GOALS OF STANDARDIZATION OF VETERINARY SCHOOL IN ASIA I. OBJECTIVE a. Standardize Veterinary School curricula in Asia to meet the minimum requirement of the international standard. b. Prepare day one competencies for graduates in Asian Veterinary Schools c. Provide the ground for accreditation of Veterinary Schools in Asia II. STRATEGIES a. b. c. d. Curricula mapping of Veterinary Schools in Asia Preparing learning outcomes of veterinary school programs as well as courses Providing minimum requirement of Veterinary School curricula in Asia Preparing instrument accreditation of Veterinary School in Asia CURICULA MAPPING System Education * ** Five or six years system All graduated as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and/or Master Degree Total Credit 144,5 to 274 credits (Min Total Credit: Tokyo University, Japan) Max Total credit : University of Veterinary Science of Myanmar) Total Semester 10 to 12 semesters Dual degree with Bachelor of Bachelor 1 Veterinary Medicine and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Total Credit 138 to 154 (Min Total Credit: Universitas Brawijaya Indonesia Max total credit: IPB, UNTB, UWK, Indonesia) Total Semester 8 to 10 semesters DVM Profession/ Total Credit: 29 to 37 credits Min Total Credit: Universitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia Max total credit: Universitas Airlangga, IPB, UGM, Indonesia) Total Semester 2 semesters This data obtained from 26 Veterinary Schools from 10 countries in Asia, 4th – 6th September 2013 Veterinary school from Indonesia: *Airlangga University, *Gadjah Mada University, *Bogor Agricultural University, *Udayana University, *Syiah Kuala University, *Brawijaya University, *Hasanudin University, *Nusa Cendana University, *West Nusa Tenggara University, *Wijaya Kusuma University; Malaysia; *Universiti Putra Malaysia, *Universiti Malaysia Kelantan; Thailand: ** Chulalongkorn University, **Chiang May University, **Khon Kaen University, **Mahidol University, **Mahanakorn University of Technology; Myanmar: **University of Veterinary Science; Vietnam: *Hanoi University of Agriculture; Philippines: **University Philippines of Los Banos; Cambodia; **Royal University of Agriculture; Japan: **University of Tokyo, Hokkaido University; Korea: ** Seoul National University Taiwan: *National Taiwan University; Laos: **National University of Laos. 2 I. COMMON COURSES Subject Courses Basic Science Courses (many veterinary school have removed or embedded the Basic science courses in the DVM programme (10 Veterinary Schools from 4 Countries, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University, Syiah Kuala University, Hasanudin University; Thailand: Chulalongkorn University, Kasetsart University, Chiang Mai University, Khon Kaen University, Mahidol University, Mahanakorn University of Technology; Philippines: University of The Philippines Los Banos; Myanmar: University Veterinary Science University Compulsory Courses (all Veterinary Schools member of AAVS – 26 Veterinary Schools) Learning Outcomes Courses to understand basic science for the next Mathematic, Physic, chemistry, biology, courses on veterinary curricula.(C2) biology laboratory, basic organic chemistry, basic organic chemistry laboratory Able to apply of science and technology (C3), as well as veterinary, and animal science based on religion and morality, to become scientists and professionals to develop a sense of nationalism and patriotism; Democratic civilized, a good citizen, competitiveness, discipline and actively participate in building a peaceful of life based on country ideology which a good and right value Religion, multiculturalism, philosophy science, ideology and citizenship, basic social and culture science, language, communication, leadership and management, happiness life, local wisdom, society and change, ethnic relation. 3 Veterinary Anatomy Courses Veterinary Pathology Courses system (C3). Able to develop awareness to knowledge on about uniformity and equality of human beings as an individuals and in social life (C3). The students have critical, sensitivity and wise sense to solve the problem of life in the community based on cultural, morality, aesthetics, ethics and by law (C4). The students can apply basic knowledge, soft skill, able to think scientifically (C3) Able to explain the structure of gross Anatomy, comparative anatomy, veterinary anatomy, and development of various embryology, veterinary histology organs in animal bodies system (C2) Able to identify the comparative anatomy of organ of various domestic animals (C4) Able to elaborate development of embryo (C4) Able to relate the structure and functional relationship of various body systems (C3) Able to identify the gross and histological structure of various organs in body systems. . Able to perform post mortem Veterinary pathology, systematic veterinary examination based on body systems pathology, veterinary clinic pathology. (C2) Able to differentiate the group and type of lesions (C4) Able to describe variety of important macroscopic and microscopic lesions in 4 every organ of body systems (C4) Able to describe development of lesion and diseases pathogenesis in body systems (C4) Able to appraise tissue changer in making morphological, etiological and clinical diagnosis (C6) Animal Husbandry Courses Able to explain the process of domestication of animals, type of farm Optional, depend on the animal (C2) region Able to perform proper handling and (All Veterinary Schools in restraint of animals as well as determine Indonesia, Malaysia, body scoring of animals (C3). Thailand, Philippines, Able to apply the technique of ration Myanmar Cambodia, formulation and digestibility Taiwan, Korea and Japan – determination in ruminant and non 26 Veterinary Schools) ruminant nutrition (C4). Able to discuss specific nutritional requirement according to species and health status