FEE $53.00 1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016 GST exempt FORM NO. GEN 04v6 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR A WATER AFFECTING ACTIVITY Erection, construction or enlargement of a dam, wall or other structure that will collect or divert water Pursuant to Section 135 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 1.0 Applicant details Name(s) in full: _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ If body corporate: ACN__________________________________________________________ Contact address: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Contact name: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________________________________ Mobile: __________________________________ Fax:______________________________________ It is an offence to provide information on this form that is false or misleading in a material particular and may result in this application being refused. Failure to provide complete details or pay the fee will delay processing of this application. 2.0 Proposed works 2.1 Do you propose to construct a new dam? Yes No If YES please specify proposed capacity of the dam Capacity calculation guide kilolitres Volume in kL = Area (m2) x depth (m) x 0.4 (kL) If NO and you propose to: enlarge an existing dam go to Part 2.2 undertake other works go to Part 2.3 2.2 If you propose to enlarge an existing dam, specify the current and proposed volume of the dam Current capacity kL Proposed capacity kL 2.3 If you propose other works, detail in the space provided 2.4 Contractor name: Phone no: For office use only Application no. Receipt no. Invoice no. Batch no. Date received _____________ Amount paid $_____________ Catchment _________________________ Application for permit for a water affecting activity page 1 of 4 3.0 Property details Describe the property on which dam works will be undertaken, being land that the applicant has a legal entitlement to use in the proposed manner 3.1 Title reference Allotment number Plan number Section Hundred Volume and folio number 3.2 Property address: 3.3 Property identifier e.g. CFS plate, property name: 4.0 Construction details 4.1 Will the dam be located Onstream? Offstream? (see fact sheet for definition of onstream and offstream dams) 4.2 If water is to be diverted to the dam please specify the proposed method of diversion weir structure and pumping weir structure and diversion channel other 4.3 How high will the dam wall be? metres 4.4 How deep will the dam be when it is full? metres 4.5 What will be the approximate surface area of the dam when full? square metres, hectares (strike out non-applicable) 4.6 Will the dam have a spillway/ pipe (strike out non-applicable) through the dam wall? 5.0 Catchment area supplying water to the dam 5.1 What area of land will supply water to the proposed dam? (a) from your property: hectares (b) from above your property: hectares 6.0 Proposed water use Please tick whichever applies: Irrigation Stock and domestic Number and type of stock Environmental Details Industrial Type of industry Other Details Application for permit for a water affecting activity Area (ha) Crop type page 2 of 4 7.0 Existing dam information 7.1 Are there any existing dams on your property? Yes No If Yes please complete the table below. If No please go to Part 8.0 Purpose of water use for each dam Dam capacity Irrigation (specify area & crop (kL) type) Stock and domestic Environmental Industrial (number & type of stock) (provide details) (specify type of industry) If other please provide details below 8.0 Property plan and any other relevant information Draw a plan of your property showing: • property boundaries and buildings • other significant features such as houses, sheds, tress and adjoining roads • all watercourses and streams • the precise location of the proposed dam and existing dams on the property with approximate distances to property boundaries • north point. Attach another sheet if you need more space. Application for permit for a water affecting activity page 3 of 4 9.0 Other approvals What, if any, approvals do you or your company have from other state or local government agencies to construct or enlarge the proposed dam? 10.0 Signed by the applicant The applicant must complete one only (1 or 2) of the following alternatives. I/we declare that the information provided on this application is true and correct. Signed: 1. Where the applicant is an individual or two or more persons Sign here Print name Date Sign here Print name Date 2. Where the applicant is a company or an incorporated association Either The seal of ) ) ) ) ) ___________________________________________________________ [name of company or incorporated association] was hereby affixed in the presence of _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date_____________ [print names and positions held, sign and date] or ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ [print name(s)] a person or persons duly authorised to sign for and on behalf of ____________________________________________________________________ [name of company or incorporated association] ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Date______________ [Sign] Return application and payment to: Attn: NRM Officer – Water Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board Reply Paid 665 Kingscote SA 5223 Enquiries: KI Natural Resources Management Board, 35 Dauncey Street, Kingscote, 8553 4300 Application for permit for a water affecting activity page 4 of 4