Works Cited us mexico - ContemporaryIssuesinWorldGeo-1

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Works Cited
"About Texas Water Development Board." Texas Water Development Board. Texas
Water Development Board, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
Aguilar, Julian. "Federal Legislation Targets Mexico Over Water Treaty." The Texas
Tribune. The Texas Tribune, 10 June 2010. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
Del Valle, Fernando. "Census: Farmers Expect to Cut Texas Acreage amid Water
Shortages." The Monitor. The Monitor, 16 Mar. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
OPVL: This article originates from the author Fernando Del Valle. The article,
“Census: Farmers Expect to Cut Texas Acreage amid Water Shortages,” was
written on March 16th, 2014. The purpose of this article was made to inform
readers of The Monitor about the potential cut of Texas Acreage due to water
shortages. One value of this source stems from its purpose, in that it uses people
from local areas, such as Matthew Bradley from Edinburg, Texas, to inform
readers about the water shortages in South Texas. Another value stems from its
origin in that the article is fairly recent, being published on March 16th, 2014. One
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limitation stems from its purpose in that it also uses secondary sources to support
their claims.
"Drought and Wildfires." Climate Education Modules for K-12. North Carolina State
University, 14 May 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <>.
"Drought Sparks Water Dispute with Texas, Mexico." Fox News. FOX News Network,
16 April 2012. Web. 23 March 2014. <
OPVL: This originated from an article on published on April 16th,
2012 with a political context. Its intended audience is the readers of the website, with a purpose of informing them on the effects of the water
dispute between Mexico and the US in South Texas. One value of this source
stems from its origin in that it was published from McAllen, Texas, which has
been affected by the water disputes. One limitation of the source stems from its
origin in that it also reports on non-local places, such as New Mexico or El Paso,
Essex, Allen. "Report Assesses Drought Economic Impact." Brownsville Herald. The
Brownsville Herald, 20 June 2013. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
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OPVL: This article originates from The Brownsville Herald and was written by
Allen Essex. Essex was raised in Indiana, US and has recently retired at 62 years
of age. The article was published in June of 2013 for the readers of The
Brownsville Herald. The purpose of the article was to be informative about the
effect of drought in South Texas. One value stems from its purpose in that it uses
primary sources. Another value stems from its origin in that the article was
written in Weslaco, Tx, a city in the Rio Grande Valley. A limitation of the source
stems from its purpose in that there is much opinion prevalent in the article rather
than being purely informative.
"The International Boundary and Water Commission - Its Mission, Organization and
Procedures for Solution of Boundary and Water Problems." International
Boundary and Water Commission. International Boundary and Water
Commission, n.d. Web. 23 March 2014. <
OPVL: This source originated from an article online with a political context
intended for the audience who wishes to learn about the IBWC. Its purpose is to
be informative; it informs the readers about “the mission” of the IBWC as well as
the treaties between the Mexican and United States' government regarding water
disputes and treaties. One value of this source stems from its purpose in that it
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reports on the IBWC, by the IBWC. A limitation of the source stems from its
origin in that the time that this was created is unknown.
Johnson, Ty. "Legislation Expected concerning 1944 Treaty with U.S., Mexico."
Brownsville Herald. The Brownsville Herald, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.
OPVL: The source originates from an article published on The Brownsville
Herald, written by Ty Johnson on the 30th of October, 2013. It's purpose was to
inform those that there was going to be a meeting about the 1944 Treaty between
the US and Mexico with Texas officials as well as officials from the senate. Its
intended audience are the readers of the Brownsville Herald. One value of the
source stems from its purpose in that it uses state representatives. One limitation
of this source stems from its origin in that it uses loaded language to make the
situation seem a lot worse than it actually is.
Martin, Gary. "Bill Would Force Mexico to Comply with 1944 Water Treaty." San
Antonio Express-News. Hearst Newspapers, LLC, 10 June 2013. Web. 27 Mar.
2014. <>.
OPVL: This source originates from an article posted on MySA, and was published by
Gary Martin on the 10th of June in 2013. The purpose of the article was to inform the
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readers of MySA that a bill was going to be made to force Mexico to comply with the
water treaty that they have failed to meet. One value of this source stems from its purpose
in that it uses the Senators that originally filed the bill. One limitation of this source stems
from its purpose in that the article is quite short and lacks detail and explanation.
Mosqueda, Priscila. "On the Border, a Struggle over Water." The Texas Observer. N.p.,
10 June 2013.Web. 22 March 2014. <>.
OPVL: This source originated from the author Priscila Mosqueda, who grew up
in San Antonio and graduated with a bachelor's in journalism at the University of
Texas at Austin. This source came from an article on the website It was published on June 10th, 2013. Its purpose is to be
informative about drought along the border or Texas and Mexico due to water
disputes. The intended audience is the readers of the Texas Observer, and also
those who are interested in what is happening. One value of this source stems
form its origin in that the author was raised in a city that is not too far from the
Rio Grande. Another value of this source stems from its origin in that the Texas
Observer reports news on Texas specifically, and it has access to more accurate
information. A limitation of the source stems form its origin in that the website
uses secondary sources.
Muller, Grace. "Grab the Tissues, Drought Makes Your Allergies
Worse." AccuWeather Inc., 17 Aug. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
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"The Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation." Program in Water
Conflict Management and Transformation. Oregon State University, n.d. Web. 18
Apr. 2014. <>.
Rubinstein, Carlos and Todd Staples. "Op-Ed: Unless Mexico Honors Water Treaty,
Valley Could Face Disastrous Summer." Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 30 May 2013. Web. 30
Mar. 2014. <>.
OPVL: This source originated from an article on The Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality. It was written by Carlos Rubinstein and Todd Staples and
was published on the 30th of May 2013. The purpose of the article was to inform
the readers about the effect of the drought caused by the violation of the water
treaty by Mexico. One value of the source stems from its origin in that one author,
Todd Staples, is a Commissioner in the Texas Department of Agriculture, and the
other author, Carlos Rubenstein, is a Commissioner in the Texas Department of
Environmental Quality. One limitation stems from its origin in that the
publication of this article was in 2013, and the effects of the drought caused
partially by Mexico may be different or there may be more.
Rodriguez, Jordan. "Vinson & Elkins Water Blog." Vinson & Elkins Water Blog. Vinson
& Elkins LLP Attorney Advertising, 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
West 7
Thomas, Ray. "Water." 17 Apr. 2014. E-mail.
"Texas Drought Report." Texas Water Development Board. Texas Water Development
Board, n.d. PDF. 1-4. 17 Apr. 2014. <
"Texas Wildfires." Office of the Governor Rick Perry. Office of the Governor Rick Perry,
n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <>.
"Treaties Between the U.S. and Mexico." International Boundary and Water
Commission. International Boundary and Water Commission, n.d. Web. 23 March
2014. <>.
OPVL: This source originates from an article online. It has no author or date of
publication. It was created in a political context, made for an audience. The
purpose of the source was to informative on the treaties between the U.S. and
Mexico regarding water sharing. The intended audience is those who wish to
learn more about the treaties and they made it to inform them about the treaties.
One value of this source stems from its origin in that the website that published
this is the International Boundary and Water Committee, who specialize in water
sharing. One limitation stems from its purpose in that the explanation of the
treaties does not go into detail.
West 8
Wilson, Jacque. "Worst U.S. Cities for Spring Allergies." CNN. Cable News Network, 31
Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <>.