2015 ATCHISON COUNTY FARM BUREAU ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION $500 Scholarship Application is due April 1, 2015 mail application to: Nancy Fasse, Coordinator Atchison Co. Farm Bureau Box 184, Effingham,KS 66023 Requirements: 1. Must currently be a 2014-2015 High School senior 2. Parents must be members of Atchison County Farm Bureau 3. Must be applying to an accredited College, Jr. College, Trade/Technical School or Health Care related school 4. A complete application must be received by April 1, 2015 (mailed to above address) Biographical Information Applicant Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ High School: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Parents Name ______________________________________________________________Phone #__________________ Kansas Farm Bureau Membership Number: __________________________________ Attach to this page your response(s) to the following essay questions: 1. Discuss how you intend to utilize your education to better your community. 2. List any jobs or extra-curricular activities that you have been involved with during your high school career and briefly discuss how they have contributed to your personal or community growth. You may also list any academic awards or honors. 3. What secondary education institution are you planning to attend and why? 4. Briefly discuss your educational and vocational goals for this upcoming year. Attach an official High School transcript including rank and ACT scores. If you are a recipient of a scholarship, we request your attendance at our Annual Meeting (usually held in late July) to receive your scholarship, say a few words about yourself and your plans for the future. If you have questions regarding this application, please contact Nancy Fasse at 913-833-4085 or atchisonfb@kfb.org