ROUNTON farm 10155 R A P I D A N R O A D O R A NG E , VA 22960 ROUNTON FARM SUMMER CAMPS REGISTRATION FORM Student Name: ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s):_______________________________________ Gender: M / F Birth Date: ____________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________ Current School: _____________________________________________ Grade level for Fall: _________ Does your child require special services during the school year? Yes _____ No _____ If so, please explain. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Phone where parent/guardian can be reached during class time: 1 _________________________________________________________ Emergency contact person(s) and phone(s)-other than parent/guardian: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Is there any medical condition we need to be aware of including allergies of any kind? Yes _____ No _____ If so, please explain:________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Physician’s Name: __________________________________________ Physician’s Phone: __________________________________________ If parents or above Emergency contact persons cannot be reached, I give my consent for Rob Pitera and/or Ellen Pitera to call the physician listed above and to follow physician’s instructions. In addition, I have read and understand all rules and procedures associated with Rounton Farm Summer Camps. _____________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ************************************************************************************ Total fees are required at time of registration. Make payments on our website using Pay Pal, send in a check made payable to Rounton Farm Summer Camps or pay with your credit card in 2 person. ONCE ALL NECESSARY PAPER WORK AND FEES ARE RECEIVED, YOUR CHILD WILL BE ADDED TO THE FINALIZED Class Selection: Place an by each class that your child will be attending. 3/4yr. olds Buggin’ Out - June 15th-19th $110 Silly Science - June 22nd-26th $110 Farm Safari - June 29th-July 3rd $110 PreK-3rdGrade Silly Science- June 15th-19th morning $130 Water World- June 15th-19th afternoon $130 Craftastic- June 15th-19th afternoon $140 Outdoor Fun June 22nd–26th morning $130 Jr. Engineers June 22nd–26th morning $130 Animal Kingdom- June 22nd–26th afternoon $130 Edible Adventures- June 22nd–26th afternoon $130 Into the Wild- June 29nd–July 3rd morning $130 If You Build it…- June 29nd–July 3rd morning $130 Movie Making- June 29nd–July 3rd afternoon $130 Pintsize Picasso- June 29nd–July 3rd afternoon $140 Total Fees: ______________ **Register by March 1st for a $10 refund (per camp): ________** 3 Lunch Break ($25 per week):_________ Pre Camp ($25 per week):___________ Photo Release Form for Campers: Parent Permission: Photos and video clips will be taken during Rounton Farm Summer Camps and may be used in marketing materials for Rounton Farm. By signing below, I give permission to record my child’s image, voice, statements and/or writing to Rounton Farm in Orange, VA. I further irrevocably grant to Rounton Farm, its advertisers, clients, agents, successors and assigns, unrestricted rights to use the above mentioned sound, still, or moving images in any medium for educational, promotional, advertising, or other purposes without limitation consistent with the mission of Rounton Farm. I agree that all rights to the sound, still, or moving images belong to Rounton Farm. I voluntarily waive the right to inspect or approve such images. This release is effective on the date written below and will remain in effect indefinitely. __________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ________________________________________ ____________ 4 Print Name Date ______________________________________ Child’s Name farm ROUNTON 10155 R A P I D A N R O A D O R A NG E , VA 22960 Rounton Farm Summer Camps Student Expectations: Supplies: All students for each Camp are required to bring a backpack or bag every day containing; a healthy snack, a change of clothes, a full water bottle and lunch for full day camps. Clothing: All students are expected to dress appropriately for inside and outside activities in all weather conditions. Toys/Electronics: NO toys or electronics are necessary. You may leave them all at home. Behavior: All students are expected to adhere to the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” We have read the Rounton Farm Summer Camps Student Expectations and by signing this form the student promises to 5 follow these guidelines and the parent promises to support them in doing so. Student:_____________________________ Parent/Guardian:_______________________ Date:________ 6