Who can take SPLINA?
Ulcer victim
High Blood Pressure
Kidney Failure and Liver Problem
Colon Cancer
Prostate Cancer, Tumor
Breast Cancer
Heart Diseases
Ageing People
Allergies, Pimples and Skin Problems
Hepatitis A,B,E, and HIV Positive/ AIDS victim
Yellow/Dengue Fever
Lassa Fever
Hormonal Imbalance, Menstruation problem on and off or abdominal pain
Pregnant Women can also take Splina as it is rich in Folic Acids. Babies from 5 months onwards can take
splina by mixing it with water. Splina ca cure outside wound also, use it as a dressing. It can also be used
as facial mudpack by putting it on the face and leave it for 30 minutes or overnight. It can cure pimple
or acne on your face. You can use Splina as eye drops.
How to take SPLINA? Drink 4 cups pure in the morning, another 4 cups pure in afternoon, and
4 cups pure in the evening. The rest of the day, drink water with 2 cups of splina on it. Take note, 1
tablespoon of splina equals to 1 kilo of vegetable consumption nutrients.
We need to drink splina because of our food intake. We eat so much acidic and less alkaline. Alkaline
foods are fruits, vegetables and root crops (must be 80% of our food intake). Acidic foods are starch,
rice, meat, canned foods, sugar, seafoods (must be 20% of our food intake)
Who can take shake off?
All of us can take shake off as it is Phyto Fiber, even children can take it as well. It is detoxification
powdered drink. We eat 3-4 times daily but we only go to the toilet once a day. Where are the rest of
the food is hiding then?
Obesity, Diabetes, Kidney Failure
Colon Cancer
Internal/ External Hemorrhoids
Major Organ Failure
Suffering Diarrhea or Food Poisoning
Anyone who are Overweight
Cancer Victims
Everybody sick or not sick, fat or thin, child or old
How to take shake off product?
Take 1 sachet of SHAKE OFF every night, 2 hours before meal. Mix it with 250ml cold water, cover it,
shake it, and drink immediately. It will take 6-10 hours to make your discharge or go to the toilet. Drink
it continuously for 1 week, 7 sachets. The remaining 5 sachets drink it the following week, once in a
week or when needed.
Who can take GINSENG COFFEE/RED YEAST COFFEE? Made of ginseng roots and red yeast and brown
rice. It has only 0.05 caffeine content just for aroma.
GINSENG – ALL of us who wants to be alert, active, increase concentration, auditory and visual
responses, higher energy, sharpens mind and memory (we have sugar free for diabetic people). Drink
Ginseng Coffee in the morning or times you want to be alert or active.
RED YEAST - All of us especially who are suffering from high bad cholesterol, high blood pressure,
cardiovascular diseases, indigestion, ulcer, insomnia, poor blood circulation, anti oxidants. Drink Red
Yeast coffee in the afternoon/evening or times when needed.