M I I N U T E S O F M U N I I C I I P A L D I I S T R I I C T O F T U A M M E E T I I N G H E L D O N 0 8 T H J J U N E 2 0 1 5
Cllr Peter Roche
Cllr Mary Hoade
Cllr Shaun Cunniffe
Cllr Des Joyce
Cllr Donagh Mark Killilea
Cllr Tom McHugh
Cllr Karey McHugh
Cllr Sean Canny
Cllr Peter Keaveney
Mr Liam Gavin, Director of Services, Road, Transportation, Marine and General Services
Mr Evan Molloy, Senior Engineer, Roads, Transportation, Marine and General Services
Mr John Leahy, Senior Executive Engineer, Municipal District of Tuam
Mr Sean Langan, A/Executive Engineer, Municipal District of Tuam
Mr John Flesk, Executive Engineer, Municipal District of Tuam
Ms Nuala Heffernan, Administrative Officer, Roads, Transportation, Marine and General
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An Cathaoirleach welcomed the officials, the members and the press to the meeting.
Cllr Killilea expressed his condolence to the family of Michael Ward who died tragedy following a road traffic accident on N 17 at Cloonmore Tuam. These sentiments were endorsed by all members present. Mr Gavin, on behalf of himself and the officials ,expressed his sympathy to the Ward Family on their tragic loss.
Confirmation of Minutes of Municipal District of Tuam meeting of 20 th April 2015
The minutes of the meeting held on the 20 th April 2015 were proposed by Cllr Killilea, seconded by Cllr Hoade and agreed.
Matters arising from Minutes
In respond to a query from Cllr K. McHugh, Mr Gavin, informed the meeting that he had written to the IDA requesting them to make a presentation to the members of the Tuam
Municipal District, and is awaiting a reply. If the IDA are willing to make a presentation a date and time will be arranged to coincide with a Municipal District Meeting.
In response to a query from Cllr T. McHugh regarding resurfacing work at Gurraun Park
Housing Estate Dublin Road Tuam, Mr Gavin advised members that there is currently no funding available for restoration on this road. The road is now included in the Council road network and would be included for routine road maintenance.
With regard to the request from Cllr Joyce to take in charge a road in Cloonkeen, Boyounagh,
Cllrs T. McHugh, Keaveney and Joyce said they would be willing to allocate NOM monies toward the cost of bringing this road up to the required standard which would cost in the region of €13,000.
Cllr T. McHugh advised the members that Wers Waste were offering their services free of charge to dispose of litter collected as part of the Spring Clean initative . He queried if the area office could provide manpower to collect rubbish at the black spots such as Cloontue.
Mr Gavin advised that the Environment Section deal with the organisation of clean ups and waste collections. Cllr Roche agreed to consult with the Environment Section on the matter.
In response to a query form Cllr Cunniffe Mr Gavin informed the members that no commitment was given with regard to a zebra crossing on the N17 serving Beal Átha na
Gaoithe, Woodfield and The Birches. He said that such a proposal would require approval and funding from the NRA.
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In response to a query from Cllr Killilea and Cllr Cunniffe, Mr. Gavin informed the members that the lease in relation to Browns Field is currently been prepared by the Law
Agents Department and would be forwarded to the Tuam Stadium Committee for their approval when completed.
Resolution – Date and Time of Annual General Meeting MDT15013
It was proposed by Cllr Killilea, seconded by Cllr Hoade and agreed to hold the Annual
General Meeting for the Municipal District on Friday 19 th
June 2015 at 2.30pm in the Tuam
Municipal District Office.
Mr Gavin confirmed that the Annual General Meeting of the County Council is to be held on
15 th
June 2015 in the Council Chamber at 4.00pm. Cllr Killilea proposed that the Municipal
District meeting scheduled for 10 th August be rescheduled to 14 th Sept 2015. This was seconded by Cllr T. McHugh and agreed.
Cllr Hoade queried if Local Area Plans could be adopted at relevant Municipal District meetings to facilitate local imput and discussion. Mr Gavin confirmed that the adoption of these plans is at present a reserved function of the Council but that indepth discussions were held at relevant Municipal District meetings.
