminars: 2011 (Reproductive Rights) 2010 (Global Public Health, emerging issues) 2009 (Tropical Diseases) 2008 (WHO 60th Anniversary) 2005-2007 Official Records Relating to the Founding of the WHO Official records relating to the founding of the WHO including minutes of preparatory committees and expert reports. WHO Knowledge Databases can be found here and here. WHO Archives World Health Organization, Records and Archives Avenue Appia 20 1211 Genève 27 Switzerland For League of Nations Health Organization archives click here.