Location: Suite 4

September 19-20, 2014
Title Sponsors:
Conference at a Glance
Professional Development Workshop
for New and Newer CTE Teachers
THURSDAY, September 18, 2014
9:30-10:00 Check-In and Breakfast
10:00-11:00 Opening General Session – Plaza Ballroom
11:05-11:50 Breakout Session One
Career Council
11:55-12:40 Breakout Two
12:45-1:45 Lunch – Plaza Ballroom
1:50-2:35 Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) –
Select one
- SkillsUSA
2:40-3:25 Breakout Three
ed Learning in Every Class
3:30-4:15 Breakout Four
g in Every Class
4:20-5:00 Closing Session and Wrap-Up – Plaza Ballroom
I-ACTE Conference
FRIDAY, September 19, 2014
7:30 – 9:45
Conference Registration
8:00 – 6:30
Vendor Exhibits
8:00 – 8:45- Session 1
CTE Journal Review
$7B Spent and they Still Get Through-How?
LMS & PLTW General Update Session
Vera Bradley Tour (8:00-9:45)
Capturing the High School Experience
9:00 – 4:00
AAFCS/IN Silent Auction
9:00 – 5:00
Research Display
Suites 8-10
Suites 2-3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suite 6
Suite 7
Suite 4
9:00 – 9:45 – Session 2
WSI Meeting
Accounting: Online Working Papers
ICJEA Business Meeting
Indiana’s Online Assessment System for CTE
Using On-Line Resources to Support Tech.
IACTED Meeting
Suites 2-3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suite 6
Suite 7
Suite 16
10:00 – 12:00
Opening Session/Awards/Luncheon
Plaza A-E
Dessert with Vendors
Suites 8-10
12:15 – 1:00 – Session 3
Electronic Devices in the Classroom
New View on Vehicle Electronics
Poster Presentations
Construction Apprenticeship Opportunities
How to Start with ProStart
E/TEI Business Meeting
I-ACTE Strategic Planning* (12:15 – 2:00)
*All are invited to attend this session
1:15 – 2:00 – Session 4
High School and Manufacturing Partners
Making Math the Cookies not the Peas
Dual Credit 101: Project EXCEL
New CTE Director Meeting
Public Health Topics
Coaching for Beginning Ag Teachers
Revising the Indiana WS I Program
Professional Learning Networks (PLN)
Need to know: Special Education
All in: Building Positive Communities
PLTW Computer Science and Software Eng.
2:15 – 3:00 – Session 5
Instant Data for Differentiation
Indiana’s Online Assessment System for CTE
Integrating work-and-learn
Google Drive Deep Dive (2:15 – 4:00)
CTSOs and Health Education
Ag Sales CDE (2:15 – 4:00)
Doing the Right Things, Right Now
IMEA Business Meeting
Need to know: Special Education
Getting Ahead in Grant Writing
SeaPerch (2:15 – 4:00)
Work Based Learning that Works
Suite 2
Suite 3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suite 6
Suite 7
Suite 16
Plaza A
Plaza B
Plaza C
Plaza D
Plaza E
Suite 2
Suite 3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suite 6
Suite 7
Plaza A
Plaza B
Plaza C
Plaza D
Plaza E
Suite 2
Suite 3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suite 6
Suite 7
Suite 16
Conference at a Glance
3:15 – 4:00 – Session 6
Hands-on, Minds-on Robotics Laboratory
Integrating new education standards into CTE
Clearing the Path for Completion
Ensuring Health Science Student Success
Middle School - Demand and Student Driven
Digital Badges and CTE: The Future is Here!
Need to know: Special Education
Workplace Wellness: Eating Well While Busy
ALICE- Encountering an Active Shooter (3:15 – 5:00)
Plaza A
Plaza B
Plaza C
Plaza E
Suite 3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suite 6
Suite 16
4:15 – 5:00 – Session 7
Developing Craft Professionals
Integrating new education standards into CTE
IHCE Business Meeting
Books, Brains, and Buy-In
Interactive Automotive
Need to know: Special Education
AAFCS/IN Board and Council Meeting
The Great Need: Restoring CTE in Indiana
Plaza A
Plaza B
Plaza C
Suite 2
Suite 3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suite 6
Suite 7
5:15 – 6:45
Wine and Cheese with Ivy Tech
Plaza D-E
I-ACTE Conference
SATURDAY, September 20, 2014
8:00 – 8:30
Continental Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00
CTE Pep Rally
Plaza A-C
9:15 – 10:00 – Session 8
Project vs Project Based (9:15 – 12:00)
Corinne Hoisington – Flipping the Classroom
Renal-Adrenal Connection! (9:15 – 11:00)
DECA Board Meeting (9:15 – 12:00)
Technology Tools for CTE Teachers
Manufacturing Indiana’s Future
VEX Advanced (9:15 – 12:00)
Vex Beginner (9:15 – 12:00)
Suite 2
Suite 3
Suite 4
Suite 5
Suites 6-7
Suite 8
Suite 9
Suite 10
10:15 – 11:00 – Session 9
Corinne Hoisington – Flipping the Classroom
E/TEI Shar-a-thon
Suite 3
Suite 8
11:15 – 12:00 – Session 10
Online Education for Automotive & Diesel
Career Safe Online-Federal OSHA training
Q&A with Office of Educator Licensing
Suite 3
Suite 4
Suite 6-7
NOTE: Be sure to submit session evaluations at the
Registration Table. You may pick up your Substitute
Reimbursement form at that time.
Thank you to our 2014 Conference Sponsors!
