Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs OPEN DATA STRATEGY 2013 - 2017 Our vision Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islander people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds contribute to and enjoy Queensland’s prosperity and lifestyle. Introduction The Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs (DATSIMA) has a purpose to provide whole-of-government leadership to improve the outcomes for Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islander people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. What enables this Department to achieve this purpose is access to data sources that is used to derive necessary information and wisdom needed for decision making process (for example Census data). The vast majority of DATSIMA’s business relies on data consumption from external sources and very limited own data creation and management. Strategic Overview The overall objective of DATSIMA’s Open Data Strategy is to show how data improves DATSIMA’s business and demonstrate transparency and openness through the release of information. a) Short and long-term goals and objectives As of December 2014, there are 25 datasets with 43 resources published. In addition to the departmental Open Data strategy document which incorporates the Islanders Board of Industry and Service (IBIS) strategy, there is a separate Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) strategy document published. DATSIMA is committed to publish further datasets as well as continually look for opportunities to identify and release more data. Our long term goals are to: Continually improve the current datasets e.g. move towards providing data application programming interfaces (APIs); Identify new datasets for publishing; and Produce information about existing datasets which may be published in the future, e.g. data related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s Cultural Heritage. Current at December 2014 b) The types of data held by DATSIMA The following identifies data generated, maintained and owned by DATSIMA: 1) Merchant data for Woorabinda, Lockhart River, Kowanyama, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw and Doomadgee Retail Stores; 2) Queensland multicultural action plan core outcomes; 3) Grants data related to Cape York Welfare Reform, Multicultural Affairs and Urban and Regional Strategy; 4) Departmental Corporate Services data including, but not limited to: Data related to late payments made under the Late Payment Policy where government will pay interest to small business for all bills on contracts up to $1 million paid greater than 30 calendar days on a correctly rendered undisputed tax invoice; Data related to overseas travel of departmental employees; Data related to consultancy spending undertaken by the Department; Departmental financial and human resource data; Data related to departmental key performance measurements; 5) Index of Colonial Secretary's correspondence relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 18591903 (data held and managed by Queensland State Archives); 6) Cultural Heritage data including: Organisations list; Cultural Heritage Designated Landscape Areas list; Cultural Heritage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Parties list; Cultural Heritage Management Plans list; 7) Communities and Personal Histories (CPH) client request database—this database contains personal client details and information about their research inquiry. The CPH digital library includes a Document Management System (DMS) which contains pdf copies of closed and open archive documents (NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals remain confidential); 8) Under Award Wages Process (UAW) and DMS reparations database—contains information about clients who applied for the UAW Process and the Reparations process, including personal contact information and notes on outcome of the claim (NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals remain confidential); 9) Removals Database—contains information regarding the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland, including names, reason for removal and place taken from and to, and dates (NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals remain confidential); and 10) Integrated spatial database for managing information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage. This system allows staff in the Cultural Heritage Coordination Unit to access geographical and historical information about more than 30,000 sites of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage significance throughout the state. The information in the database is highly cultural sensitive and is protected under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and Torres Strait Islanders Cultural Heritage Act 2003. Please refer to Appendix for release timetable. Current at December 2014 Following data belongs to DATSIMA, but is held by other agencies and statutory bodies: Grant funding paid to organisations, held by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DCCSDS); Information on DATSIMA’s property portfolio, held by the Department of Housing and Public Works; Employee data held by Queensland Shared Services; FRC data in relation to client management – more information available at IBIS merchant data - more information available at c) Overarching data identification process DATSIMA’s data has no known inter-agency links to datasets, other than its link to DCCSDS. DCCSDS provides a large number of corporate services and manages Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems on behalf of DATSIMA. d) Release strategy DATSIMA’s release strategy is focused on: Improving the delivery of identified datasets; Working with the ICT team based within DCCSDS to move information systems (that contain identified datasets) to DATSIMA to enable data publication; Continual reassessment of the department’s position to make more data available in the future including reviewing and assessing data requests from external sources. Data identified for publication on the Government’s Open Data website will be approved by the dataset owner and the DATSIMA Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The following describes the Open Data Release process: Dataset identified Dataset Owner approval Dataset format standardised DATSIMA ELT approval Dataset Publication e) Governance and compliance with standards including the protection of private and confidential data Open Data Strategy implementation is directed by the DATSIMA ELT and regular reporting on the progress is submitted for review and decisions; The DATSIMA Strategic Plan 2014-2018 includes an objective relating to “Creating a capable, agile and innovative organisation” which has direct link to department’s ongoing commitment to Open Data; An employee awareness campaign is run by the department with active assistance in identifying, formatting and publishing of data; All future departmental business systems will include Open Data publishing requirements; As part of the release strategy all datasets identified for release are checked for compliance with appropriate standards including the protection of private, culturally sensitive, commercial-in-confidence and confidential data. Current at December 2014 Data It is expected that the identified datasets being released to the public will: Increase the openness and transparency of government and its processes; Be used and analysed by researchers, information management companies or non-government organisations; Encourage competitive provision of services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and Multicultural groups in Queensland. Future program The DATSIMA ELT will review proposals for future datasets and take appropriate action. The proposed future programs include: Upgrading the Retail Stores datasets. The Retail Store datasets are derived from a Borland database, which is set to be upgraded within next 12 months. DATSIMA will continually review its ability to provide improvements in delivery of these datasets; Delivery of additional datasets relating to Community and Personal Histories system that had recently undergone changes; Inclusion of new datasets from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage business system which will be undergoing significant changes within next 6 months; Monitoring stakeholder feedback sent via More detail on DATSIMA’s Open Data program can be found in the Appendix to this Strategy. Current at December 2014 Appendix – Publications and Datasets Publications Publication name 01 Open Data Strategy DATSIMA (publication) 02 Open Data Strategy FRC (publication) Description of publication Target date of publishing Frequency of update End of release date (if Open licence? (i.e. month & year) (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) applicable) (Yes or No) Open data strategy for the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs, listing data collected by the department, timetables for its release and standards for data management. This strategy document also includes Islanders Board Of Industry & Service (IBIS) data release strategy. Open data strategy for the Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) listing data collected by this statutory body, timetables for its release and standards for data management. Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Description of data Target date of publishing Frequency of update Open licence? (i.e. month & year) (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) End of release date (if Published once June 2014 Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Datasets - published Dataset name 01 Black Tracker files index 02 Community and Personal Histories requests statistics 03 Consultancy spending This dataset contains an index to the Queensland police Black Tracker correspondence held at Queensland State Archives. Black Trackers were Aboriginal men who were employed by the Police department to act as trackers. This dataset contains information on processed Community and Personal Histories requests which is used to support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders to help them find their connections to family and traditional country NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals will remain confidential and will not be published. Consultancy spending undertaken by the Department (Yes or No) applicable) Current at December 2014 Dataset name 04 Correspondence relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Deebing Creek 05 Cultural Heritage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parties list 06 Cultural Heritage designated landscape areas list 07 Cultural Heritage management plans list 08 Cultural Heritage organisation list 09 DATSIMA— Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP) 10 Departmental financial performance Description of data Target date of publishing Frequency of update End of release date (if Open licence? (i.e. month & year) (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) This dataset relates to indexes created for correspondence items dated from 1894 to 1915. Published once June 2014 Yes Currently stored in excel format and contains party contact details and registration status. Published annually n/a Yes Currently stored in excel format and in part also published on DATSIMA internet site. Information consists of detailed listings of Aboriginal cultural heritage organisations by region and geospatial information related to the site recorded on the Cultural Heritage Register. Information on applicants, proposed projects, geospatial information on culturally significant areas and related Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples information NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals will remain confidential and will not be published. Currently stored in excel format and in part also published on DATSIMA internet site. Information consists of detailed listings of Aboriginal cultural heritage organisations by region and geospatial information related to the site recorded on the Cultural Heritage Register. Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas This dataset relates to department's financial performance published in the Annual Report. Published annually n/a Yes Published quarterly n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes (Yes or No) applicable) Current at December 2014 Dataset name 11 Hourly productivity report for stores in selected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities 12 Index of Colonial Secretary’s correspondence 13 Index of census returns of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people 1915 14 Key performance measurements 15 Late payments 16 Overseas travel 17 People and corporate governance 18 Product sales report 19 Queensland Multicultural Action Plan Core Outcome 20 Service delivery statements Description of data Target date of publishing Frequency of update End of release date (if Open licence? (i.e. month & year) (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) applicable) Store sales data and trends for Woorabinda, Lockhart River, Kowanyama, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw and Doomadgee communities. Published quarterly n/a Yes The records of the Colonial Secretary’s Office (in the form of correspondence received) relating to Aboriginal affairs expenditure. This dataset contains an index of census returns of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people compiled around 1915. Published once January 2013 Yes Published once June 2014 Yes This dataset relates to department's key performance measurements as published in the Annual Report. Quarterly report on late payments made under the Late Payment Policy where government will pay interest to small business for all bills on contracts up to $1 million paid greater than 30 calendar days on a correctly rendered undisputed tax invoice. Details of overseas travel undertaken by officers of the Department This dataset relates to information on workforce diversity as published in the Annual Report. Sales Data by Product group for all IBIS Stores Published annually n/a Yes Published quarterly n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Report on the performance of the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs on the Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2011-2014 Core Outcomes. This dataset relates to departmental budgetary service delivery performance statements as Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes (Yes or No) Current at December 2014 Dataset name 21 FRC - application to amend or end agreement or order 22 FRC - Community conference outcomes 23 FRC - Community conferences 24 FRC - Referrals 25 FRC - Show cause hearings Description of data published in the Annual Report. Details of applications to amend or end agreements or orders received by the Family Responsibilities Commission. Outcomes of conferences for each community. Information related to community conferences held by the Family Responsibilities Commission. Data related to referrals resulting from community conferences. Information related to attendance of show cause hearings. Target date of publishing Frequency of update End of release date (if Open licence? (i.e. month & year) (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) applicable) Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes Published annually n/a Yes (Yes or No) Current at December 2014 Datasets – to be published Dataset name Description of dataset Target date of publishing 02 Removals database 03 Community and Personal Histories requests statistics (new) 04 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Cultural Heritage sites database Information contains client details who applied for the UAW Process and the Reparations process – contains mix of personal contact information and notes on outcome of the claim. NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals will remain confidential and will not be published Information regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people removed in Queensland – includes their name, reason for removal and place taken from and to and dates. NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals will remain confidential and will not be published. The currently published dataset contains limited information on processed Community and Personal Histories (CPH) requests. Recently the CPH database has undergone enhancements and a dataset with much wider content will be available. NB: personal details regarding applicants and individuals will remain confidential and will not be published. Geographical and historical information about more than 30,000 sites of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage. Much of this information has been exempted for publication due to cultural sensitivity. However, some aggregated information on the datasets (e.g. numbers of sites, types of sites, regional information etc.) will be examined for publication. It is envisaged a number of datasets and resources will be available for publishing. End of release date (if Open licence? (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) applicable) February 2015 TBA TBA TBA February 2015 TBA TBA TBA February 2015 annually n/a Yes June 2015 TBA TBA TBA (i.e. month & year) 01 Under Award Wages process Frequency of update (Yes or No) Current at December 2014