Teacher: Sarah Caulfeild Year: 2007-2008 Course: Science 2 A U G U S T Weather Essential Questions Content Skills How does weather Daily weather Recognize and change? patterns describe daily (temperature, rain, weather patterns. snow, clouds) Standards SC.01.01.02 ~ Knows that water can be a liquid or a solid and can be made to change from one form to the other, but the amount of water stays the same SC.01.01.03 ~ Knows that short-term weather conditions (e.g., temperature, Explain and The water cycle. demonstrate how rain, snow) can change daily, and (water moves from water gets into the weather patterns change over the seasons Earth to air and air. back again SC.11.01.01 ~ Knows that the Sun evaporation, supplies heat and light to Earth condensation, precipitation) Describe different SC.15.01.01 ~ Knows that learning can types of weather come from careful observations and (sunny, rainy, simple experiments snowy, cloudy, foggy). Different types of SC.15.01.02 ~ Knows that tools (e.g., weather (sunny, thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, rainy, snowy, balances) can be used to gather cloudy, party information and extend the senses cloudy, foggy). S E P T E M B E R Weather Essential Questions Content Skills Standards What is the pattern Weather patterns of the seasons? change with the seasons. Recognize seasonal weather patterns. How do living things change with Daylight patterns the seasons? change with the seasons. SC.15.01.01 ~ Knows that learning can Explain seasonal changes in daylight come from careful observations and simple experiments patterns. People and other Describe how SC.01.01.03 ~ Knows that short-term weather conditions (e.g., temperature, rain, snow) can change daily, and weather patterns change over the seasons SC.15.01.02 ~ Knows that tools (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, balances) can be used to gather information and extend the senses living things adjust to seasonal changes in weather. O C T O B E R people and other living things adjust to seasonal changes in weather. Making Sound Essential Questions How is sound made? How does sound travel? Content Sound is energy. Sound is made when matter vibrates. Sounds travel differently through different states of matter (solids, liquids, gases). Vibrations in the human ear cause us to hear sound. Skills Standards Observe objects SC.12.01.01 ~ Knows that vibrating vibrating and listen objects produce sound to the sounds produced. SC.15.01.01 ~ Knows that learning can come from careful observations and Describe simple experiments sounds as they are manipulated. Create a sound making instrument and describe how it works. Experiment with how sounds travel through different types of matter. Explain how sounds are controlled. N O V E M B E R Making Sound Essential Questions How do sounds change? Content Pitch and volume Skills Recognize that sounds can be described by pitch and volume. Manipulate the pitch and volume of Standards SC.12.01.01 ~ Knows that vibrating objects produce sound SC.15.01.01 ~ Knows that learning can come from careful observations and simple experiments a sound. Describe how the pitch and volume of a sound can be changed. D E C E M B E R Rocks, Soils, and Fossils Essential Questions Content What are the Properties of properties of rocks minerals, rocks, and soils? and soils. How rocks and soils can change. Skills Standards Observe different SC.01.01.01 ~ Knows that Earth minerals, rocks and materials consist of solid rocks, soils, soils. liquid water, and the gases of the atmosphere Compare rocks and soils. SC.02.01.01 ~ Knows that rocks come in many different shapes and sizes (e.g., boulders, pebbles, sand) Explore how water and wind can change Earth's surface. J A N U A R Y Rocks, Soils, and Fossils Essential Questions What are fossils? How can fossils provide clues about plants and animals that lived in the past? Content Types of fossils (imprint and cast). Skills Create the two different types of fossils. Fossils are used to give information Describe how two about the living types of fossils are things of the past. created. Standards SC.09.01.01 ~ Knows that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared (e.g., dinosaurs, trilobites, mammoths, giant tree ferns, horsetail trees) Explain how fossils can teach us about living organisms from the past. F E B R U A R Y Earth Through Time Essential Questions What are fossils? Content Skills Fossil imprints and remains give us clues about dinosaur size, shape and mobility. Compare dinosaurs based on their characteristics (size, teeth, movements). Dinosaurs had different types of teeth for different types of food. Infer the shape of the dinosaur based on its skeleton. How can scientists learn about Location of fossils dinosaurs? gives clues about what prehistoric era the dinosaur lived in (Triassic, What is a Jurassic, dinosaur? Cretaceous). How can dinosaurs be