Title Sponsors
Conexus Indiana & Vincennes University
Keynote Sponsor
Indiana Youth Institute
Wine and Cheese Reception Sponsor
Ivy Tech Community College
Gold Sponsor
VisualEdge, Inc.
Bronze Sponsor
Pass Assured
Precision Exams
Leadership Teams
Indiana ACTE
President: Debbie Diss
President-Elect: Patrick Biggerstaff
Vice President: Kandy Smitha
Past President: Nicole Otte
Secretary: Abbi Richcreek
Executive Director: Sandy Martin
Region III Representative: Patrick Biggerstaff
President: Abbi Richcreek
1st Vice President: Brian Wagaman
2nd Vice President: Joe Otte
Past President: Ken Amos
Secretary: Wade Thatcher
President: Dan Ulrich
Past President: Brad Street
President-Elect: Lora Busch
Treasurer: Ron Hoke
North Regional Representative: William Kovach
Central Regional Representative: Rusty Hensley
South Regional Representative: Alan Taylor
Executive Director: Marilyn Metzler
President: Alyson McIntyre-Reiger
President-Elect: LeeAnn Demoss
Counselor: Diana Stone
Secretary: Harriet Armstrong
Treasurer: Joan Bovee
V P of Internal Affairs: Jane Steiner
V P of External Affairs: Londa Hight
V P of Program: Leslie Gackle
IACTE Affiliates
AAFCS/IN (Family & Consumer Sciences) - E/TEI (Engineering and Tech Ed) - IAAE (Agriculture)
IACTEA (Administration) - IACTT (Trade & Industry) - IBEA (Business) - ICJEA (Criminal Justice)
IHCE (Health) - IICCA (Coop) - IMEA (Marketing) - CTECI (Counseling & Guidance)
Indiana Department of Education
Stefany Deckard - Perkins Officer and State Program Leader for Agriculture
Jeremy Eltz - STEM Coordinator and State Program Leader for Health Science
Alyson McIntyre-Reiger - State Program Leader for Family & Consumer Sciences and Work
Based Learning
Davis Moore - State Program Leader for Trade & Industry
Eric Ogle – State Program Leader for Business, Marketing & Information Technology
Peggy Wild - State Director of Career & Technical Education, Assistant Director of College
and Career Readiness Curriculum for STEM &CTE
CTE: Learning that Works for Indiana
Thursday, September 18, 2014
9:30 - 5:00
Preconference Workshop
For New & Newer CTE Teachers
Keynote Speaker:
Corinne Hoisington
7:30P – 10:30P Exhibitor Setup (in Suites 8-10 ONLY)
Plaza vendors may set up between 6:007:30 AM on Friday morning.
Friday, September 19, 2014
7:30 – 9:45
Check In
8:00 - 10:00
Informational Breakout Sessions
8:00 - 6:30
Vendors/Exhibits Open
9:00 - 10:00
WSI-1 Training Orientation
9:00 - 4:00
AAFCS/IN Silent Auction
9:00 - 5:00
Research Poster Displays in Suite 4
10:00 - 12:00 Opening Session/Awards/Lunch
12:00 - 1:00
Dessert with Vendors
12:15 – 1:00
Poster Presenters in Suite 4
1:00 - 5:00
Informational Breakout Sessions
5:15 - 6:00
Wine & Cheese Demo by IVY Tech
Culinary Arts &
Exhibitor Door Prizes
Attendees will be treated to the highenergy and highly motivating Corinne
Hoisington, a featured speaker at ACTE
Vision 2013.
A full-time Professor of
Information Systems Technology, Corinne
travels over 200,000 miles a year speaking
to schools, colleges & universities. She is a
recipient of the Microsoft Most Valuable
Professional in Computer Programming and
has authored over a dozen books with
Shelly Cashman. You won’t leave without
being amazed at what technology can
offer your classroom.
Saturday September 20, 2014
8:00 - 8:30
Continental Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00
CTE Pep Rally
9:15 – 12:00
Deep Dives and Informational Sessions
Sponsored by:
Professional Development Conference
Peer Reviewed Research - Poster Presentations
September 19, 2014
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poster presenters will discuss their research from 12:15 – 1:00 PM (Suite 4)
Career and Technical Education Online
Edward J. Lazaros & Cameron J. Davidson
CTE Student Assessment
Cameron J. Davidson & Edward J. Lazaros
Electronic Submission Tools for the Educational Environment
Gandzhina Dustova, Christopher B. Davidson, Zachary Swetlik & Samuel Cotton
Increasing Females in CTE and STEM Domains
Cameron J. Davidson & Edward J. Lazaros
Leveraging Virtual Infrastructures to Assess Learner Understanding
Christopher B. Davison
Newlywed Advice: Insight from the "Experts"
Katherine Thompson, Rebekah Yocum, Scott Hall & Beckie Adams
Strategies for Scaffolding Labs in Data Networking Education
David Hua & Zachary Swetlik
The Influence of Regulated Meal Plan Systems on Students' Food Purchasing at a Midwestern
Emily Wilson, Deanna Pucciarelli, Alan Yen & Elizabeth Poore
The Mobile Classroom: Strategies for Technology Adoption in Technical Education
Christopher B. Davison, David Hua, Edward Lazaros & Zachary Swetlick
The Proportionality of Dating Power: Individual and Relationship Associations
Kathryn Overn, Scott Hall & David Knox
Teachers: Did you know that you can showcase your CTE Program via our Indiana ACTE Fall/Spring Newsletter?
Send us your articles with related JPEG's to director@indianaacte.org. We would love to share what is going on
in your area with others throughout our Hoosier state!
