WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM School: Name of School: ______________________________________ District: ___________________________________ Grades of Student Population: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Focus Area(s) Persons Interviewed: _________________________________________ Subject(s): Grades: Interviewer: ________________________________________________ Date: _________________ The RTI Essential Components Integrity Rubric and the Washington RTI Integrity Site Interview Form are for use by individuals responsible for monitoring the school-level fidelity of Response to Intervention (RTI) implementation. These forms are not designed for compliance monitoring and therefore should not be used for this purpose. NEWESD and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for Washington State modified the original document developed the interview form with the assistance of the National Center for Response to Intervention (NCRTI). The interview questions are similar in content to the NCRTI Essential Components Integrity Worksheet which is intended be used by schools for self-appraisal. The format of the RTI Integrity Site Interview Form is semi-structured and thus requires a trained evaluator for administration. **Schools wishing to complete a self-appraisal should not use this interview form and may obtain the Essential Components Worksheet from the NCRTI website, www.rti4success.org. The Integrity Rubric accompanies either assessment tool (Site Interview Form or Essential Components Worksheet) for scoring purposes. The Rubric provides descriptions of ratings for each item. Information about school-level implementation should be collected through interviews with school personnel (sample interview questions are provided below) and through observations and document review. After all of the information has been collected, evaluators use their notes and the RTI Essential Components Integrity Rubric to rate the school on each item. The Rubric provides a five-point rating scale and descriptions of practices that would score a 1, 3, and 5. If you judge a school’s practice to fall between the described ratings, assign the school a rating of 2 or 4. For example, if you judge a school to be performing at a level higher than the Rubric describes for a 3 rating but not quite at the level described for a 5, rate the school as performing at a 4. Introductory Script for Interviews: WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Ratings (1-5) Screening—The RTI system accurately identifies students at risk of poor learning outcomes or challenging behaviors. 1. Screening Tools What tools do you use for screening? Notes: Reading: Math: What evidence do you have that supports the reliability of your screening tools? What evidence do you have that supports the validity of your screening tools? Recommendation(s): What do you think about the accuracy of your screening tools in predict students’ risk status? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. technical manuals, information from NCRTI Tools Charts, data from the publisher.) Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 2. Universal Screening Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Which students participate in screening (grade levels and groups)? Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: How often is screening conducted? What procedures do you use to ensure implementation accuracy (i.e. universal, accurate administration, scoring, and accurate use of cut points to identify students)? Recommendation(s): (Provide evidence, if available. i.e., sample administration scripts, sample data, description of training and/or procedures for checking or retraining as needed.) Multi-Level Prevention/Intervention System—The framework includes a school-wide, multi-level system for preventing school failure. Primary Level Prevention/Core Curriculum 3. Research-Based Curriculum Materials What curriculum materials do you use in your core program? Notes: Reading: Math: How do you know whether these materials are research-based for your population of learners? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. information from IES Practice Guides, NCRTI tools charts, WWC, or other relevant sources) Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 4. Fidelity Interview Questions Comments/Remarks How do you ensure that your curriculum materials are delivered with fidelity? Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: What procedures do you use to monitor the fidelity of implementation of your core curriculum? 5. Articulation of Teaching and Learning (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. fidelity checklists, observation protocols, processes for re-training) Recommendation(s): How is teaching and learning articulated (aligned) from one grade to another? Notes: How do you ensure that teaching and learning is well articulated (aligned) within grade levels so that students have similar experiences, regardless of their assigned teacher? 6. Instruction In what ways do teachers in your building differentiate instruction? Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): Notes: Reading: Math: What information do teachers use to determine the needs of students for the purpose of differentiation? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. sources of data used to identify student needs, grouping strategies) Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 7. School-Based Professional Development Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Please describe the structure for professional development in your school. Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): Secondary (Strategic) Prevention 8. Evidence-Based Intervention What intervention materials do you use in secondary prevention? Notes: Reading: Math: What evidence have you reviewed regarding the program’s effectiveness? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. information from IES Practice Guides, NCRTI tools charts, WWC, or other relevant sources) 9. Complements Core Instruction In what ways do secondary intervention materials align or support foundational skills relevant to core instruction? Recommendation(s): Notes: Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 10. Fidelity Interview Questions Comments/Remarks What evidence do you have that secondary interventions are implemented with fidelity (according to the standard protocol)? Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: What procedures do you use to monitor fidelity? 11. Instruction (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. fidelity checklists, observation protocols, processes for re-training) Recommendation(s): Who delivers secondary interventions? Notes: Reading: Math: How are staff trained to deliver interventions? What is the typical group size for secondary interventions? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. sample schedules, group rosters) Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 12. Determining Responsiveness to Secondary Prevention Interview Questions Comments/Remarks What data are used to decide whether or not a student is responding to intervention? Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: What procedures are in place to help support the team in making these decisions accurately and consistently? 