MODULE SPECIFICATION FORM Module Title: A Curriculum for Childhood Module code: ECSF410 Existing/New: 4 Semester(s) in which to be offered: Two New Originating Subject: Module duration (contact hours/ directed/directed private study: Level: Title of module being replaced (if any): Education and Childhood Studies Notional 200 hours: 30 Direct Taught Time 30 Work-based Learning 80 Private Study 60 Directed Study Percentage taught by Subjects other than originating Subject (please name other Subjects): Programme(s) in which to be offered: Foundation Degree in Early Childhood, Care and Education Credit Value: With effect from: 20 Sept. 2010 ECSF 102 A Curriculum For Childhood Module Leader: Lynda Ellis Status: core/option/ elective (identify programme where appropriate) : Core Module None Pre-requisites per programme (between levels): Co-requisites per programme (within a level): None None Module Aims: This module will enable students to: Establish an understanding of the range of curricula offered within the Early Childhood sector including current legislative issues and international perspectives. Develop a clear understanding of how current curricula supports the promotion of children’s development and learning within early years/educational settings. Expected Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students should be able to: 1. Understand what a curriculum is, and explore how a curriculum is formulated with regard to current issues, research, legislation, policies and procedures. 2. Examine different approaches to early childhood educational provision including understanding the role of play within the Foundation Phase/ Foundation Stage. 3. Discuss the role of the practitioner in the delivery of the early childhood curriculum. 4. Explore the effectiveness of the curriculum as a tool to support the promotion of development and learning within inclusive and diverse settings. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Communicate effectively Writing skills Sharing ideas Evaluation and reflection Improving own practice Interpretation and analysis of information Observation Assessment: please indicate the type(s) of assessment (eg examination, oral, coursework, project) and the weighting of each (%). Details of indicative assessment tasks must be included. 1) Create an evaluative portfolio that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of: The implementation of the Foundation Phase, Early Years Foundation Stage or Key Stage 1 in your setting The role of the practitioner in the delivery of the curriculum The role of play within the curriculum The effectiveness of the curriculum as a tool to support the promotion of learning and development Your portfolio should draw upon a range of evidence gathered from within your setting, government documentation, legislation, underpinning theory and demonstrate reading from a variety of academic sources. Assessment 1 - Portfolio Learning Outcomes to be met 1, 2, 3, 4 Type of assessment Portfolio Weighting 100% Duration (if exam) N/A Word count or equivalent if appropriate 4,000 Learning and Teaching Strategies: This module is delivered through taught classroom sessions. This will involve working alone, in groups, with peers, tutors and colleagues. Sessions will comprise of the presentation of information, reading, practical activities and discussion. Work-based learning and self-directed tasks form a large part of this module and are used to inform the assessment and materials used in the classroom. Students will receive further support through access to the virtual learning environments both at Yale and Glyndwr (Moodle). Work-based learning: During this module students will be expected carry out the following tasks within the workplace: . Reflect on current practice in light of learning from this module. Observe and reflect upon the implementation of the Foundation Phase or Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1 within the setting. Collect evidence to support the submission of a portfolio of work. Syllabus outline: Below is an overview of the module syllabus in a rough order of delivery, please note that each area may cover more than one session. 1. What is a ‘Curriculum’? Why follow a ‘curriculum’ within an early years/educational 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. setting? Responsibility for developing curricula frameworks and guidance with particular reference to legislation and accountability. Current thinking and research that influence the methodologies employed within early childhood. To include international perspectives and practices. Analysis of the current early years’ curriculum framework within Wales and England. (Foundation Phase or Foundation Stage / Key Stage 1) The role of play within the Foundation Phase/Foundation Stage. The effective role of the practitioner in delivering the curriculum. Supporting children with diverse needs to access the curriculum effectively. Exploring the effectiveness of the curriculum as a tool to support the promotion of learning and development. Bibliography Essential reading: Macleod Brundenell, I. and Kay, J. (2008), Advanced Early Years, Harlow: Heinnemann Other indicative reading: Baker, C. (1994), Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Bruce, T. (2005), Early Childhood Education 3rd ed, London: Hodder Arnold Daley, M., Byers, E. and Taylor, W. (2006), Understanding Early Years Theory and Practice Oxford: Heinemann. Holt, N. and Green, S. (2007), Bring the Highscope Approach to Your Early Years’ Setting. Oxon: Routledge Knight, S. (2009), Forest Schools and Outdoor Learning in the Early Years. London:Sage Knowles, G. (2009), Ensuring Every Child Matters. London:Sage Miller, L. Cable, C. and Devereaux, J, (2005), Developing Early Years’ Practice: Foundation Degree Texts, Oxon: David Fulton Publishers Moyles, J. (2005), The Excellence of Play 2nd Ed, Maidenhead:Open University Press Nutbrown, C. (2006). Threads of Thinking. 3rdEd. London: Sage Thornton, L. (2007), Bringing the Reggio Approach to Your Early Years Practice, Oxon: David Fulton Publishers Pound, L. (2009), How Children Learn: Contemporary Thinking and Theorists v.3, Lemington-Spa: Step Forward Publishing Journals: Early Years Educator Nursery World Child Development International Journal of Early Childhood Early Childhood Research Quarterly Electronic Sources: (@ February 2010) WAG - Early Years – Childcare Strategy for Wales - Flying Start - Foundation Phase – wag/?lang=en DCSF National Strategies EYFS National Children’s Bureau Open Eye DCSF Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) project