My Friday Conference Sessions
1st Choice
Don’t forget the exhibit
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
8:00 – 8:45
9:00 – 9:45
10:00 – 12:00
Opening Session/Awards/Lunch – Plaza A-E
Dessert with Vendors – Exhibitor Hall (Suites 8-10)
12:15 – 1:00
1:15 – 2:00
2:15 – 3:00
3:15 – 4:00
5:15 – 5:00
5:15 – 6:45
Wine and Cheese – Plaza D-E
My Saturday Conference Sessions
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
8:00 – 8:30
Continental Breakfast – Plaza Foyer
8:30 – 9:00
CTE Pep Rally – Plaza A-C
9:15 - 10:00
10:15 – 11:00
11:15 – 12:00
2014 Conference Agenda
7:30 – 9:45
Conference Check in
Location: Foyer
8:00 – 8:45 – Session 1
CTE Journal Review
9:00 – 9:45 – Session 2
Workplace Specialist I Meeting
WSI Candidates Only
Location: Suites 2-3
Accounting: Online Working Papers
Jason Hendrickson
Indiana Business Education Association
Selected Reviewers Only
In this session, Accounting instructors will learn about the Online
Working Papers option to their classroom. This digital instruction
will allow you the time to spend more time with your students
learning vs. grading. Come join the group and learn about how
you can take time back for future instruction not grading.
Location: Suites 2-3
Location: Suite 4
$7B Spent and They Still Get Through – How?
Jim Libersky
Barrier 1
ICJEA Business Meeting
All ICJEA members should plan to attend.
Location: Suite 5
Cyber Attacks have changed. They are no longer a single style
attack but a process. Now add 1:1 access and you are wide
open. Come learn what YOU need to know about online safety.
Location: Suite 4
LMS & PLTW General Update Session
Terri Schulz
Learn about the current use of PLTW's Learning Management
System (LMS). Find more information about 2014/15 PLTW
curriculum updates and the new Computer Science and
Software Engineering course and program.
Location: Suite 5
Vera Bradley Store Tour (8:00 – 9:45)
Join us for a personal tour of one of Indiana's premier
manufacturers of high fashion accessories. Walking will be
required. Attendees will be back to Sheraton for Opening
General Session.
Location: Suite 6
Capturing the High School Experience
Tom Neiman
NFHS Network School Broadcast Program
The NFHS Network School Broadcast Program (SBP), powered by
PlayOn! Sports, brings your school the capability to broadcast
live coverage of your school’s events. PlayOn! Sports provides
your school with the software and tools needed to stream sports,
graduations, news shows, guest speakers, interviews and award
ceremonies over the Internet.
Your school can participate in the SBP for free and generate
revenue from viewers purchasing subscriptions to access live
sporting events and other activities.
Location: Suite 7
Indiana’s New Online Assessment System for CTE Skills
Edson Barton and Chris Yandow
Precision Exams
Learn about the NEW State of Indiana Online CTE Assessment
program available at no cost to your schools and open for all
Indiana CTE students through an agreement between IDOE and
Precision Exams. The agreement provides schools and districts
with valid standardized pre and post CTE assessments and
instant reporting at all levels. Learn about other successful State
online CTE assessment programs in the US, strengthen your own
CTE programs, improve instruction, measure student academic
growth, and validate skills your students achieve! Receive handson training in the live online system. Participants can review and
discuss assessment standards from more than 150 titles across all
16 CTE areas of focus. Learn to register as proctors, create test
codes, take a sample exam and access reports and be
prepared to start testing students right away.
Location: Suite 6
Using Online Resources to Support Technology
Dr. Richard Seymour
Ball State University
With fewer up-to-date print resources available to support
technology-and engineering-based classes, on-line websites can
help fill the void. This session will highlight how to use
commercial, professional, and educational URLs to support
instruction at the secondary level.
Location: Suite 7
IACTED Meeting
Location: Suite 16
10:00 – 12:00
Opening Session/Awards/Luncheon
Corinne Hoisington, Keynote Speaker
Indiana Youth Institute, Keynote Sponsor
Location: Plaza A-E
Dessert with Vendors
Location: Exhibition Hall (Suites 8-10)
12:15 - 1:00 - Session 3
Electronic Use in the Classroom
Alessa Dickerson
The presentation will focus on strategies to implement
appropriate use of electronics in the classroom and ways to
combat inappropriate use of devices in the classroom. It is not
intended to focus strictly on 1:1 environments, but how to best
use the technology available to you.
Location: Suite 2
New View on Vehicle Electronics
Eugene Brown
Electude USA
Eugene will discuss the technological developments of the
automobile, using simple examples to show why traditional
learning methods no longer support the knowledge required to
diagnose today’s electronic systems. The discussion will cover
CAN, LIN, MOST, distributed electronic control and switching
power supplies used in today’s automobiles. Examples used
during the discussion will show that the traditional educational
approach to electronics training will be untenable in the future.
Therefore, a new classification of vehicle electronics will be
necessary, which should lead to practical diagnostic steps for
Location: Suite 3
Construction Apprenticeship Opportunities
Dr. Jeanne Fredericks
E/TEI- Director of Education
Associated Builders and Contractors of
Not every student wants to spend four years on a college
campus. Some students prefer to get into the workforce right
away, working with their hands to create. For those students,
pursuing an apprenticeship can lead to meaningful, well-paying
employment within a few years of high school graduation.
Associated Builders & Contractors of Indiana/Kentucky (ABC)
offers one such program. Students at ABC earn while they
learn! Apprenticeships include classroom /lab instruction as well
as on-the-job learning experiences. Four years of study will earn
students a mastercraftman's card in specific trade, along with an
Associate's Degree from Vincennes University.
