Phrases vs. Clauses Worksheet: Grammar Practice

Monday 10th November
Walt: identify the difference between phrases and clauses.
Miss Graham’s group
Clauses include a verb. Phrases usually do not include a verb and add
extra information to a sentence.
Put a tick in the correct box to identify the phrases and clauses in the
sentences below.
Phrase Clause
The knight fought his way through the forest.
The large batch of dough took ages to rise.
For four days the child had a terrible hacking cough.
The doctor did a thorough examination of the
patient and decided he would need to rest for at
least a week.
There are a huge number of people living in the
Borough of Barnet.
Above the castle lurked a menacing monster.
All through the night the rain fell.
I’d like to go to Disneyland for my dream holiday
next summer.
Next Saturday evening, we’re having pizza and
Monday 10th November
Walt: identify the difference between phrases and clauses.
Mrs Hobbs’ group
Clauses include a verb. Phrases usually do not include a verb and add
extra information to a sentence.
Put a tick in the correct box to identify the phrases and clauses in the
sentences below. Add 3 additional sentences of your own at the bottom
and identify whether you have added a phrase or a clause.
Phrase Clause
The knight fought his way through the forest.
The large batch of dough took ages to rise.
For four days the child had a terrible hacking cough.
The doctor did a thorough examination of the
patient and decided he would need to rest for at
least a week.
There are a huge number of people living in the
Borough of Barnet.
Above the castle lurked a menacing monster.
All through the night the rain fell.
I’d like to go to Disneyland for my dream holiday
next summer.
Next Saturday evening, we’re having pizza and
Monday 10th November
Walt: identify the difference between phrases and clauses.
Miss Chisholm’s group
Clauses include a verb. Phrases usually do not include a verb and add
extra information to a sentence.
Put a tick in the correct box to identify the phrases and clauses in the
sentences below.
Phrase Clause
The knight fought his way through the forest.
The large batch of dough took ages to rise.
For four days the child had a terrible hacking cough.
The doctor did a thorough examination of the
patient and decided he would need to rest for at
least a week.
There are a huge number of people living in the
Borough of Barnet.
Above the castle lurked a menacing monster.
All through the night the rain fell.
I’d like to go to Disneyland for my dream holiday
next summer.
Next Saturday evening, we’re having pizza and
Now write 6 additional sentences of your own. 3 sentences must include
examples of phrases, the other 3 must include examples of phrases.