Name_____________________________________ Block __________ ACT Reading Project Rubric Passage named and source stated, properly Passage is the appropriate length (7501,000 words) Passage is at the right reading level Passage is formatted to look exactly like the real test. Passage has 10 questions with the # of types of questions, as listed, and in order. Questions are clearly worded and reflect the type of question being asked. (Circle the key words in the question that point out the type of 0 Missing or Incomplete or poor quality (5+ errors 1 4 3 2 errors Insert the word count of the passage only: __________ Missing or Incomplete (549 words or less) Missing or Incomplete or poor quality (below 8.0) Missing or Incomplete or poor quality (5 or more errors) Insert the word count of the passage only: __________ 550 – 649 words Insert the word count of the passage only: __________ 650 – 749 words 5 A. The word “Passage” is listed followed by a Roman numeral. B. The type of passage is listed below that followed by a colon. C. Both of these are in bold. D. After the name of the passage, there is a complete sentence E. that lists the source in italics, F. the specific name of the article in quotation marks, G. the author H. and the date. Insert the word count of the passage only: __________ 750 – 1,000 words Check in Word: Insert writing level: _________ Gr. 8.0-8.9 Check in Word: Insert writing level: _________ Gr. 9.0 – 10.8 Check in Word: Insert writing level: _________ Gr. 10.9+ 4 errors 2 errors A. B. C. D. E. Missing or Incomplete (4 or more questions; missing at least one question of at least three of the different types of questions. Missing or Incomplete or of poor quality (5 or more questions are not clear; 5 or more questions don’t use key words to identify Missing 3 questions AND short in TWO of the types of questions requested. Missing 1-2 questions OR may be short one of ONE of the types of questions listed but questions ARE listed int he proper order as listed below. A. All but 3 or 4 of the questions are clear and easily understood by anyone trying to answer the question. B. All but 3 or 4 of the questions use key words that help identify A. All but 1 or 2 of the questions are clear and easily understood by anyone trying to answer the question. B. All but 1 or 2 questions use key words that help identify the type of No title Indentations are clear Line #s clearly inserted every 5 lines Questions are numbered Multiple choice options are ABCD or FGHJ F. Same standard font size throughout (12 pt.) G. Same font throughout 10 questions of the type listed below in the proper order listed below. A. Each question is clear and easily understood by anyone trying to answer the question. B. Every question picks up the key words that help identify the type of question. question.) Questions are appropriately challenging the question type.) Missing or incomplete the type of question. Multiple question answers (2-4) are either too easy OR too difficult., OR multiple questions (2-4) cannot easily be answered in less than a minute. Passage comes ONLY from one of the sources listed. Missing or incomplete or poor quality (Source not listed; text is not appropriate, level wise or topic wise) Missing answer key Did not use one of the sources listed in the project but text is still appropriate for grade level and purpose of the passage. Missing or Incomplete Complete, posted on time, , multiple minor OR one major formatting problem, such as the letters on the answers. Complete individual test & answer key turned in. Completed individual section posted to both group documents. Complete test turned in but answer key is incomplete or missing. If only three in the group: Is the fourth section present and complete? Yes question. Most questions (8+) are neither so simple as to be easily guessed or impossible to answer even when trying to look up the answers in the text. Almost all questions (8+) require students to think but may be answered in 40-50 seconds each. Used only one of the sources listed, but article selection does not clearly reflect the type of passage required for that section of the test. Both the individual’s complete typed test with a second copy as the answer key with the section clearly labeled is turned in but answers may be handwritten in or indicated and/or name may not be on project. Complete, posted on time, but may be minor formatting problem, such as font. All questions are neither so simple as to be easily guessed or impossible to answer even when trying to look up the answers in the text. Questions require students to think but may be answered in up to 30 seconds each. Used only the sources listed for the project, and article selection clearly reflects the type of passage required for that section of the test. Both the individual’s complete typed test with a second copy completed as the answer key with the section clearly labeled is turned in. Complete, formatted correctly, posted on time. No Total points: _________________/50 a. Write 10 multiple choice questions for the passage as listed below, in the order listed: i. For Prose and Humanities: 1. 1 question - application of a literary term, especially tone, point of view, theme, or narrator 2. 1 question - Vocabulary: Write the question so that it includes the words “most nearly means” and the line number 3. 3 questions - Inference in which you use the words “the reader may infer” or “the passage suggests.” Put together related ideas from two different locations in the passage. The inference must be stated somewhere in the passage, but it requires putting together two or more ideas from elsewhere in the passage to reach the stated conclusion. 4. 2 questions- Comprehension questions in regard to the main purpose of the piece, a specific paragraph, the relationship between characters, etc. 5. 3 questions - “Go back and location information quickly” ii. For Social Studies and Science 1. 1 question - Vocabulary: Write the question so that it includes the words “most nearly means” and the line number. In the answers should be a “too obvious” answer and one that is a challenging word as the definition, which may or may not be the correct answer. 2. 3. 4. 3 questions - Inference in which you use the words “the reader may infer” or “the passage suggests.” Put together related ideas from two different locations in the passage. The inference must be stated somewhere in the passage, but it requires putting together two or more ideas from elsewhere in the passage to reach the stated conclusion. 2 questions- Comprehension questions in regard to the main purpose of the piece, a specific paragraph, the relationship between characters, etc. 4 questions - “Go back and location information quickly”