Location: Suite 5
How to Start with ProStart
Renee Sigmon and Ashley McConnell
Carrol High School and East Central High School
ProStart trains students on industry specific skills that can be
utilized in all aspects of the restaurant and food service industry.
Students leave the program with employability skills like
leadership, accountability, teamwork, and responsibility. Find
out more about incorporating these strategies into culinary
Location: Suite 6
E/TEI Business Meeting
All E/TEI members should plan to attend.
Location: Suite 7
All Call for I-ACTE Strategic Planning (12:15 – 2:00)
Debbie Diss, Patrick Biggerstaff, Nicole Otte
Indiana ACTE
All conference goers are welcome! Please share your insights on
how Indiana ACTE can better serve you. Topics for discussion
include leadership, state and national activities, bylaws, etc. We
hope that you will join us.
Location: Suite 16
Peer Reviewed Research - Poster Presentations
Discuss research-based findings with the authors of current CTE
reports. All conference participants are encouraged to attend.
Topics include: Assessment, Online Offerings, Health, Dating and
Location: Suite 4
1:15 – 2:00 - Session 4
High School and Manufacturing Partners
Amy Bray and Tom Hunter
GECOM Corporation & Greensburg Community Schools
Participants will learn how to build a partnership with local
manufacturing companies and develop internships for students
who would benefit from hands on experience.
Location: Plaza A
Making Math the Cookies not the Peas of Your
Bill Reed
Indiana Department of Education
Revising the Indiana Workplace Specialist 1 Teacher
Training Program
Dr. Charles Feldhaus
Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
The best ways to integrate mathematics contextually and with
student involvement into your Career and Technical Education
classes will be discussed. How to use the changes in
methodology and the process standards for the newly adopted
Indiana Academic Standards for Mathematics (2014) to help
plan instruction will be demonstrated. Sample contextual
application math problems will be shown along with methods to
generate discussions with your students. All students may not like
math but at least they will be able to access the math they need
to be successful.
IUPUI, BSU, ISU, IACTED and the IDOE received a $300K grant in
July of 2013 from the Indiana Education Roundtable to revise the
WS I teacher training program in Indiana. This presentation will
provide a summary of that project including background and
history of the project, specific changes to WS I training and
learning activities, and a sample of a learning module that will
serve as a template for WS I training in the future.
Location: Plaza B
Dual Credit 101: Project EXCEL
Robyn Haase
Vincennes University
This session will show you how to advance your students' college
success through dual credit. You will be provided with program
insights and an overview of Project EXCEL, the Vincennes
University dual credit program.
Location: Plaza C
New CTE Director Meeting
Peggy Wild and Chris Deaton
IDOE & Department of Workforce Development
New CTE Directors should plan to join in a review of
pathway planning, work-based learning, and required
uses of Perkins local grant funds. Time will also be
available for general discussion and Q&A.
Location: Plaza D
Get Fired up about Public Health Topics & Careers
Carmen Cross, RN, BS
Twin Rivers Career & Technical Education Area
Carmen Cross, RN, a Health Sciences Instructor and 2014 CDC
Science Ambassador, will share information & resources on how
to empower & ‘fire up’ your students with knowledge and lessons
about Public Health Topics and the many career paths in Public
Health. Additionally, she'll share experiences she gained in
Atlanta as a Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
Science Ambassador & tell how you can apply for next year’s
CDC Science Ambassador Professional Development Workshop.
Public Health affects everyone. Integrating these concepts into
the classroom will engage students, spark interest, and provide
logical pathways into public health careers.
Location: Plaza E
Coaching for Beginning Agriculture Teachers
Beth Theobald and Charity Keffaber
IAAE, CBAT Coordinators
Coaching for Beginning Agriculture Teachers (CBAT) is a
program that has been implemented to help beginning
agriculture teachers orient to their career. It is hoped that the
program will help with retention of agriculture teachers in the
Location: Suite 2
Location: Suite 3
Professional Learning Network (PLN): What is it and how
do I start?
Dena Irwin
IBEA, Shakamak High School
Come and discover what a PLN is and how to start creating your
very own network to connect, contribute and collaborate with
other professionals whether they are across the hall, in another
state or around the world. We will explore some Web 2.0 tools to
help build and develop your PLN to improve your professional
development and classroom.
Location: Suite 4
Need to Know: Special Education
Jill Lambert and Dante Brown
MSD of Wayne Township
This session will offer teachers and administrators all they need to
know about Special Education. They will walk away with
knowledge about how to program for students with special
needs, information about the legal aspect of special education,
and how to build programs to support students with special
Location: Suite 5
All in: Building Positive Communities
Dee Love, MA, CFLE
Purdue University Extension Department, HDFS Dept.
Purdue Extension’s “All In: Building Positive Communities” is a
unique approach to empower individuals to combat ostracism,
social rejection, and harassment in meaningful ways at the
community level. Utilizing cutting-edge research by Purdue
University Professor of Psychological Sciences, Dr. Kip Williams,
with a powerful, highly acclaimed documentary film, Reject,
Purdue Extension educators conducted a series of pilot
community forums in Indiana. The forum outcomes demonstrate
increased awareness of the harmful effects of social rejection. As
a result, action plans implemented at the local level are helping
to prevent negative behaviors that exclude others, and new
programs are creating more positive, inclusive communities. The
“All In” initiative is utilizing a series of evaluations to document
short/long-term community impact results.
Location: Suite 6
PLTW- Computer Science and Software Engineering
Darrin Wilcoxson and Jonathan Patterson
Crawfordsville High School and Adams Central
We will be discussing the new PLTW-Computer Science and
Software Engineering (CSE) course being offered to high schools.
