Agnote No: J88 November 2013 Slaughtering Animals for Human Consumption in the Northern Territory D. Frost, Senior Meat Industries Officer, Biosecurity and Product Integrity, Darwin The slaughter of animals for human consumption is common practice in the Northern Territory on large cattle stations to feed employees and on small blocks in rural areas. The slaughter of animals for consumption by the wider community is governed by the Meat Industries Act 1996 administered through the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (DPIF). The purpose of the legislation is to ensure that meat sold for human consumption is wholesome and is prepared, stored and distributed hygienically. In summary the rules are: 1. It is not an offence to slaughter an animal on your property for consumption by your family and staff provided it is consumed on the property on which it is slaughtered. 2. If you are the owner of a Bed and Breakfast operation, it is not an offence to supply home-butchered meat to paying guests provided they are informed that the meat has not been inspected by a qualified person/inspector. 3. It is an offence to sell home-slaughtered meat through a Roadhouse or Community Store, as all meat used in these operations must be acquired from a licenced processor (see Point 6). 4. It is allowed for cattle stations to provide a live animal to an Indigenous community for slaughter and consumption by the community members, as has been common practice for some time. This is legal under the Act provided the meat is consumed on the same property on which it is slaughtered. 5. It is an offence to sell or barter this meat to another person and a further offence occurs if it is moved off the property/station. 6. For meat being sold to the general community, there is a requirement for it to be processed in a registered establishment that has been issued with a stamp that has an Establishment Number. Meat must be inspected by a qualified person with a minimum Certificate lll in Meat Safety. The Senior Meat Industries Officer can give advice on how individual properties may achieve these standards and provide training through a Registered Training Organisation for persons wishing to undertake meat inspection training. DPIF can also offer advice to prospective proponents on model small-scale abattoirs. Small-scale meat processing facilities could be used to provide better nutrition and health outcomes to remote communities. Further information and advice on slaughtering animals for meat for human consumption may be obtained by contacting the Senior Meat Industries Officer on (08) 8999 2255. © Northern Territory Government ISSN 0157-8243 Serial No. 850 Agdex No. 427/81 Disclaimer: While all care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this document is true and correct at the time of publication, the Northern Territory of Australia gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in this publication, or that it is suitable for your intended use. No serious, business or investment decisions should be made in reliance on this information without obtaining independent and/or professional advice in relation to your particular situation.