Curriculum Vitae Susan M. Nedza, MD, MBA, FACEP Chief Medical Officer AIM Specialty Health, Inc. 630-842-8111 EDUCATION: 1999-2000 Executive Master's Program, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, MBA 1980-1984 Loyola-Stritch School of Medicine, MD 1976-1980 Gannon University, BS, Chemistry POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION: 1985-1987 Emergency Medicine, Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, Illinois 1984-1985 Internal Medicine, Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois BOARD CERTIFICATION: 2008 Re-Certified, American Board of Emergency Medicine 1998 Re-certified, American Board of Emergency Medicine 1988 Certified, American Board of Emergency Medicine LICENSURE: 1985-Present State of Illinois No. 036-071513 LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English Spanish French PROFFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT: 2012- Present Chief Medical Officer AIM Specialty Health, Inc. Chicago, Illinois 2010-2012 Vice President Strategic Clinical Solutions HealthyCircles, LLC San Diego, California 2008-2010 Vice President Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Strategy Director, Clinical Practice Solutions American Medical Association Chicago, Illinois 2005-Present Adjunct Faculty Department of Emergency Medicine Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois 1 2003-2008 Chief Medical Officer, Region V Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Department of Health and Human Services Chicago, Illinois 2001-2005 Clinical Instructor Department of Internal Medicine Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois 1998-2002 EMS Medical Consultant Illinois Department of Public Health 1987-2000 Clinical Instructor Department of Emergency Medicine Christ Hospital and Medical Center 1996-2002 Physician Department of Emergency Medicine Elmhurst Memorial Hospital Elmhurst, Illinois 1993-1995 Physician Department of Emergency Medicine Edward Hospital 1991-1992 Physician Department of Emergency Medicine Mercy Hospital 1987-1992 Physician Department of Emergency Medicine LaGrange Memorial Hospital LaGrange, Illinois APPOINTMENTS: 1988-1992 Associate Chairman Department of Emergency Medicine LaGrange Memorial Hospital 1987- 1993 Clinical Instructor Department of Family Practice Rush University 2011- Present Board of Directors , PSPC Collaborative HRSA 2010- Present Institute of Medicine of Chicago 2008- 2010 Institute of Medicine, EBM Roundtable Quality Collaboratives 2004-2005 IRB Chicago Department of Public Health 1995 EMS Medical Director Edward Hospital Emergency Medical Service System 2 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: 1985- Present American College of Emergency Physicians OFFICES HELD: 2001-2003 Member Board of Directors American College of Emergency Physicians 2000-2001 Chair Patient Safety in the Emergency Department Environment Task Force American College of Emergency Physicians 1998-2000 Chair EMPAC PAC of the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians 1997-2000 Chair State Legislative and Regulatory Committee American College of Emergency Physicians 1997-1998 President Illinois College of Emergency Physicians 1993-1999 Board of Directors Illinois College of Emergency Physicians 1997 Chair Alcohol Reporting Task Force American College of Emergency Physicians 1996-1998 Chair Health Policy Section American College of Emergency Physicians 1992-1996 Chairman Government Affairs Committee Illinois College of Emergency Physicians HONORS: 2008 Award of Achievement Collegio Medico Cubano Libre Chicago, Illinois 2008 Commencement Speaker Master’s Program in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois 2008 Administrator’s Citation Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 3 Department of Health and Human Services Chicago, Illinois 2005 Bill B. Smiley Award Leadership Award Illinois College of Emergency Physicians Chicago, Illinois LECTURES & PRESENTATIONS: 2012 Healthcare 2014- What to Expect John Heinz College Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2011 The Promise and Peril of HIT Grand Rounds Department of Emergency Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California The Future of Medical Device Connectivity Key Note Speaker AAMI San Antonio, Texas 2010 Health System Reform and Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds University of Wisconsin, Madison Health Policy and the Uninsured Cover the Uninsured Week Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, Illinois Health System Reform- Value Based Purchasing National Care Coordination Summit Washington, DC 2009 Health System Reform: Impact of Proposed Legislation on Innovation Chicago, Illinois A Case Study in Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology Washington DC 4 AMA Convened Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement Chicago, Illinois Coding for Quality: Pay for Performance Chicago, Illinois Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology Houston, Texas Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Emergency Care Across the Continuum: A Systems Approach Boston, Massachusetts The Quality Agenda in Health Policy: Impact on HIT Adoption Webinar 2008 Coding for Quality: Clinically Enhanced Data through CPT II Codes Chicago, Illinois PQRI 2009: Time To Get Up To Speed Chicago, Illinois Observation Medicine and the US Health Care System 2009 Atlanta, Georgia Coding for Quality: The Expansion of Claims for Reporting Quality Chicago, Illinois PI CME: Implementing Performance Improvement CME In Hospital Settings Chicago, Illinois Coding for Quality: Augmented Claims Data through CPT II Codes- Health Plan Leadership Chicago, Illinois The Role of the Profession in Defining the Value of Care Chicago, Illinois Crisis Care: Federal Government Role in Quality Chicago, Illinois Health System Transformation: Introduction to CMS Measures and Role in Patient Safety Chicago, Illinois HQS 401: CMS Patient Safety Measures and Policies Chicago, Illinois 5 Crisis in Care: Cab the Government Help? Illinois Chapter ACC Chicago, Illinois The Evolution of Emergency Medicine: The Impact of Value Based Purchasing Emergency Department Practice Management Association Chicago, Illinois Measures that Matter: The Role of the Profession Chicago, Illinois Successful Documentation of POA Chicago, Illinois Value Based Purchasing: Local Implications Chicago, Illinois Quality Healthcare: Understanding and Communicating Why it Matters Chicago, Illinois Quality of Care: Transforming Health Care Through Payment Reform, Public Reporting and Enforcement Compliance Institute New Orleans, Louisiana 2007 PQRI Coding for Quality Chicago, Illinois The Future of Emergency Medicine: The Redefining of Value College of Emergency Physicians Landing, Michigan CMS’ Progress Toward Implementing Value Based Purchasing: PQRI Update Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement Chicago, Illinois What is Value Based Purchasing and How Will It Effect my Life? Meridian Health Chicago, Illinois 2007 PQRI Paying for Quality Chicago, Illinois Medicare Value Based Purchasing: All Update Chicago, Illinois CMS Progress Toward Implementing Value Based Purchasing Holy Cross Hospital/Illinois Hospital Association/Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Western Regional Trustee Symposium Chicago, Illinois Value Based Purchasing: Aligning Incentives for High Quality, Efficient and High Value Care Fienberg School of Medicine, Masters Program in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety 6 Evanston, Illinois 2007 PQRI Coding Guidance Health Care Billing Management Association Chicago, Illinois 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI): Coding for Quality: The Measures Module IV Chicago, Illinois 2007 PQRI Guidance Illinois State Medical Society Chicago, Illinois 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI): Strategies for Successful Reporting International Oncology Network Chicago, Illinois CMS Episodic Group Panel Chicago, Illinois Career Choices in Emergency Medicine Christ Hospital Oak Lawn, Illinois 2007 PQRI Coding Guidance American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Chicago, Illinois 2007 PQRI Module 2: Preparation and Participation Strategies for Successful Reporting Centers for Medicaid and Medicare/American Urological Association Chicago, Illinois PQRI Analytical Process Chicago, Illinois The Cardiovascular Perfect Storm Chicago, Illinois Medicare Hospital Value Based Purchasing Overview Midwest Business Group on Health Chicago, Illinois Medicare Value Based Purchasing: Transformational Challenges for Health System Leadership The Governance Institute 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Toward Successful Participation Chicago, Illinois 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative: Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement 7 Chicago, Illinois 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Chicago Medical Society/American College of Cardiology/Society of Thoracic Surgeons Chicago, Illinois 2006 People, Partnerships, Possibilities Michigan Special Needs Plans Chicago, Illinois Important Information for Health Care Professionals Chicago, Illinois CMS Payment for Quality: A Paradigm Shift Chicago, Illinois 2005 CMS Quality Agenda Advocate Health Care Oakbrook, Illinois The View from the Government: The Changing Landscape of Healthcare Chicago, Illinois National Medicare and You Training Program Older Adults, Physicians, Insurance Companies Chicago, Illinois Physician Pay for Performance: Linking Reimbursement and Quality Emergency Department Practice Management Association Chicago, Illinois The Hospital Governing Body: Roles and Responsibilities Related to the Medicare Conditions of Participation Chicago, Illinois 2004 Patient Safety in the Emergency Department Environment MPRO Web Cast Michigan The Role of Government in Healthcare Illinois Institute of Technology Stuart Graduate School of Business Chicago, Illinois The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003: The Government Perspective American Medical Association Annual RBRVS Meeting Chicago, Illinois Emerging Technology in the Emergency Department AIM Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois 8 The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003: Implications for Oncology Services