Location: Suite 7
2:15 – 3:00 – Session 5
Instant Data for Differentiation
Curtis Chase
Southwest Jr/Sr High School
During this session attendees will learn how to effectively obtain
instantaneous data using technology to differentiate in the
classroom to meet all students. Participants will be introduced
to assessments through Google on how to collect meaningful
data to drive their instruction while using time efficiently.
Attendees will learn how to implement these tools through their
schools' technology or through the use of students' personal
technology. The objective of this presentation is to show
teachers different ways they can collect data to meet teacher
evaluations, drive instruction for the following day based off exit
slips, and create assessments that students take through various
technology devices that utilizes a grading tool that will
immediately grade and give student feedback.
Location: Plaza A
Indiana’s New Online Assessment System for CTE Skills
Edson Barton and Chris Yandow
Precision Exams
Learn about the NEW State of Indiana Online CTE Assessment
program available at no cost to your schools and open for all
Indiana CTE students through an agreement between IDOE and
Precision Exams. The agreement provides schools and districts
with valid standardized pre and post CTE assessments and
instant reporting at all levels. Learn about other successful State
online CTE assessment programs in the US, strengthen your own
CTE programs, improve instruction, measure student academic
growth, and validate skills your students achieve! Receive handson training in the live online system. Participants can review and
discuss assessment standards from more than 150 titles across all
16 CTE areas of focus. Learn to register as proctors, create test
codes, take a sample exam and access reports and be
prepared to start testing students right away.
CTSOs and Health Science
Eddie Erickson
Indiana HOSA
Which CTSOs fit your school? Which ones fit your kids? What is
there to offer your kids? Come explore the CTSO organizations
that offer Health Science.
Location: Plaza E
Ag Sales CDE: From the Judge’s Chair (2:15 – 4:00)
Jennifer Vandeburg
Ivy Tech Community College, Kokomo Region
The Ag Sales CDE builds career-critical skills in sales
communication methods. Many entry level jobs in agribusiness
involve some form of sales communication, so employers value
candidates who have experience with this specialized skill set.
This session, presented by a state- and national-level judge,
outlines the structure of the CDE, including example problems
from recent competitions. Those examples illustrate the
communication skills needed by successful sales professionals
and CDE competitors alike. Session participants will have the
opportunity to try their hand at working through the team and
individual portions of the CDE. Takeaways include a better
understanding of sales skills, plus a stronger grasp of what is
needed to coach a team through the Ag Sales CDE.
Location: Suite 2
Doing the Right Things, Right Now
Lynda Jackson
Southern Regional Education Board
Research supports that “practices, not programs” are the key to
high student achievement. The three essential clusters of
leadership practices that impact student achievement are
focus, monitoring and efficacy. Strategies for each practice will
be shared and participants will create a plan to implement the
three practices to combat competing priorities.
Location: Suite 3
Location: Plaza B
Align, Engage, Advance: Integrating Work-and-Learn
Marie Mackintosh
Center for Education and Career Innovation
This presentation will highlight aspects of the Indiana Career
Council's strategic plan that directly impact career and
technical education. Additionally, presenters will highlight
successful work-and-learn programs that are happening
throughout Indiana.
Location: Plaza C
Google Drive Deep Dive (2:15 – 4:00)
Nicole Otte
Central Nine Career Center
Google Drive is a wonderful free tool with endless possibilities in
the classroom. This session will give you the opportunity to
experience and "try-on" Google Drive. Please bring a laptop,
and have created a Google Drive Account prior to the session, if
Location: Plaza D
IMEA Business Meeting
All IMEA members should plan to attend.
Location: Suite 4
Need to Know: Special Education
Jill Lambert and Dante Brown
MSD of Wayne Township
This session will offer teachers and administrators all they need to
know about Special Education. They will walk away with
knowledge about how to program for students with special
needs, information about the legal aspect of special education,
and how to build programs to support students with special
Location: Suite 5
Getting Ahead in Grant Writing
Nicole Brock and Julie Whitman
Indiana Youth Institute
Grants can be a great way to secure funding for your valuable
programs and services, but they aren’t always easy to obtain.
Improve your chances for success with these best practices.
You’ll learn how to ensure your organization is grant-ready, as
well as how to make your case to potential funders. We’ll discuss
funding sources and places to look for prospects, as well as tips
for writing a successful proposal. And you’ll leave knowing how
IYI can help, no matter where you are in your grants journey.
Location: Suite 6
SeaPerch: Building Underwater Robots (2:15 – 4:00)
Tina Hayden
Owen Valley High School
SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that
equips teachers and students with the resources they need to
build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in an inschool or out-of-school setting. Students build the ROV from a kit
comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts, following a
curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science
concepts with a marine engineering theme. The SeaPerch
Program provides students with the opportunity to learn about
robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEM) while
building an underwater ROV as part of a science and
engineering technology curriculum. Throughout the project,
students will learn engineering concepts, problem solving,
teamwork, and technical applications.
Location: Suite 7
Work Based Learning the Works for Indiana
Alyson McIntyre-Reiger, CFCS and Laura Marzotto
IDOE, South Bend Community School Corporation
Work Based Learning is an important instructional strategy for
Career and Technical Education along with a new capstone
course. The presentation will highlight the new courses available
for Work Based Learning in Indiana. One key strategy that will be
shared is a new content standards based training plan that is
created by the student in collaboration with the teacher and
employer mentor. The training plan, along with other important
documents, has been condensed into a user friendly manual for
those interested in offering the course. An on-line community
has been created for collaboration of resources for Work Based
Learning teachers. Find out more about joining the community
and Work Based Learning that works for Indiana.