Directors Business MDT15014
A report on the Community Involvement Scheme was been distributed. Mr Molloy advised that €346,000 is allocated towards 2015 Community Involvement Schemes in County
Galway, the allocation per Municipal District is based on the number of kilometres of Nonnational roads in each Municipal District. He advised that 70 applications were received and assessed for suitability for inclusion in the scheme. 7 applications were deemed unsuitable for inclusion in the scheme. The remaining 63 applications were prioritized and funding has been allocated for 36 schemes, 15 of which are in the Municipal District of Tuam.
Cllr Roche welcomed the return of the Community Involvement Scheme which he felt is of great benefit to rural communities and small villages.. The Community Involvement Scheme was welcomed by all members present and it is hoped that all the schemes would progress without difficulty .
In response to a query from Cllr Killilea, Mr Molloy said that he hoped the scheme would be extended to 2016 but that no confirmation had been received from the Department of this. He added that the success of the scheme depends on land owners making land available and the financial contribution of applicants.
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Cathoirleachs Business MDT15015
Cllr Roche requested that Pay parking and Pay Parking Byelaws amendments be discussed at the Roads and Transportation Strategic Policy Committee. Mr Gavin stated the SPC would be discussing policies relevant to Roads and Transportation, including Pay Parking. Cllr
Roche agreed to liaise with the Councillors regarding their proposals and return their submissions to Nuala Heffernan who is the secretary for the Roads and Transportation SPC.
These submissions will then be referred to SPC for due consideration.
Cllr Hoade highlighted the junction of the N84 with the Caherlistrane Road near Shrule is in need of urgent attention as it is a dangerous stretch of road. Mr Gavin advised that he would submit a proposal for improvement works at this junction for funding to the NRA. He highlighted however, that there was an issue with acquiring the land from landowners when the funding had been provided previously for improvements at this junction.
Cllr K. McHugh asked if speed bumps could be put in place at Millbrook housing estate in
Milltown. Motorists are using the estate to access the Irishtown Road from the N17 at the
Milltown Village. There is also a problem with raw sewage on the estate. Mr Gavin informed members that this is a private housing estate not in charge of the County Council.
Cllr Cunniffe said that Millers Cottage is an eyesore at present and asked if the planning department could contact the owners of this protected structure to get it sorted.
He said that he had received complaints from the residents of the Square in Tuam regarding casual traders setting up stalls and blocking up shop fronts at the Square. Mr Gavin advised that the Corporate Services Section deal with casual trading licences.
Cllr Killilea requested that a letter be sent to NRA with regard to footpaths from the Ard Rí
Hotel to the Blackacre Housing Estate. Mr Gavin advised the members that discussions are taking place with the NRA with regard to residual work for the Motorway at the Ard Rí and the Galway Road on the N17.
In response to a query raised by Cllr Joyce, Mr Gavin informed members that no machines are left idle due to lack of personnel. He said that there is a panel in place for temporary drivers from which personnel can be recruited on a temporary basis. He confirmed that the
Department will not approve the permanent filling of such posts.
Mr Molloy advised that discussion had taken place with the Department of Social Protection regarding setting up an additional Community Employment Scheme. He confirmed that the current focus of the Department is on the Gateway scheme.
In response to a request from Cllr Roche to improve the road junction at Gills public house on the R347, Mr Gavin informed the members that a preliminary design had been undertaken by the Road Design Section. Discussions are due to take place with the owners of Gills Pub to ensure agreement with the scheme.
Cllr Roche expressed the opinion that the Low Cost Safety Scheme would benefit the
Ballymote Road which is in need of rehabilitation and site distance improvements. Mr Gavin
M I I N U T E S O F M U N I I C I I P A L D I I S T R I I C T O F T U A M M E E T I I N G H E L D O N 0 8 T H J J U N E 2 0 1 5 advised members that the Council continually put forward suitable schemes for funding under
Low Cost Safety Scheme to the NRA one but only limited funding is provided for such schemes. He agreed to investigate the possibility of a Low Cost Safety Scheme for this location.
Mr Gavin formally thanked Mr Molloy, who is due to retire shortly, for his work in the
Municipal District of Tuam. Cllr Roche wished him well on his retirement and concurred that he will be a huge loss and deserved great credit for the work he had carried done.
Any Other Business MDT15016
Cllr K. McHugh complimented the work that has been carried out on the Fire Station and wished the organizing committee of the Sugar Beat festival every success.
Approved by: ______________________________
Cllr Donagh Killilea
Municipal District of Tuam
Date : ________________________________