Tower Road Academy Long Term Subject Framework – Year 1 to 6 Science Y e a r 1 Animals including Humans Light Materials ICT Computing E-Safety Programming Beebots Granada Paints Word / Clicker6 Forces Keeping Safe PE Dance Games: Ball Skills Drawing Gymnastics Printing Games: sending, rolling and aiming Clay Plants Animations Seasonal Changes Art Games: Bat and ball skills, partnership skills Travelling with different objects. D&T Music Junk Modelling Singing and percussion Painting Collage – linked to the 3 Little Pigs Rousseau inspired work. History Dinosaurs Castles Cooking and Nutrition – Easter Cakes sandwiches Interact CD Composing from images Interact Music appreciation. Glocks Famous Pirates Geography Studying different contrasting localities. Look at how localities have changed over time. Locating the UK on maps and globes. Label capital cities. 3D Sculpture Drawing simple maps. RE PSHE SRE Celebration for Christians Responsibility -Class and School Rules Harvest Advent and Christmas Visiting a Christian church Easter story Belonging to a Christian Community. Everyone is different/ Respect Friendship and cooperation. Tolerating others Feelings Keeping Safe Caring for others Science Materials Y e a r 2 Animals including Humans ICT Computing E-Safety Internet Safety. Ipad based – Switcheroo Zoo. Electricity Keeping Safe. Forces Living things and their Habitats Plants Internet Research. Privacy and Security Digital footprint and Reputation. Programming beebots Cyberbullying – relationships and communication Logging on. Word DTP. Internet search. PE Dance Parachute games Games: sending, throwing, receiving. Travelling with a variety of equipment. Ball Skills : sending and throwing. Gymnastics: travelling, turning, rolling and jumping. Games: Catchball, Tennis. Sports day Circuits. Art Printing Collage – fiery dragons. Painting – Vincent Van Gogh and Leonid Afremov Clay – linked to journey’s through space. Drawing- Jane wells Loudon 3D Sculpture – linked to the Ugly Bug Ball topic. D&T History Geography Singing and percussion Great Fire of London Judaism Circuits linked to Science. Interact Composing from images. Gunpowder Plot Food and Hygiene – Asda. Music appreciation Interact CD Study maps and compass directions (N<E<S<W). Describe location and features on a map. Observe/ record features around school. Compare what they see and give reasons for differences. Create maps. Hannukah (Lights) Sewing – Christmas decoration. Music Yuri Gagarin Glocks Pilgrim Fathers Seaside Holidays Identifying places and continents on maps and globes. Compass directions. Study a different locality. RE Celebrations for Jewish Community. Sukkot (Harvest) What can we find out about the Torah? Belonging to a Jewish Community. PSHE SRE ResponsibilityClass and School Rules How have I changed? New Beginnings. Choices Changes – getting on and falling out. Anti-bullying. Going for Goals. Water Safety Friendship It’s Good to be me. Using technology safely. Caring for the Environment Science Animals including humans Y e Magnets a r Materials 3 Rocks and Soils Plants Light ICT Computing E-Safety Logging on- own password. Desk top publishing. Privacy and securitypasswords. Beebots – algorithms. Relationships and communication Camera / ipads. Scratch Safe searching online. Relationships and communication Egyptians Kar2ouche PE Swimming Games: ball skills Adventurous Activities. Creative Games. Net and court games using different balls Benchball. Dance Gymnastics Striking and fielding games Art D&T Drawing – Time Travel Making photo frames. Painting – Andy Warhol 3D sculpture – Egyptians. Collage Printing – Andre Derain Turner Music Exploring Rhythms music appreciation Graphic Scores climates Glocks rivers and seas. History of Music (Vivaldi, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, John Williams) Egypt History Geography History of the School Rivers and volcanoes. The Stone Age Rivers and the water cycle. Egyptians RE Christianity Christian Beliefs and lifestyles (including worship, prayer, ideas of God, The Trinity and Rules and Values.) Beautiful World, Wonderful God. What do we know about Jesus? PSHE SRE Responsibility -Class and School Rules Healthy Lifestyle Families/ Respect Caring about others Using technology safely Learning about money Science Forces Scratch Electricity Privacy and securityinformation Literacy. Y e States of a Matter r 4 ICT Computing E-Safety Living things and their Habitats Animals including humans Power point Camera Self-image and