Client Intake Form Name__________________________________________________Today’s Date____________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone work______________________home_________________best time to call________________ Email________________________________________do you prefer to be contacted by email? y/n______ Date of Birth_________________height_____________weight________________ Gender ______________________ Pronoun used (he, she, they) _________________ Married or in long-term relationship? (y/n)___ # children_____ ages of children_________ Occupation___________________________________ Emergency contact: Name: Phone: Please describe your current health concerns and/or goals (continue on back if necessary): One Union Square West, Suite 309 New York, NY 10003 Please place mark next to any of the following symptoms with C that you experience currently or with P that you have experienced significantly in the past: ____ Bloating / gas / indigestion ____ Constipation ____ Diarrhea / loose stools ____ Undigested food in stools ____ Nausea / motion sickness ____ Chest pain ____ Heartburn ____ Hot sensation ____ Cold sensation ____ Numbness ____ Poor circulation ____ Eyesight problems ____ Earaches / hearing problems ____ Headaches ____ Joint pain / inflammation ____ Muscle tension / pain ____ Severe injuries / accident ____ Excessive sweating / night sweating ____ Menstrual pain / PMS ____ Irregular menstural cycle ____ Menopause related symptoms ____ Sexual dysfunction ____ Urinary incontinence ____ Difficulty urinating ____ Urinary tract infections ____ Infertility ____ Dental health issues ____ Gum disease / bleeding ____ Skin condition ____ Bruise easily ____ Rashes ____ Teeth grinding ____ Frequent cold / flu ____ Asthma / wheezing ____ Sinus infections/issues ____ Depression ____ Anxiety ____ Anger / Short temper ____ Fear / Phobias ____ Poor memory ____ Foggy thinking Please list any diagnosis or other major or recurring health related events in your life not covered above, including date(s) (continue on back if necessary): Family Medical History: Please describe any relevant or major health related issues: Father________________________________________________________________________________ Mother_______________________________________________________________________________ Siblings______________________________________________________________________________ Maternal Grandmother___________________________________________________________________ Maternal Grandfather____________________________________________________________________ Paternal Grandmother____________________________________________________________________ Paternal Grandfather_____________________________________________________________________ Other family members____________________________________________________________________ One Union Square West, Suite 309 New York, NY 10003 Medical Providers: Please list all physicians and other healthcare providers (continue on back if necessary): Name Location Type of Provider Date of Last Appt 1. 2. 3. Date of last physical exam______________Results________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Blood pressure____________ Cholesterol levels HDL: ______ LDL:_______ Triglycerides:_______ Do you have any environmental allergies?_______________________________________________ Food allergies?______________________ Chemical sensitivities? ___________________________ Allergies to certain medications?_______________________________________________________ Describe form and frequency of any regular physical activity or movement: _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How many hours per night do you sleep?_______Describe sleep quality__________________________ Describe your energy level__________________ Is it consistently lower at certain times of day? (i.e. morning, afternoon)____________________ Describe your stress level ________________________________________________________________ What are the dominant one or two emotions in your life?________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you like your work?___________________________How many hours per week do you work?______ Do you currently smoke tobacco?________If yes, how many cigarettes/day_________________________ Have you ever smoked in the past?__________For how many years?_______When did you quit?________ Do you currently drink alcohol?_________If yes, type, quantity, and frequency______________________ One Union Square West, Suite 309 New York, NY 10003 Do you smoke marijuana?______________ If yes how frequently? _______________________________ Use other recreational drugs?___________________________ Past drug use? ______________________ Dietary Information: Please describe your typical meals. Be as specific as possible; for example, instead of “vegetables” describe type and amount of vegetable; instead of “oil” describe type and amount of oil; instead of “bread” describe type and amount of bread (whole grain, white, etc.). Include any beverages such as coffee, tea, herbal teas, juice, etc. Breakfast______________________________________________________________________________ morning snacks_________________________________________________________________________ Lunch_________________________________________________________________________________ afternoon snacks________________________________________________________________________ Dinner________________________________________________________________________________ evening snacks__________________________________________________________________________ Daily water consumption (# glasses/day)___________Daily coffee consumption (# cups/day)___________ Other beverages (list amounts)_____________________________________________________________ List any recurring food cravings____________________________________________________________ Supplements and Medications: List all herbs, vitamins, and dietary supplements you take regularly or were taking until recently, citing brand name whenever possible (use additional space on back if necessary) Product Dosage Frequency 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. One Union Square West, Suite 309 New York, NY 10003 List all medications you take regularly or were taking until recently both prescription (P) and over the counter (OTC) - use additional space on back if necessary Product P/OTC Dosage Frequency 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. History of antibiotic use? (list frequency)__________________________________________________ One Union Square West, Suite 309 New York, NY 10003 Disclosure and Informed Consent Only a physician can diagnose and treat disease, and prescribe medication. As herbalists and not physicians, we do not diagnose or treat disease, or prescribe medication. The human body has the innate power to heal itself. Without this power to self heal, even the most advanced medications and surgical procedures would ultimately fail. The role of the herbalist in the healing process is to consider the client as a whole person, and to consult the client concerning changes in lifestyle, diet, and supplementation in order to foster an increased state of balance and health, thus maximizing the body’s self healing capabilities. Although rare and usually minor, certain side effects, including allergic reaction, can sometimes occur from natural remedies. The ArborVitae School of Traditional Herbalism advises and encourages clients to seek professional medical diagnosis and advice regarding any illness or symptoms they are experiencing, and to inform their physician of any and all supplements they are taking. This in turn will aid in the process of a holistic herbal consultation. With this in mind, we ask all clients to bring with them to their consultation any test results, written diagnoses, or other medical information regarding their condition. By signing below, you are acknowledging that we make no claims to be licensed physicians, or to diagnose or treat illness, or to prescribe medications. Furthermore, you are acknowledging that you will be working with a student or students of herbalism under the supervision of instructors and/or receiving feedback on their work. I,_________________________________________, have read and understand the above statement. Signature:________________________________________________________ Date:_______________ One Union Square West, Suite 309 New York, NY 10003