Location: Suite 16
Integrating New Education Standards into CTE
Davis Moore and Jeremy Eltz
Indiana Department of Education
This presentation will focus on integrating Indiana's new
academic standards into the CTE Classroom. Links to important
resources and other pertinent information will also be covered.
Location: Plaza B
Connectedness: Clearing the Path for Completion
Christi McBride and Amy Morwick
Hoosier Hills Career Center
This presentation will focus on connectedness: helping students,
parents and the community at large understand career
pathways. We will also introduce methods to make those
connections early on in a student's journey through education.
We will also share a career pathway tool we use with students
and their parents. We saw a 15% increase in enrollment after just
one year of implementation of the various strategies discussed.
Location: Plaza C
Ensuring Health Science Student Success through
Preparation and Industry Certification
Tricia Austin and Lyndsey McDonald
National Heathcareer Association
During our session we will discuss industry certification for health
science students that is available through the National
Healthcareer Association. NHA is the nation's leading provider of
healthcare industry certification and offers high school students
the opportunity to become certified prior to graduation. This
session will address preparation resources and best practices for
student success.
Location: Plaza E
Middle School – Demand and Student Driven
Joseph B. Kent
WIN Learning
This presentation will focus on Career Infused Math Instruction
using a digital teaching platform. The digital teaching platform
places the teacher in control of facilitating a student centered
and standards based career infused instructional experience.
The digital platform integrates career infused assessment, project
based learning, technology tools and both live real time and
archived video events featuring regional real world experts in
the career world communicating the importance and use of
math across individual career clusters.
Location: Suite 3
3:15 – 4:00 - Session 6
Convert your Classroom into a Hands-on, Minds-on
Robotics Laboratory
Doug Hunt
Lego Education
This workshop is designed for educators who are just getting
started using robotics in their classroom, and considering how to
incorporate as a cross-curricular application. Educators,
coaches, PLTW, 4-H, and mentors already using LEGO
MINDSTORMS Education NXT and looking for ways to further
expand their programs using the new EV3 robotics system are
also welcomed to attend this hands-on session.
Location: Plaza A
Digital Badges and CTE: The Future is Here!
Heidi Speese
Digital badges, electronic representations of skills and
competencies, are ideally suited to CTE. They have the ability to
motivate students, validate skills, and provide credibility to
schools and programs. They can even help connect employers
to potential employees. Teachers, administrators, or anyone in
the education community interested in learning about the
evolution of badges in education, NOCTI’s SkillBadge, and how
to get involved should plan to attend this session.
Location: Suite 4
Need to Know: Special Education
Jill Lambert and Dante Brown
MSD of Wayne Township
This session will offer teachers and administrators all they need to
know about Special Education. They will walk away with
knowledge about how to program for students with special
needs, information about the legal aspect of special education,
and how to build programs to support students with special
Location: Suite 5
Workplace Wellness: Eating Well While Busy
Jennifer Burns
Grean BEAN Delivery
Green BEAN Delivery is a year-round delivery service that brings
the best selection of organic produce and natural groceries – all
sourced as locally as possible – right to your doorstep. Green
BEAN Delivery is affordable, convenient, and a fun way for the
whole family to eat healthy! Our Wellness Program bottles this
service up, ties a bow on it, and makes it a perk of employment
– with a discount! Additionally, we are available for education. In
short, working together on wellness simply means we are
partners. This wellness program is at no cost to the school. Come
learn about Green BEAN Delivery, our local food system, and
sample local treats!
Location: Suite 6
ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)
(3:15 – 5:00)
Jeff Moolenaar, Guy Skrobul, Eric Kidwell
Participants will learn strategies to use if they ever encounter an
active shooter/violent shooter situation.
Location: Suite 16
4:15 – 5:00 - Session 7
NCCER – The Standard for Developing Craft
Susan Muggeo
NCCER sets the standard in construction education. NCCER's
training process of accreditation, instructor certification,
standardized curriculum, national registry, assessment and
certification is a key element in developing a skilled workforce of
construction professionals. This presentation covers the NCCER
curriculum, credential and online learning resource –
NCCERconnect is an online course supplement consisting of an
electronic book (eBook) and essential course management
tools. NCCERconnect provides a range of visual, auditory, and
interactive elements to enhance student learning and instructor
delivery of craft training. NCCERconnect can help keep training
on schedule, save time, or provide students with an interactive
and engaging, self-study tool
Location: Plaza A
Integrating New Education Standards into CTE
Davis Moore and Jeremy Eltz
Indiana Department of Education
This presentation will focus on integrating Indiana's new
academic standards into the CTE Classroom. Links to important
resources and other pertinent information will also be covered.
Location: Plaza B
IHCE Business Meeting
All IHCE members should plan to attend.
Location: Plaza C
iCEV- Curriculum-on-Demand
Ken Bollinger
CEV Multimedia
Since 1984, CEV Multimedia has specialized in creating quality
curriculum and educational resources. CEV is proud to
introduce its new, online iCEV Business & Marketing site. This
online, curriculum-on-demand delivery model allows for
"anytime, anyplace" access to CEV's entire business and
marketing curriculum. From marketing fundamentals to
entrepreneurship to sports and entertainment marketing to
career exploration, the subscription-based product is organized
into small segments, or learning objectives, and its sophisticated
search feature makes searching for various topics easy. The
Educator’s Resource Guide provides time-saving lesson plans
and thought-provoking student projects and activities. From
industry-backed automatic testing and grading to managing
your class roster, iCEV’s new course management tools will make
classroom implementation even easier.
