
‘Beyond the Walls’ Grants
Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Conference
Board of Discipleship and the Legacy Fund
Purpose: To assist local churches of the Rocky Mountain Conference of The United Methodist
Church to develop experiments, programs, communication outreach events or collaborations in
order to engage people in the neighborhood outside the local church walls.
Who Can Apply: Local churches of the Rocky Mountain Conference. Proposals may be
submitted by clergy or lay leaders, and must have at least one pastoral signature and one lay
member/leader signature.
Deadline: October 15.
Amount: Requests for up to $10,000 will be considered; most grants will be between $1,000 and
Funding Priorities:
The primary purpose of these grants is to support ministry experiments, programs, events, or
collaborations with a focus on engaging people beyond the walls of the local church. Within that
scope, grants may be made for projects that address:
 Worship
 Age-level ministries
 Stewardship
 Evangelism or marketing
 Christian education
 Leadership development
 Outreach/service to people in need
 Hospitality
 Spiritual formation
 Other areas of congregational
 Social justice concerns
This is not an exhaustive list; other topics may also be considered.
1. Fit: The degree to which the proposed project focuses on engaging people beyond the
walls of the local church.
2. Impact: Description of need; degree to which the proposal clearly identifies goals and
describes the process for measuring outcomes, for both the church and the local
3. Ownership: Demonstration of lay and clergy leadership buy-in to carry out the proposed
4. Innovation: How new, creative, or replicable is the project? The emphasis for these
grants will be on ministry experiments and new collaborations.
Updated 10/5/2015: Please read the “Tips for Effective Proposals” for a complete list of
considerations and proposal requirements.
Timeline & Reporting: Grantees will be notified approximately two months after application
deadline. Funds will be disbursed by January 1, 2016. Funds must be spent within 12 months of
disbursement, and reports submitted to the Beyond the Walls Grant Review Team within 30 days
following that time. (e.g., Round 4 applications are due October 15, 2015; funds will be
disbursed by January 1, 2016. Projects funded should be complete by January 1, 2017, and final
reports submitted by January 31, 2017.)
‘Beyond the Walls’ Grant Application
Deadline: October 15
Please return completed application to:
Rev. Kerry Greenhill,
Answer all questions. Number your answers for ease of reading.
Use additional space as necessary, up to maximum application length of 5 pages,
including this cover page, budget and any attachments.
Name of church:
Pastor’s name:
Proposal contact name:
Email address:
Phone number:
Type/name of project:
Amount requested:
Application Questions:
1. Describe the ministry experiment, program, event or collaboration for which you are
seeking funding. What is already in place? What would be created as new?
2. Who will be in charge of implementing this project? What is their role and level of
experience with this kind of work?
3. Who else will be involved? What plans do you have to ensure accountability and
4. Describe the need and expected impact for this project. What are your goals and expected
measurable outcomes? (How will you know you have succeeded?)
5. What is your expected timeline for completing this project? (Maximum: 12 months)
6. Describe or attach a budget for the proposed project, including all anticipated sources of
income and expenses.
7. (Optional) You may attach up to 2 letters of support from church members, project
partners, or community agencies, as long as they do not exceed the maximum of 5 pages
Pastor name
Lay member* name
*Lay signature should be someone who will be actively involved in the proposed project.
This signature page may be scanned and emailed, or electronic signatures may be submitted.
Please do not mail hard copies of your proposal.