State University of New York  Committee on Curriculum    Agenda for March 4, 2013 Meeting 

State University of New York COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & FORESTRY Committee on Curriculum Agenda for March 4, 2013 Meeting 3:30 p.m., 254 Baker 1. .
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Hassett
2. Approval of January 9, 2013 Minutes
3. Proposals
Environmental Science B.S. Curriculum Proposal Adjustments
GPES MPS/MS Curriculum Proposal
GPES Catalog Changes
Environmental Studies Curriculum/Course Proposals
 EST 202 - American History: From Discovery to Civil War
 EST 395 - Public Communication of Science & Technology
 EST 401 - Environmental Ethics and Culture: Perspectives on the Adirondack Park
 EST 402 - Diverse Perspectives on a common landscape: Experiencing the Adirondack Park
 EST 403 - Using Past Experience to Inform Future Management: Synthesizing the
 EST 404 - Sustainable Development: An Adirondack Park Case Study
 ES Courses to be Dropped (CMN 440, EST 628)
 EST 245 -Foundations of Environmental Communication
 ES Curriculum Proposal for Changes to Environment, Communication, and Society
 Catalog Updates for ES Curriculum Changes
Chemistry Course Proposals
 FCH 520 - Marine Biogeochemistry
 FCH 525 - Oceanography
4. Other CoC Business Topics
5. Adjourn
The next meeting will be held March 18, 2013, 3:30-5:00, 254 Baker