13. Addition to Primary (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. meeting protocol or procedures manual) Recommendation(s): Are the secondary level interventions always implemented as a supplement to the core curriculum? If no, please explain. Notes: (Provide evidence if available; i.e. a sample schedule) Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Ratings (1-5) Tertiary (Intensive) Prevention 14. Evidence-Based Intervention Describe the interventions used at the tertiary level? What information do you have to indicate that interventions are supported by evidence (i.e. that interventions are either an evidencebased standard treatment protocol, or based on validated progress monitoring methods for individualizing instruction)? Notes: Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): In what way are your tertiary interventions more intensive than secondary interventions? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. intervention information, student progress monitoring data showing evidence of effectiveness) 15. Fidelity What evidence do you have that tertiary interventions are implemented with fidelity (according to the standard protocol)? Notes: Reading: Math: What procedures do you use to monitor fidelity? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. fidelity checklists, observation protocols; processes for re-training ) Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 16. Instruction Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Who delivers tertiary interventions? Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: How are staff trained to deliver these interventions? What is the typical group size for tertiary interventions? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. sample schedules, group rosters) 17. Determining Responsiveness to Tertiary Prevention What data are used to decide whether or not a student is responding to tertiary intervention/prevention? Recommendation(s): Notes: Reading: Math: What procedures are in place to help support the team in making these decisions accurately and consistently? 18. Addition to Primary (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. meeting protocol or procedures manual) Recommendation(s): Are the tertiary level interventions always implemented as a supplement to the core curriculum? If no, please explain. Notes: (Provide evidence if available; i.e. a sample schedule) Recommendation(s): Reading: Math: Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Ratings (1-5) Progress Monitoring—Ongoing and frequent monitoring of progress that quantifies rates of improvement and, informs instructional practice and the development of individualized programs. 19. Progress Monitoring Tools What tools do you use to monitor student progress? Notes: Reading: Math: How many alternate forms (of equal and controlled difficulty) are available? How do you determine minimum acceptable growth? Recommendation(s): How do you determine acceptable end of the year performance? What evidence do you have to suggest that performance level data are reliable? (Provide evidence, if available; i.e. a technical manual from the publisher, sample probes, information from the NCRTI Tools Chart) 20. Frequency of Monitoring How often are students at the primary level progress monitored? Notes: Reading: Math: How often are students at the secondary level progress monitored? How often are students at the tertiary level progress monitored? Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 21. Administration Process Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Describe the process used for administering progress monitoring. Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: How do you ensure that progress monitoring probes are administered using a standard procedure? (Provide evidence, if available. i.e., sample administration scripts, sample data, description of training and/or procedures for checking or retraining as needed.) Recommendation(s): Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Ratings (1-5) Data-Based Decision Making — Data-based decision making processes are used to inform instruction, movement within the multi-level system, and disability identification (in accordance with state law). 22. Decision-Making Process What process do you use to make decisions about placement of students in secondary or tertiary intervention/prevention levels? Notes: Reading: Math: Who participates in this decisionmaking process? Are there procedures in place that include objective decision-making criteria to support teams in making placement or movement determinations? Recommendation(s): (Provide evidence, if available. i.e., meeting protocol, composition of decision-making team(s), sample data reviewed, identification of desired cutpoints or growth rates for determining movement and/or response to instruction) Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item Interview Questions Comments/Remarks Ratings (1-5) Overarching Factors—Factors that relate to the entire RTI system. 23. Prevention Focuses To what extent do you believe the teaching staff views the purpose of RTI as primarily to prevent students from having academic and/or behavioral problems? What portion of the teaching staff view RTI as primarily a means for special education identification? 24. Leadership How do leaders/administrators perceive and support RTI at the school level? Notes: Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): Notes: Reading: Math: How do leaders/administrators perceive and support RTI at the district level? Recommendation(s): 25. Staff Qualifications What ongoing RTI training (or training on relevant components) available to all school staff? Please describe. Notes: If not, who receives training? Recommendation(s): See notes from 11 a,b and 16 a,b Reading: Math: Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Item 26. Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Interview Questions Comments/Remarks What efforts are made to ensure that core instruction, secondary, and tertiary interventions consider the cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic factors present in your school? (Provide evidence, if available. i.e., sample materials, information from school handbook, description of relevant professional development.) 27. Communications with Parent What information is available to parents/guardians describing the school’s (or district’s) essential components of RTI? How are parents/guardians updated regarding progress if their students are receiving secondary or tertiary interventions? Notes: Ratings (1-5) Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): Notes: Reading: Math: Recommendation(s): (Provide evidence, if available. i.e., parent brochures, sample letters home, progress reports, conference information) 28. Other How are RTI data used in your special education eligibility process? Notes: Is there anything else you would like for us to know? Recommendation(s): Not scored Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool. WASHINGTON RTI SITE VISIT INTERVIEW FORM Average Scores Across Components Component Reading Average Math Average Behavior Average Screening Core Instruction Secondary Intervention Intensive Intervention Progress Monitoring Data-based decision-making Overarching Factors Overall Score *Component scores were averaged across subcomponents within the topics listed above. The overall score is the average of the average component scores for each subject area (reading or math). If something was scored as “NA” due to lack of information, it was not included in the calculations. Please see the NCRTI Integrity Rubric for more information about what constitutes scores of 1-5 across subcomponents. Thanks to NCRTI & RMC Research Corporation for their assistance in the development of this tool.