Keystone Powerpoint Project

Power-point Keystone Project
Create a PowerPoint for all of the following topics in the packet.
Each topic will be graded separately
You may either work alone or with a partner. Each group member must contribute
equally to the project. If you are not working productively with your partner, you may
be asked to work alone for the remainder of the project.
Each presentation topic must include:
All vocabulary and information listed on the topic checklist. DO NOT copy and paste the
information from any source. Make sure you put all information in your own words.
One YouTube video on the topic must be embedded in your presentation. Video should
be less than 7 minutes long. Preview your video before you embed it to make sure the
information is accurate and appropriate.
Pick one main idea and find a creative way to remember the information. It can be a
mini song, poem, rhyme, acrostic etc. This should go at the end of your presentation as
a way to sum up all the information.
Presentations may be submitted through Edmodo as they are finished or saved on a
flash drive to be graded.
All presentations must be completed by May 27th Late Projects will not be accepted.
o It is a good idea to look at your other students power-points and video so that
you can get multiple perspectives on the topics
 Cell Membrane and Passive Transport
Video ______
_____ Plasma Membrane
_____ Impermeable
_____ Hydrophilic
_____ Endosymbiosis
_____ Concentration
_____ Diffusion
_____ Transport Protein
_____ Channel Protein
_____ Osmosis
_____ Hypertonic
____Semipermeable Membrane
____ Phospholipid
____ Hydrophobic
____ Vesicles
____ Concentration Gradient
____ Equilibrium
____ Facilitated Diffusion
____ Carrier Protein
____ Hypotonic
____ Isotonic
____ Fluid Mosaic Model
____ Three Osmotic Environments (Hypertonic, Hypotonic and Isotonic)
Song/Poem _______
 Active Transport
Video _______
____Active Transport
____ Pinocytosis
____ ATP
Diagrams and Explanation
_____ Sodium Potassium Pumps
_____ Endocytosis
_____ Exocytosis
Song/Poem _______
____ Ion Pump
____ Phagocytosis
 Homeostasis
Video ____
_____ System
_____ Homeostasis Mechanism
_____ Positive Feedback Loop
_____ Thermoregulation
_____ Ectothermic
_____ Dehydration
_____ Hemoglobin
_____ Glucose
_____ Diabetes
_______ Negative Feedback Loop
_______ Hypothalamus
_______ Endothermic
_______ Osmoregulation
_______ Gas Exchange
_______ Hormone
_______ Glycogen
Diagrams and explanation
_____ Negative feedback loop ___explanation
_____ Positive Feedback Loop ___explanation
Song/Poem _______
 Organic Molecules
Video _____
_____ Organic Molecules
_____ Monomers
_____ Hydrolysis
_____ Lipids
_____ Functions
_____ Structures
_____ Sterols
____ Macromolecules
____ Dehydration synthesis
_____ Carbohydrates
_____ Functions
_____ Structures
_____ Monosaccharide’s vs. Polysaccharides
_____ Nucleic Acids
_____ Functions
_____ Structures
_____ Nucleotide
_____ DNA vs. RNA
_____ Proteins
_____ Functions
_____ Structures
_____ Amino Acids
_____ Peptide Bonds
Song/Poem _______
 Enzymes
Video _______
_____ Catalyst
____ Reactant
_____ Product
____ Activation Energy
_____ Substrate
____ Active Site
Diagrams and Explanation
____ Activation energy graph
____ Enzyme substrate complex
_____ Explain the effects of temperature and pH on Enzymes
_____ Effects of Enzymes and Substrate Concentration on the rate of reaction
Song/Poem _______
 Cellular Respiration
Video _____
____ Mitochondria
_____ Cellular Respiration
____ Fermentation
_____ Glycolysis
____ Aerobic
_____ Anaerobic
____ Chemical Equation for cellular respiration
____ Respiration
 Glycolysis events
____ What is required to begin
____ What is released
____ Where it happens
____ # of ATP produced
Kreb’s cycle (citric acid cycle)
____ What is required to begin
____ What is released
____ Where it happens
____ # of ATP produced
Electron Transport Chain
____ What is required to begin
____ What is released
____ Where it happens
____ # of ATP Produced
____ Conditions
____ Lactic Acid Ferm. _____example
____ Alcoholic Ferm. ____ Example
Song/Poem _______
 Photosynthesis
Video ____
_____ Photosynthesis
_____ Chloroplast
_____ Xylem
_____ Phloem
_____ Chlorophyll
_____ Thylakoid
_____ Stroma
_____ Stomata
_____ Chemical Equation for photosynthesis
_____ Photosynthesis
 Light dependent reactions
____ What is required to begin
____ What happens
____ What is released
____ Where it happens
 Light independent reactions (Calvin cycle)
____ What is required to begin
____ What happens
____ What is released
____ Where it happens
____ What is produced
____ What effects the rate of photosynthesis
____ Cellular Respiration vs. Photosynthesis
Song/Poem _______
 You Should do both Ecology but if you do not have enough time, pick one that you
need the most review! If you do both, you can receive extra credit.
Ecology Part 1 – Ecosystems
Video ____
_____ Ecology
______ Population
_____ Community
______ Ecosystem
_____ Biomes
______ Biotic Factors
_____ Abiotic Factors
______ Competition
_____ Trophic Level
______ Energy Pyramid
_____ Chart/Table of the Terrestrial Biomes
_____ Chart/Table of the Aquatic Biomes
_____ Chart/Table of the Types of Symbiosis
_____ Food Chains
____ Identify the producers, consumers and energy flow
_____ Food Web
Song/Poem _______
 Ecology Part 2 – Cycles
Video _____
____ Biogeochemical Cycles
____ Succession
____ Endemic Species
____ Biodiversity
____ Carrying Capacity
____ Carbon Cycle
____ Nitrogen Cycle
____ Water Cycle
Song/Poem _______
_____ Organic
_____ Population Dynamics
_____ Nonnative Species
_____ Limiting Factors
_____ Habitat
 Don’t forget to Review DNA/RNA, Protein Synthesis , Cell Cycle and