E-portfolio Recycling

Today on channel 89 news we are going to discuss recycling. The pros and cons and why
we should recycle to help save our world from the pollutions when not recycled. When you
hear recycling, you probably didn’t realize the many different things you can recycle. You can
recycle; glass, cardboard boxes, paper, car oil, tires, ink cartridges and the list continues. If you
live in California you pay extra tax on your water or pop bottles.
When we do not recycle items that are recyclable we are having to make more of the
product and are being wasteful. When you recycle cardboard boxes and paper, you are saving
many trees from being cut down. How many of you like to drink your water from plastic water
bottles? “By recycling plastic water bottles you are saving the landfill from excess waste and
making it so we can reuse the plastic for more plastic bottles”(Wang) “Most trash the isn’t
recycled goes to the landfill. This is not good for our ecosystem. Some of the trash in the
environment is lethal to wildlife and some is toxic which adds to our pollution”. (Willson)
Where does recycling occur?
Recycling is happening practically everywhere. It depends on it you are doing your part
participating in recycling or throwing it away? Everyone loves to have a car. The department of
transportation metro transit division recycles more than you can wrap your brain around.
Transit makes money by recycling than losing money. “Counting only solid materials such as paper,
metal, wood and glass, Transit recycled over 1.6 million pounds in 2004. For liquids such as waste oil
and antifreeze, the 2004 total is just over 100,000 gallons”. (Recycling Facts) In Seattle Transit is
working on many projects to continue with recycling. “In addition to having a recycling
program, Transit is actively pursuing projects in water conservation, electricity conservation
and natural gas conservation. Some of the more exciting recent projects have included solarpowered bus shelters in the downtown Seattle area, building remodels with more efficient
lighting and installation of low-flow nozzles on our bus washing systems. Transit has also
completed projects that involve urinals that don't require water, variable speed air compressors
and hybrid buses”. (Recycling Facts)
When you work in your yard or garden, you probably didn’t realize tree branches or
leaves could be recycled. Leaves can shrivel up and be used in the dirt as mulch. Your tree
branches can be used to make paper, instead of cutting down more trees. Everyone who buys a
real Christmas tree for Christmas should be encouraged to recycle your trees. The billions of
trees that are used can go towards making many things and save the economy from rising
prices of paper.
Why we recycle
By recycling we are saving our earth with pollution and filling our landfills with
unnecessary items. “Many factories that produce plastics, metals, and paper products release
toxins into the air. Recycle these materials, and there will be less need for companies to
manufacture new materials—saving on the amount of pollution dumped into our atmosphere”.
("Why Everyone Should Recycle") “Our need to recycle is only going to grow more urgent as
populations grow and as technology changes. Recycling creates far more jobs than landfills
do—enough jobs to make a big difference in a small town”. ("Why Everyone Should Recycle")
With the economy these days the more jobs that are available for individuals the better.
What is being done to or can be done to handle recycling?
To help promote recycling in the cities are giving every house a colored garbage can to
put in there recyclable trash in. By doing that workers are able to sort out recyclable items
easier than going through our normal trash cans with everyday trash that is not recyclable. In
California they have a main trash can and two different recycling cans to put items in. If each
household would make an effort to put recyclable items in one trash can and food garbage in
another can inside they won’t be lazy and not care. Places will pay you for recyclable items
also. If you gather up aluminum cans and take them to be recycled they will pay you so much
for them. Money is always an incentive to recycle. If not by recycling you will help save the
earth from more pollution and global warming.
I never knew of all the items that could be recycled. The only thing that really popped in
my mind was paper, cardboard boxes, glass bottles and aluminum cans. When I was younger
we use to have a place close by that we would take our newspaper and glass jars to recycle.
Now that isn’t there. Then we received recycling garbage cans at our house. I thought it was
ridiculous to recycle and was too lazy and would through it away. I now want to recycle and
help save the earth from pollution and filling up the landfills with unneeded items.
My friend’s 12 year old daughter started them on recycling. Before they revived their
recycling garbage can at their house, they didn’t recycle. The daughter told her mom she
wanted to start recycling because she learned about it in school. My friend with seven kids could
totally say she is too busy to recycle and just throw away everything for convenience but she has
gone the extra mile to recycle.
Photo of recycling bins in Japan- Wikipedia.com
"Metro Transit." Recycling Facts. Dept. of Transportation. Web. 27 Feb 2013.
"Professor's House." Why Everyone Should Recycle. Professor's House. Web. 27 Feb
2013. <http://www.professorshouse.com/Your-Home/Environment/Recycling/Articles/WhyEveryone-Should-Recycle/>.
Wang , Denise. "Pros and Cons of Recycling Plastic Bottles." livestrong.com.
livestrong.com, 05 May 2011. Web. 27 Feb 2013. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/47899pros-cons-recycling-plastic/>.
Willson, Judith. "ehow.com." What Happens to Trash When We Don't Recycle?.
www.ehow.com. Web. 27 Feb 2013. <http://www.ehow.com/info_8054647_happens-trash-dontrecycle.html>.