animal (C4) Introduction of animals/veterinary science Ruminant and non ruminant farm animal production Veterinary genetic Feed and feeding Nutrition technology Able to explain the application of genetic principal in the breeding and selection of domesticated animals (C2). Able to relate multiple aspects of genetic with genetic defects in animal production (C4) Able to discuss the different type of livestock management (C2) Able to evaluate the main problems in animal production, and modification on management methods (C6) 5 Basic Veterinary Medicine Courses Able to perform about functions of biocatalyst, biochemical processes and metabolism of life animals, physiological of health animal also pathological conditions (C3). to perform the techniques for measuring functions of organ and physiologies systems in the body's base on physiological and certain pathological conditions that can be used as a paradigm in the treatment of action(C3). to determine a variety of drugs based on classes, chemical structure, kinetics pharmacy, dynamics pharmacy, side effects, indications and contraindications and drug interactions (C3). Able to observe a variety of experiments that include: LD50 (lethal dose), interactions anticonvulsant drugs in mice, animal toxicology in mice. Able to formulate a rational prescription (C3). Able to interpret the abnormality in the laboratory through the examination of hematology, clinical chemistry, microbiology and toxicology clinic (C2). Veterinary biochemistry, veterinary physiology, veterinary pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, toxicology, veterinary clinical pathology. 6 Veterinary Clinic Courses Able to diagnose clinical abnormalities in various organs and systems with appropriate based on clinical and imaging data obtained from various animal species (C6) Able to understand the surgical principles as a basis for surgical procedures on animals (C2) Able to perform the common surgical techniques based on surgical principal (C3) Able to perform standard surgical procedures in small and large animal (C3) Veterinary anesthesiology, general surgery, veterinary clinical diagnosis imaging, population medicine, clinical medicine, Animal Nursery Perform mapping the distribution and sources of disease, and to assess about environmental that influences on animal health. Able to do some communication, information and education programs about the essence of one health. Able to create networking in nationally and internationally. Implementing the strategic policies on managing of one health system. Able to handle and take care of animals based on psychology and emotional. 7 Veterinary Public Health Courses Able to conduct diseases investigation epidemiological studies and data analysis to make biological inferences (P4). Able to formulate concept, principle, approaches, methods, and roles of epidemiology in control program strategy and effective disease prevention (C6) Able to explain the proper technique of slaughtering, handling carcasses and meat of beef, mutton, pork, and poultry, and also egg quality (C2) Veterinary Public Health, food safety quality assurance (HACCP)/Food hygiene, veterinary legislation and ethics, zoonosis, practice and community approach in community veterinary medicine, veterinary jurisprudence and professional ethics, veterinary medicine administration, environment health, veterinary epidemiology and economics, veterinary product, general certification procedure, International trade framework, diseases prevention control program, One Health System Able to discuss the methods for anticipate of dangers in food, principles of hazard control, planning, implementation and monitoring of the HACCP system (C2). Able to prepare Quality Assurance Work Plan (C3) Able to discuss the important of bio security and bio safety (C2) Able to understand the laws, ethics, norms on the protection, policies in animal husbandry, animal health, Veterinary Public Health and quarantine (C2). Able to discuss the different trans boundary animal diseases, emerging and 8 re-emerging diseases (C4) Able to discuss various techniques in veterinary epidemiology (C2) Able to discuss one health system (C2) Able to discuss general certification procedure, and International trade framework (C2) 9 Veterinary Reproduction Courses Able to discuss the cause of infertility in small and large animals, and the need of artificial insemination or embryo transfer procedures (C4, CS) Physiology and reproductive technology, obstetric and sterility. Able to show the skill in performing obstetrical procedure in animals (P4, CTPS). analyze the importance of therapeutic technique and technology in lives tocks reproduction (C4) Veterinary Microbiology Courses Identify of the properties of bacteria, Veterinary Microbiology I and II, Infectious fungus, and virus (C1) Diseases I and II, Immunology Understand the pathogenesis, control methods and laboratory diagnosis techniques (C2) Differentiate a variety of infectious diseases in animals caused by bacteria and fungus, and virus (C4) Identify the type of trans boundary animal diseases, emerging and reemerging diseases (C4) Evaluate the mechanism of immune response, in prevention and control of diseases (C5). 