identity. Kar2ouche Internet safety, cyberbullying. I can animate. Safe searching. Branching Databases. Creative credit and copyright. Granada logo. PE Ball Games – interception Football, netball, basketball, cricket. Outdoor and adventurous activities. Art Observational drawings Clay – coil pot Painting / 3D Sculpture – linked to music D&T Food - linked to Romans. Tudor purses Making a windmill. Music Djembe Romans Composing from images Tudors Tudors (Glocks) Jingles (Glocks) Tudor collage Printing techniques History Graphic Scores Juke Box (Glocks) History of Music (Telemann, Mozart, Berlioz, Holst, Jeff Wayne) Geography Identify hemispheres on map. Use compass points to direct and locate. Locate and label different countries and continents. Identify climate zones. Compare and contrast different regions. Locate mountain ranges, rivers and oceans. Amazon rainforest. RE Hinduism Diwali – what can we learn from the Celebration. Hindu Beliefs and Lifestyles How and why do Hindus worship at home and in the Mandir? PSHE SRE Responsibility -Class and School Rules Road Safety Media influence and me. Caring for the Environment Learning about money Change Science Properties of Materials Y Earth and e Space a r Properties of Materials 2 5 Sound Living things and their habitats Animals including humans ICT Computing E-Safety PE Art Scratch Relationships and communication Self-image and identity Volleyball Uni-hoc Gymnastics. Badminton Net, wall and court games Circuits. Invasion games: sending, receiving and travelling within various games. Dance. Gymnastics Athletics. Shuffle ball. Benchball, tagball Adventurous activities. Striking and fielding games. Dodgeball. Clay slab pot – ancient Greek topic. Kar2ouche Privacy and security-strong passwords. Mission control I can animate / Zu3D: animations. Safe internet searching. Dance E-Jay. Power point – Growing diary (plants). Copyright and creative credit. Use of camera. Designer Games. Collage – out of this world topic. Printing – stage and screen topic Painting – onwards and upwards topic. Georgia O’Keefe Drawing. D&T Textiles – making a Viking artefact. Mechanics – theatre ‘stage and screen’ topic. Cam Mechanisms. Music Marching Music (Glocks) Space. Djembe – Stage and Screen Taiko/Music appreciation Graphic Scores History of Music (Bach, Hayden, SaintSaens, Gershwin, Howard Shore) History Ancient Greece Anglo Saxons -Scots Vikings Geography Anglo-Saxons Ancient Greece. Use maps, atlases to locate places in Europe. 4 figure grid references. Compare rural / urban places in UK. 8points of compass. Land use and physical features. Use maps to locate features. Label counties, cities, mountains and rivers. RE Islam Muslim Beliefs and lifestyles Religion in the Neighbourhoo d. Symbols of worship in a Christian Place of worship and Mosque. PSHE SRE Responsibility - Class and School Rules Everyone is different Tolerance and respect My computer and me Risk. Alcohol, tobacco and solvents Media influence Growing Up Puberty Science Forces Light Y e Evolution and a Inheritance r 6 Living things and their habitats Animals including Humans Micro Organisms ICT Computing E-Safety Spreadsheets. Video editing. Scratch – creating codes. Keeping safe. Junior control insight Multimedia presentations Word processing – desk top publishing Kodu – creating games. Camera – animating photographs. PE Gymnastics: Bridging, asymmetry. Net, wall and court games. Basketball. Tag ball Dodgeball Badminton Invasion games Uni-hoc Fitness training Art Painting – artist study (focus on colour). Drawingpastel skills and mixed media. Collagedesigning an artefact 3D SculptureFairground D&T Music History Collage Fairgrounds – WW2-analyse and create own pieces. World War II Food and Hygiene linked to WW2. Graphic Scores Music appreciation Chinese Music (keyboards) Fairgrounds Blues (keyboards) WW2 Printing Gymnastics Dance Volleyball Athletics Adventurous activities. Swimming Claysculptures. History of Music (Purcell, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov, Britten, John Barry) History of Boston Geography 6 figure grid references. Climates of given countries around the world. RE Christianity Christian Journeys How do the beliefs of Christians influence their actions? Use of maps. Identify trade links around the world. Environment – rivers. Where does the Christian Bible come from? PSHE SRE Responsibility - Class and School Rules Democracy Money Risk Alcohol, tobacco and solvents Risk – Media influences Growing Up (SRE) Changing School