classified? M Interaction of Living Things A SC.04.01.01 ~ Knows that plants and animals have features that help them live in different environments SC.09.01.01 ~ Knows that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth Compare the sizes have completely disappeared (e.g., of dinosaurs. dinosaurs, trilobites, mammoths, giant tree ferns, horsetail trees) Compare teeth of dinosaurs. Explain that flat teeth are used to grind plants and sharp teeth are used to tear meat. Create a dinosaur time line including the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Dinosaurs lived on periods. Earth hundreds of millions of years ago and are now extinct. Infering a dinosaur's shape from its skeleton. Standards R Essential C Questions H How have people had a negative impact on the Earth? Content Natural resources Skills Identify natural resources. SC.01.01.01 ~ Knows that Earth materials consist of solid rocks, soils, liquid water, and the gases of the atmosphere Describe the uses of natural resources. SC.01.01.02 ~ Knows that water can be a liquid or a solid and can be made to change from one form to the other, but the amount of water stays the same Environment How do people change the environment? How can people protect natural resources? Standards People change the environment SC.02.01.01 ~ Knows that rocks come in many different shapes and sizes Explain how people (e.g., boulders, pebbles, sand) can change the environment. People can protect SC.11.01.01 ~ Knows that the Sun natural resources supplies heat and light to Earth Describe ways that people can conserve natural resources. Indentify materials that can be recycled. A P R I L Interaction of Living Things Essential Questions How have people had a negative impact on the Earth? What can people do to fix the damage that has been caused on Content Causes of air, water and land pollution. Natural resource conservation How to reduce Skills Identify and expalin the main causes of water, air and land pollution Standards SC.01.01.01 ~ Knows that Earth materials consist of solid rocks, soils, liquid water, and the gases of the atmosphere SC.06.01.01 ~ Knows that animals require air, water, food, and shelter; plants require air, water, nutrients, and Describe how pollution affects the light survival of animals in the environment SC.08.01.01 ~ Knows that plants and animals need certain resources for the planet? pollution How to conserve natural resources M Earth Through Time A Y Essential Content Questions Research possible energy and growth (e.g., food, water, ways to reduce light, air) pollution and conserve natural resources Skills What makes up an Characteristics of Describe an environment? living and nonliving environment things Why is important to protect and Characteristics of preserve an environment environments? How do environments change? Animals use their environments to meet their needs Animals adapt to changes in their environment Recognize living and nonliving things in an environment Explain how animals use the living and nonliving things in their environments to meet their needs Describe how animals adapt to changes in their environment Explain how people can change the environment in ways that harms animals and plants Standards SC.04.01.01 ~ Knows that plants and animals have features that help them live in different environments SC.05.01.02 ~ Knows that differences exist among individuals of the same kind of plant or animal SC.06.01.01 ~ Knows that animals require air, water, food, and shelter; plants require air, water, nutrients, and light SC.07.01.01 ~ Knows that living things are found almost everywhere in the world and that distinct environments support the life of different types of plants and animals SC.08.01.01 ~ Knows that plants and animals need certain resources for energy and growth (e.g., food, water, light, air) J Earth Through Time U N Essential Content E Questions How do an animal's characteristics help it to survive in its habitat? Animals and plants are equipped with specific characteristics designed for survival Skills Standards Identify animal SC.04.01.01 ~ Knows that plants and characteristics that animals have features that help them are linked to animal live in different environments survival SC.05.01.02 ~ Knows that differences Explain the exist among individuals of the same influence that kind of plant or animal humans have on animals' survival SC.06.01.01 ~ Knows that animals How can the changes that people make to the environment inhibit animals' survival? Endangered animals: the reasons for animals that are at risk of Identify ways that extinction humans can help to protect animal and plant species require air, water, food, and shelter; plants require air, water, nutrients, and light SC.07.01.01 ~ Knows that living things are found almost everywhere in the world and that distinct environments support the life of different types of plants and animals