Illinois Medical Oncology Society Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 Wisconsin Hospice Association Green Bay, Wisconsin The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 Chicago Bar Association Health Law Section Chicago, Illinois Medicare Reimbursement: A Brave New World University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business Chicago, Illinois The Government’s Role in Defining Quality Illinois Chapter, American College of Cardiology Chicago, Illinois Performance Measurement: Where do we go? Building on the Foundation CMS Forum Oak Brook, Illinois Update on Medicare Quality Initiatives Indiana Hospital and Health system Association Retreat Indianapolis, Indiana Physician Leadership Pathways: Choice or Happenstance? Grand Rounds Department of Emergency Medicine Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago, Illinois Physician Leadership Pathways: Choice or Happenstance? Grand Rounds Christina Hospital Delaware Evidence Based Guidelines- to Evidence Based Practice Sociedad de Emergencia de Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina Forty Five Leadership Suggestions in Forty Five Minutes American College of Emergency Physicians Legislative and Leadership Meeting Washington DC CMS: Quality Initiatives VHA Regional Meeting Oak Brook, Illinois 9 2003 Implementing Evidence Based Guidelines Clinica Alemana Santiago, Chile The Future of Emergency Medicine ICEP Downstate Meeting Bloomington, Illinois Surge Capacity and ED Crowding: Can we have one without fixing the other? "On Our Watch" Chicago, Illinois 2002 Patient Safety and Medical Errors: Does it Still Matter? Connecticut College of Emergency Medicine Rocky Hill, Connecticut The Future of Emergency Medicine University of Puerto Rico Department of Emergency Medicine San Juan, Puerto Rico Evidence Based Health Policy: An Oxymoron? American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly Seattle, Washington The Emergency Department: Barometer of Healthcare Access in the Community Kentucky Medical Association Top Thirty Questions to Ask before Accepting a Position University of Illinois Department of Emergency Medicine Chicago, Illinois Health Policy at 3am Grand Rounds University of Pennsylvania Department of Emergency Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bedlam at the Bedside: Health Policy at 3am American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly Chicago, Illinois Patient Safety in the Emergency Department: Report from the ACEP Patient Safety Task Force Rules and Regulations: When will it end? American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly Chicago, Illinois 2001 The Happy Physician and the Healthcare Consumer, Fairytale or Reality? Health Care America Conference Chicago, Illinois 10 The Fragile Safety Net, Preserving Access to America's Emergency Departments Legislative Leadership Conference American College of Emergency Physicians Patient Safety in the Pre-hospital Care Arena: What are the Challenges? Legislative Leadership Conference American College of Emergency Physicians Emergency Medicine: Is this the career that I signed up for? American College of Emergency Physicians Michigan Safety in the Emergency Department Environment American College of Emergency Physicians Michigan 2000 Panelist, National Summit on Patient Safety Research QUIC Chicago, Illinois Panelist, Physician's Role in Performance Measurement American College of Emergency Physicians Coalition Building, Lessons I Learned on the Way to the Capitol American College of Emergency Physicians Moderator: Delivering High Quality, Cost-Effective Care/Economics of Emergency Medicine National Congress on Preserving America's Health Care Safety Net 1999 Mandatory vs. Permissive Reporting of Impaired Drivers National Commission Against Drunk Driving 1998 The Emergency Physician and the Impaired Driver, Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Reporting to Law Enforcement RESEARCH 2009 Advancing Ambulatory Quality Improvement, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Funded Study PUBLICATIONS: Nedza, SM. “A Call to Leadership: The Role of the Academic Medical Center in Driving Sustainable Health System Improvement Through Performance Measurement” Academic Medicine: December 2009 - Volume 84 - Issue 12 - pp 1645-1647 Cone, D, Nedza, SM, Augustine, JJ, Davidson, SJ. Quality in Clinical Practice, Academic Emergency Medicine. November, 2002: 9; 11. Patient Safety in the Emergency Department Environment Report from the Patient Safety Task Force September, 2001. 11 A Final Lesson- "You are Not Alone", Notes from Business School, Epic, Illinois College of Emergency Physicians, 1: January 2001 Nedza, SM. "The Prudent Non-Layperson", Annals of Emergency Medicine. December 2000: 36; 634. Nedza, SM, Mulligan-Smith D, Harris R. Emergency departments and uninsured children: an enrollment opportunity. Ann Emer Med. October 2000:36; 240-242. Symptoms of a Potentially Fatal Illness: It's becoming Harder to Take Care of Patients, Epic, Illinois College of Emergency Physicians, 5: October 2000. Nedza, SM. “ Measuring Up: Quality Clinical Improvement Efforts Yield Success”, Clinical Practice. December 2008: 2. 12