Ridge Riders Meeting Minutes – November 4th, 2015 Meeting Highlights: Preparations are underway for the Chris Skinner Memorial Snowmobile Show. Volunteers are needed to work this event. Please contact Joel Munson if you would like to volunteer. There will be a Groomer Barn Cleanout and preparing to pour the new floor to be held on Sunday, 11/8/2016 at 9 am. Come help prepare for the new floor. There will be a Board of Directors meeting held on Tuesday, 11/17/18 at Judi’s barn on Tilley Road. There will be a youth Safety Class held on Saturday, 12/5/2015. This event is sponsored by SSR Powersports. 1.) Meeting Called to order: The Club’s November Meeting was held at Sparky’s in Whitney Point. It was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Judy Whittaker. 2.) Secretary’s Report – Joel Munson - October’s Meeting minutes were passed around for review. a. A motion to accept: Marty Brown nd b. 2 to the motion: Eric Johnson c. Judi asked if there was any discussion, d. There was none and a vote was called for; the motion passed. 3.) Treasurer’s Report – Mike Blance - (General Fund, Building Fund, Groomer Fund) Mike Blance gave the following treasurer’s report: a. A motion to accept: Perry Marsh b. 2nd to the motion: Scott Whittaker c. Comments / Discussion: none d. Vote: Motion was approved Ending Checking account balance: Income: Debits: (5 items) Some of the expenses are as follows: Recurring: New Tucker Loan Payment Loews Matt Lane Ned Sturdevant Page 1 of 4 – lumber for stakes – Ranger Fuel, Lunch for work crew Ridge Riders Meeting Minutes – November 4th, 2015 Sue Marsh - breadbox tin Jack Building Fund: No expenses this month. 4.) NYSSA Report - Mike Blance a. Our Take a friend riding event to be held on February 13, 2016 at the Broome Tioga Sports center 5.) CCSF Report –Mike Blance a. Second Representative - A motion was made to appoint Eric Johnson as our Second representative to the CCSF by Joel Munson - It was seconded by Marty Brown - There was no discussion - Vote was called for and the motion passed. b. Map Project is on Hold! 6.) Events Report a. Chris Skinner Annual Snowmobile Event Committee to meet soon. Event will be November 7th. b. There will be a Youth Safety Class held on Saturday, 12/12/15. It is sponsored by SSR Powersports. Contact Roxy at SSR to reserve a spot. c. The club will hold an introduction to Snowmobile event on Saturday 2/13/2016 at the Broome Tioga Sports Center. 7.) Old Business ( Action Items/Open Issues from last meeting a. Building Committee Report/Presentation, Chairman: Marty Brown. Materials for floor have been priced and will be ordered. These include Foam, Plumbing supplies for the floor heat, and concrete, We intend to pour the floor this year. A cleanout day will be held on Sunday, 11/08/2015, with additional work nights scheduled as necessary so that the floor can be poured on Saturday, 11/15. b. Club Merchandise – Sue Marsh/Mike Blance Ridge Rider logo wear with the new logo is available for sale. Please contact Sue or Mike. c. Landowner Update (Mike Blance, Judi Whittaker, Dave Dishaw) – No update d. Membership Report – Sue Marsh Page 2 of 4 Ridge Riders Meeting Minutes – November 4th, 2015 Member count as of this meeting: 161 as of 11/04/2015, e. BOD meeting – NO BOD meetings were held this month, but one will be held on Tuesday, 11/17/2015. f. Map Project –We need a club member to set up and lead this effort g. Covered Bridge Project – no update h. Youth Safety Classes - none Classes will be held on December 12th, 2015, and January 9th, 2016. Judi is looking for Volunteers to assist. WEBPAGE/FACEBOOK – Jack Jack continues to update these websites as new information becomes available. i. j. Snow Phone – Joel The Snow phone is operational. There was one update this month. 8.) Grooming/Equipment Report: Marty Brown 2008 Tucker - 13 wheels Track Wheels replaced b. SurTrac - Hoses need to be changed c. 1994 Tucker - Track Status d. 2006 Ranger - No updates e. 2004 Ranger - Repaired and running AI: Joel to investigate getting 4K winches (steel Cable), mounts for Rangers 9.) NEW Business: 10.) Trail Captains Reports – Trails are CLOSED!! TRAILS Will OPEN December 22, 2015, at 6 PM! Marty is investigating having the Ridge Riders have their own grooming course Page 3 of 4 Ridge Riders Meeting Minutes – November 4th, 2015 AI 13-02-03: Joel to work on getting records and consolidating equipment at grooming barn. - Perry has submitted Sure-trak Records no update This season, there will be no reimbursement checks distributed until the hours associated with the work effort are reported. This is change is being made so that the hours worked by club members get put in over the course of the year and not just at the end of the year. This will spread the workload out over the year instead of everything having to be inputted at the last minute. Trails issues (trails open for the 2015-16 season on 12/22/2015 at 6pm): IN GENERAL, Make sure all work parties have the permission of the landowners. 150 posts were made at our groomer work session. a. Perry Marsh (Northwest)b. Ned Sturdevant’s Area (North Central) ( Trail Captain Replacement needed) - Lots of Bridge Work Needed. c. Smithville Flats Area ( northeast) ( Trail Captain Replacement needed) d. Matt Lane - South West - Attended - Signing underway e. Eric Johnson- South East - Signing underway 11.) 50/ 50 Raffle was not held. 12.) Super Raffle Tickets 2016 ARE available. 13.) Next meeting will be held (Last regular meeting until Sept): Day: Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, 2015 Where: Sparkey’s at the Oakland Hotel in Whitney Point Time: 7:30 pm 14.) Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. Page 4 of 4