10 Veterinary Parasitology Courses Veterinary Bioproduct, Biosafety and Biosecurity Subject Courses (Optional) (Ten Veterinary Schools from six countries; Indonesia Airlangga University, Bogor Agricultural University, Brawijaya University, Syiah Kuala University; Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan; Thailand: Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University, Chiang Mai University, Mahanakorn University of Technology; Myanmar: University Veterinary Science; Cambodia: Royal University of Agriculture; Japan: Hokaido University, Tokyo University) Entrepreneurship Able to identify the characteristics and Veterinary Parasitology I and II, Veterinary properties of common parasite Helminthology, Entomology and (helminthes, protozoa and arthropods) Protozoology, in animal (C4) Able to identify the diseases caused by protozoa, arthropods and helminthes based on parasite identification (C4) Able to discuss laboratory procedures to diagnose parasitic infections (P) Able to perform about: the principal and Veterinary Bioproduct, Biosafety techniques of bio-product, bio-safety Biosecurity, Production medicine and bio-security, and regulations/Laws occupational health, Bioproduct relating to the security of biological material transfer agreement (MTA) Able to perform the economic analysis Veterinary and Aquatic and and Business 11 Courses Elective Courses (can be develop by each Veterinary schools) Scientific Project of veterinary and entrepreneurship, and Management aquatic business management (C3) Able to perform the professional communication/Dialogue (C3) Management of experimental animals, health management of dairy cow, management of dog, horse, cat, and swine, aquatic animals, biomedical instrumentations, wild life, poultry disease, shrimp health, avian pathology, veterinary pathology practice, feed and feeding of small animal medicine, information technology and practice. Able to apply the concept of thinking Scientific Project and apply the research methods in the field of veterinary, to perform the concept of thinking, Capable of writing the thesis base on research results in accordance with the guidelines (C6) C1 : Knowledge C2: Comprehension C3: Application C4: Analysis C5: Synthesis C6: Evaluation C7: Soft Skill ROTATION PROGRAM/ROTATION ON CLINICAL PRACTICES CLINICAL AND LABORATORY ROTATION (14 - 37 CREDITS AND OR CONTEXT HOURS) Subject Course Learning outcome Courses 1. Veterinary Clinic on companion and recreation animals Able to perform the clinical standard diagnosis and therapy (anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory Veterinary Clinic and diagnostic rotation 9 (0+9) credits equine, Zoo and wild Animal, companion animals (dog, cat and Number of Credit’s 12 2. Pharmacy (optional) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Six Veterinary Schools in Indonesia (Airlangga University, Bogor Agricultural University, Brawijaya University, Hasanudin University, Syiah Kuala University, Wijaya Kusuma University) Animal Nursery (optional) Opthalmology (optional) ( Oncology (optional) veterinary surgery (optional) Veterinary Imaging (optional) Veterinary emergency (optional) Dentistry examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy strategy) in equine, Zoo and wild Animal, companion animals (dog, cat and exotic animals) (C5, P5) Able to perform emergency medical aid, imaging examination, anesthesia and common surgery protocols (C3, P3) exotic animals) Optional Courses Pharmacy (0+2) Animal Nursery (0+2) Opthalmology (0+2) Oncology (0+2) Veterinary surgery (0+2) Veterinary Imaging (0+2) Veterinary emergency (0+2) Dentistry (0+2) Dermatology (0+2) Cardiology (0+2) Physiotherapy (0+2) Able to prepare prescription Veterinary Therapeutic rotation on animal drugs and medical devices to the patients. 13 (optional) 10. Dermatology (optional) 11. Cardiology (optional) 12. physiotherapy (optional) Veterinary Clinic on Able to perform the clinical Aquatic, Ruminant, Avian, swine livestock and aquatic standard diagnosis and rotation animals therapy (anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory 1. Avian examination, diagnosis, 2. Ruminant prognosis, and therapy 3. swine strategy) in ruminant, swine, 4. Aquatic avian, and aquatic animals (C5, P5) Able to perform emergency medical aid, imaging examination, anesthesia and common surgery protocols on livestock and aquatic animals (C3, P3) 5. Veterinary Pathology Practice Able to perform ante and post Pathology Rotation mortem examination and describe variety of important macroscopic and microscopic lesion of common small and large animals diseases (P3) Describe The development of lesion and construct the mechanism of diseases 14 18.Veterinary Microbiology Practice 6. Veterinary Parasitology Practice 7. Veterinary Reproduction Practice development (pathogenesis) of common small and large animals diseases (C4, P4) Able to perform common Microbiology Rotation techniques on the isolation and identification of microorganism (P3). Able to diagnose common bacterial and viral diseases based on laboratory finding (P5) Able to perform common Parasitological Rotation techniques on the isolation and identification of parasites (P3). Able to diagnose common parasite diseases based on laboratory finding (P5) Able to show the important Reproduction Rotation reproductive technology (P2). Able to identify reproductive disorders using reproductive technology (P3). Able to perform pregnancy diagnosis use the different diagnostic techniques on the large animals (P5). 8. Veterinary Public Health Practice Veterinary Public Health Rotation Able to perform the various strategies in epidemiology and 15 Surveillance (C4). 9. Field (Vacation rotation) Able to perform the various control strategies on zoonotic diseases, as well as biological safety (bio-safety, biosecurity), environmental, Quarantine and Livestock Services. Work Able to prepare diet for small Field work on large animal practice, and large animals. Field work on poultry practice, Field work in Teaching Farm Able to manage animal health, production, and reproduction of dairy cattle, beef cattle, goat and sheep, poultry, swine, equine (C5, P5). 10. Laboratory Animal Practice (Vacation rotation) Two Veterinary Schools in Korea: Seoul National University (in Semester VII) and Japan: Hokaido University (in Semester V) Able to perform isolation and Laboratory Animal Rotation identification of infectious and non infectious agents (C3) Able to diagnose common infectious and non infectious agents (P5) 16