Introduction to Academic Skills Programme 2016

Swansea University - ELTS
Application: Introduction to Academic Skills 2016
Title (e.g. Mr/Mrs):
Family name:
First name(s):
Home Address:
Disability/Specific Needs? Yes
Swansea University’s disability policy is available at:
Agents only (failure to complete this section of the form could result in non-payment of commission)
SU Agent
Agent No:
ICWS Agent
Agent name:
B. COURSE DETAILS – Introduction to Academic Skills
This course is an introduction to academic skills in English only. The maximum exit level is 5.0 and therefore this course does not
enable you to enter directly into the university.
04/Jul/2016 – 09/Sep/2016
Entry requirements
IELTS 4.0 (or equivalent) 4.0 in Reading and Writing
Write below the details of any future academic courses you plan to study after this English language course
Course name:
English language entry requirement:
Due to the current United Kingdom Visa and Immigration (UKVI) rules we need to have a good understanding of the reasons why you
have chosen to study at ELTS. We would therefore be grateful if you could please complete the questionnaire below. We will need this
completed form returned to us before your Offer can be issued.
1. Please briefly describe why you would like to study this course
2. Please briefly describe how this course supports your future career ambitions
3. Please briefly describe why you would like to study at ELTS
(You are welcome to discuss facilities, course structure, University location etc. For more information on ELTS please visit: ; and for more information on Swansea University please visit the website:
UKVI have introduced a limit to the length of time that a student may study whilst on a Tier 4 student visa or on an old style Student visa.
The limit for study below degree level is 2 years. The immigration rules also require students to be making academic progress by moving
to courses at a higher academic level.
To help us accurately calculate the time you have available to study and to assess academic progress please provide details of ALL
previous visa applications and/or study you have undertaken in the UK by completing the questions below:
If you have studied more than 2 courses please make a copy of this page and provide all the required information on it.
I have NEVER studied in the UK before
I HAVE applied for study in the UK previously however my visa application was rejected
I HAVE previously studied in the UK (please provide details below)
Course 1
Course title
e.g. Pre-sessional English language, BEng Civil Engineering, MSc
Course Level
e.g. A Levels, Bachelor degree, pre-sessional English
Institution name
e.g. Swansea University, ICWS
Enrolled from
Enrolled to
Did you at any time during these dates have a break from your
e.g. suspended your study because of ill health
Please provide BOTH of the following documents (you must
provide these documents – please request them from your
previous institution if you need to)
Copy of CAS letter
Copy of the visa/s you had during this time
Copy of CAS letter
Copy of the visa/s you had during this time
Course 2
Course title
e.g. Pre-sessional English language, BEng Civil Engineering, MSc
Course Level
e.g. A Levels, Bachelor degree, pre-sessional English
Institution name
e.g. Swansea University, ICWS
Enrolled from
Enrolled to
Did you at any time during these dates have a break from your
e.g. suspended your study because of ill health
Please provide BOTH of the following documents (you must
provide these documents – please request them from your
previous institution if you need to)
Current visa status for applicants in the UK
If you have not successfully completed your previous course for which you were granted Tier 4 leave, you will need to apply for your
new visa from overseas. You will not be able to complete your visa application in the UK otherwise your visa application will be
If you are currently in the UK you will need to go home before we can issue your CAS. Once you are overseas we will require a copy
of your airline ticket and copy of the stamp in your passport before your CAS can be issued to you.
Please tick the relevant box which applies to you.
I am not currently in the UK
I am currently in the UK and I enclose a copy of my current visa
Tuition fees and maintenance funds
I have read the UK Visas and Immigration website for tuition fees and maintenance and I confirm that I will have the relevant funds
available to make a successful visa application (please see the following link)
To ensure that you have the correct funds for a successful visa application we would encourage you to read the UKVI website for
tuition fees and maintenance. Please see the following link:
NHS Surcharge
If you are applying for a Tier 4 visa for a course of more than 6 months, you may have to pay a fee to use the UK’s National Health
Service (NHS) – this is called the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS). The payment of the Surcharge is part of the online visa
application process. You can find further information about the Immigration Health Surcharge at:
Students who are in the UK for courses of less than 6 months are not entitled to use the NHS and therefore do not need to pay the
Surcharge, so we would strongly advise you to take out Health Insurance before you come to the UK.
Credibility Testing
When you apply for your Tier 4 Student Visa you may be asked to undertake an interview either in person, by telephone or by videolink. For most students it will be conducted via video link (similar to Skype) with a Home Office member of staff in Sheffield in the UK
and will last 30 minutes. The transcript of your interview will then be considered alongside your visa application.
The aim of the interview is for UKVI to find out whether you are a genuine student. This means that you will be asked questions about
your past immigration history, your previous study, your future plans and your finances. As a guide only, the following questions are
some examples of the questions you may be asked at an interview:
Why do you want to study in the UK?
Why did you choose Swansea University?
Where is Swansea? What do you know about the University?
Which other universities did you consider when deciding to study in the UK?
Why did you choose this course?
Do you understand the responsibilities of students entering the UK as a Tier 4 student visa holder?
How will doing this course help you with your future career plans?
What do you plan to do after your finish your course?
Our International Student Advisory Service (ISAS) has published additional information relating credibility interviews on their web pages
which can be found at
You must complete sections A,B,C & D above before submitting your application form
The following documents must be included with your application form;
Copy of passport
Certificate of English
Documents relating to any previous study in the UK (specified in section D)
I confirm that the information provided in all sections of this application is true, complete and accurate and that no information requested
or other material information has been left out. I give permission to Swansea University to check the authenticity of this information by
contacting any institutions where I have previously studied. I also give permission for the UKVI to share any previous immigration history
with Swansea University when assessing my eligibility to obtain a student visa and complete my chosen course at the University. I
understand and accept that Swansea University and/or ICWS reserve the right to cancel my application if they have convincing evidence
that I (or anyone acting on my behalf) have given false or misleading information that, if known to the UKVI, would result in the refusal of
a visa application.
Please email/post your completed application form to;
ELTS Department, 3rd Floor Margam Building, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP
Telephone: 01792 295391