Location: Suite 2
Books, Brains and Buy in
Traci Pankratz
Elkhart Area Career Center
The Elkhart Area Career Center Literacy Specialist will discuss
how her job came about and fit the vision for school
improvement. She will discuss the tools she used and describe
the duties performed and show how they improved student
performance. Career Tech instructors will share how this new
literacy approach impacted their instruction and student
Location: Suite 3
Interactive Automotive
Brian Fletcher
Tri Vo Auto
Back by demand: Automotive interactive presentation on hand
held scanners and lab scopes and their uses.
Location: Suite 4
Need to Know: Special Education
Jill Lambert and Dante Brown
MSD of Wayne Township
This session will offer teachers and administrators all they need to
know about Special Education. They will walk away with
knowledge about how to program for students with special
needs, information about the legal aspect of special education,
and how to build programs to support students with special
Location: Suite 5
AAFCS/IN Board and Council Meeting
Location: Suite 6
The Great Need: Restoring CTE in Indiana
Dr. Cindy Crowder, Dr. Kara Harris, and Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Indiana State University
The past few years have been a challenge for CTE Teacher
Preparation Programs, causing some university programs to suffer
low enrollments and/or close across the country. We are looking
for innovative ways, not only to sustain CTE areas at Indiana
State, but to continue and create thriving programs that will
assist in increasing the numbers of CTE teachers. We believe our
new collaborative idea will best serve the needs of present and
future students, schools, and practicing teachers. We will ask for
your thoughts on (within CTE areas) where you are experiencing
or anticipate a surplus of teachers, teacher shortages,
recertification/professional development needs or desires,
additional dual credit opportunities, etc.
Presenters will be: Dr. Cindy Crowder, Dr. Kara Harris, and Dr.
Kelly Wilkinson, all from ISU
Location: Suite 7
5:15 – 6:45
Wine and Cheese Reception
Hosted by Ivy Tech Culinary Arts
with Ben Davis High School Classical Quartet
Location: Plaza D and E
Continental Breakfast
Location: Foyer
8:30 – 9:00
CTE Pep Rally
Karen Mason, ACTE Past President
Location: Plaza A-C
9:15-10:00 - Session 8
The Difference Between Projects and Project Based
(9:15 – 12:00)
Doug Sisk and Steve Loser
State Certified PBL Instructors
Doug and Steve will help participants take a project idea
through the design stages of development. Project Based
Learning is a great tool for Career and Technical Classes. PBL
uses team concept, soft skill development and the hands on
process empowers students to discover the answers to Real
World problems.
Location: Suite 2
Flipping the Classroom
Corinne Hoisington
Central Virginia Community College
Flipping the classroom can transform our teaching practice. We
no longer have to stand in front of our students and talk at them
for thirty to sixty minutes at a time. This radical change allows
you to take on a different role with your students. One of the
greatest benefits of flipping is that overall interaction increases:
Teacher to student and student to student. Since the role of the
teacher has changed from presenter of content to learning
coach, you can spend your time talking to your students. Our
role is answering questions, working with small groups, and
guiding the learning of each student individually. Find out how
your classroom can use Project Based Learning in action!
Location: Suite 3
Hands-On Body Systems: ‘Renal-Adrenal Connection!’
(9:15 – 11:00)
Starla Ewan
Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center and
Starla’s Creative Teaching Tips
Unravel the textbook’s complicated description of these two
organs by constructing the nephron and adrenal gland out of
brightly colored clay. Participants will enjoy seeing how these
activities help make complicated content much easier to
understand and show the connection between these two
organs and the cardiovascular system. Participants will take their
clay nephrons and adrenal glands home with them!
Location: Suite 4
DECA Board Meeting (9:15 – 12:00)
Location: Suite 5
Technology Tools for CTE Teachers (9:15 – 11:00)
Larissa Cremeens, Amanda Hart and Michelle Overman
Carroll Jr/Sr, Rossville HS, and Greenfield Central
We will be looking at different strategies to incorporate
technology into the CTE/FACS curriculum. There will be four
roundtables discussing Learning Management Systems (LMS)
such as MyBigCampus and Edmodo. Another roundtable will be
discussing what’s hAPPening in FACS and talk about different
APPS and ways to incorporate those apps into curriculum, and
PBL. Another roundtable is Everything Google; from Google Docs
to Forums, and how to connect students, and teachers, using
everything Google. Finally the last roundtable will determine on
the needs of those present in the session such as incorporating
social media, encouraging appropriate digital citizenship, etc.
The session will start with an overview and then break into
roundtables. Each participant will participate in two roundtables
of their choice.
Location: Suites 6-7
Manufacturing Indiana’s Future
Claudia Cummings
Conexus Indiana
The school year is underway and it’s time reunite the Hire
Technology team. During this interactive session we will share
best practices and develop next steps in order to ensure that our
students are prepared for long term success in the advanced
manufacturing/logistics industry. This will be achieved by
providing a valuable opportunity for collaboration between Hire
Technology teachers as well as Conexus staff members.
Teachers should leave the session with additional resources and
creative solutions to effectively implementing the Hire
Technology curriculum. The presentation will also include
program updates from Conexus. Educators who are not
currently teaching Hire Technology are welcome to sit in to learn
more about the program.
Location: Suite 8
VEX Robotics Training- Advanced (9:15 – 12:00)
Daniel Ward, Kyle Wiley, Kyle Love
VisualEdge, Inc.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Please sign up for this session in
advance on Friday at the registration table, The1st 24 E/TEI
members will receive a Vex Advance Sensor Kit for participating
in the training. It is three sessions in length and will teach
programming with sensors. Participants will program a VEX robot
and be challenged to complete a maze. This professional
development training is sponsored by E/TEI.
Location: Suite 9
VEX Robotics Training- Beginner (9:15 – 12:00)
Daniel Ward, Kyle Wiley, Kyle Love
VisualEdge, Inc.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Please sign up for this session in
advance on Friday at the registration table, 1st 24 E/TEI members
will receive a Vex Clawbot for participating in the training. It is
three sessions in length and will teach the basics in VEX robotics
construction. Participants will build a basic VEX robot and
compete with it at the end of the session. This professional
development training is sponsored by E/TEI.
Location: Suite 10
10:15-11:00 - Session 9
Flipping the Classroom
Corinne Hoisington
Central Virginia Community College
Flipping the classroom can transform our teaching practice. We
no longer have to stand in front of our students and talk at them
for thirty to sixty minutes at a time. This radical change allows
you to take on a different role with your students. One of the
greatest benefits of flipping is that overall interaction increases:
Teacher to student and student to student. Since the role of the
teacher has changed from presenter of content to learning
coach, you can spend your time talking to your students. Our
role is answering questions, working with small groups, and
guiding the learning of each student individually. Find out how
your classroom can use Project Based Learning in action!
Location: Suite 3
E/TEI High School & Middle School Shar-a-thon
Abbi Richcreek and Ken Amos
This session is developed for the high school and middle school
teachers in the area of Engineering/Technology Education. If
you are currently a high school or middle school teacher,
interested in being a high school or middle school teacher, or
have interest in the high school or middle school E/TE program,
please feel free to come to this session. This is formatted as a
share session, please come ready to discuss and share items that
you think work well in your classroom.
Location: Suite 8
11:15 – 12:00 - Session 10
Online Education with CDX Automotive and Diesel
Randy Haubner
CDX/ Jones and Bartlett
This presentation will address the benefits of online learning, the
latest trends in e-learning, the use of tablets in the classroom,
and integrated online course management. With the new NATEF
standards being rolled out, CDX has been hard at work to bring
you an all-new fully integrated CDX training system which will
make accreditation easier than ever while giving your students
access to even more engaging and interactive content.
CDX has gone all out by creating the most comprehensive
training system available; including the release of their brand
new textbook and e-textbook, hours of brand new procedural
videos shot in HD, over 100 new interactive animations.
Location: Suite 3
CareerSafe Online – Federal OSHA Training
Alissa McLean
CareerSafe Online
Come learn about CareerSafe Online! CareerSafe online is a
national youth safety initiative and industry recognized
credential. We are an OSHA authorized 10-hour program that
provides a competitive advantage for students in the workforce.
CareerSafe is Perkins approved for funding. Classroom
Integration tools are provided such as lesson plans, online grade
book and PowerPoint presentations to go with each lesson plan.
Location: Suite 4
Q&A With the Office of Educator Licensing
Risa Regnier
Assistant Superintendent for Student Services
Join Risa Regnier, Assistant Superintendent for Student
Services (and previously Director of Educator Licensing)
for questions and answers about educator license
renewal, navigating LVIS, and answers to your licensing
Location: Suites 6-7
Special Thanks to
Sheraton at Keystone Crossing
Thank you for attending Indiana’s professional
development conference for career and technical educators!
2014 Conference Exhibitors
(Suites 8-10)
Participating Organizations
AIDEX Corporation
American Technical
Ball State University
CareerSafe Online
Cengage/ National
Geographic Learning
CEV Multimedia
Conexus Indiana
ETA International
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher
Indiana State University
College of Technology
Indiana Youth Institute
Ivy Tech
Community College
JBH Technologies, Inc.
Kuder, Inc.
Lego Education
Midwest Technical
NFHS Network
Paxton Patterson
Precision Exams
SRG Technology
Tribeca Flashpoint
Media Arts Academy
Vincennes University
VisualEdge, Inc.
2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Indiana-ACTE. Originally founded in 1965 as the Indiana Vocational
Association, IVA, it has served the all-encompassing interests of career, technical and vocational professional and partners
throughout Indiana for half a century. As vocational education emerged into what is now recognized as career and technical
education, so has the organization, modernizing it’s name from IVA to Indiana-ACTE.
Cele ra ng 5 years
Proud Past, Promising Future
Help us to celebrate our 50th anniversary with events
1. A Student Competition Showcasing “CTE: 50 years; Proud Past, Promising Future” will be
sponsored with the winning entries to be showcased at the 2015 CTE Conference, on the
Indiana-ACTE website and potentially other publications. The details are outlined on a
separate document and are posted on the website: IndianaACTE.org/50th celebration
 Short videos
 Posters.
2. Legendary Leaders: We will be recognizing and honoring those who over a period of time
made significant contributions to career, technical and vocational education within the last 50
years. We need nominations from everyone. The nominations should be sent to
Director@IndianaACTE.org The are no specific guidelines or limitations. Simply provide the
nominee name, contact information and a brief description as to why you are nominating this
person as a legendary CTE leader
A special “Legendary Leaders” reception will be held on Friday evening at the
2015 CTE Conference. Be sure to make your nomination early to ensure that they will be
able to attend this honoring event.
3. Visuals: We are seeking personal photos, stories, anecdotes, photos of historical artifacts that
can legally be posted on social media or reused in publications and presentations to highlight
the evolution of the organization. We ask that each affiliate make contributions.
4. Social media Trivia Quizzes: We would like a collection of interesting facts to create trivia
quizzes, such as what was the greatest attendance at a single conference or when did a specific
affiliate become members. Add your piece to our trivia puzzles!
5. Submit your own idea as to for how to celebrate and recognize 50 years of achievements.
Special request: These are the names of the founders. If you know the contact for any of the following
please forward to Director@indianaACTE.org