available here - Engineers Australia

Australasian Particle Technology Society (APTS)
Student Conference
Phillip Island
25-27 September 2015
Guidelines for Extended Abstract Preparation for APTS 2nd Student
Conference 2015
Cordelia Selomulyaa*, Roberto Moreno-Atanasiob, and May Limc
Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University
Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
School of Environmental and Life Sciences,The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2032, Australia
Corresponding Author’s E-mail: cordelia.selomulya@monash.edu
Keywords: APTS; Research; Particle Technology; Science; Engineering
Extended Abstract
APTS encourages authors to submit an extended abstract (no more than 2 pages) describing their
work for inclusion in the conference proceedings. This article serves as the template of the extended
abstract (up to two pages) for the inaugural APTS Student Conference 2015. The extended abstracts,
together with the rest of the full papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Please use
this template when preparing your abstract. This will ensure a uniform format in the publication. The
extended abstract must be submitted via email to cordelia.selomulya@monash.edu. The deadline for
submission is 15th of July 2015.
Abstracts should be written in English and sent as Word (*.doc or *.docx) documents. The
extended abstract should include a Title, the information of Authors and Affiliations, the E-mail
address of Corresponding Author and Keywords. Throughout the extended abstract, use Times New
Roman font with single spacing between lines. The recommended font size is 14 pts for the paper title
and 11 pts elsewhere. The main text should be justified on both sides. The use of footnotes is
discouraged. The length of an extended abstract should not exceed two A4 pages. Other specific
guidelines for each section are given below.
Title: Please provide a descriptive title of the paper. The title should be concise and not span
more than 2 lines. Use Times New Roman font with a font size of 14 pts and in boldface for
the title. You should not capitalise the entire title.
Authors and Affiliations: Include the first name, middle initials and surname of all the
authors. The name of the corresponding author should be underlined. The affiliations of all
the authors should be included. The e-mail of the corresponding author should be shown.
Keywords: Provide maximum 5 keywords, separated by semi-colons.
Tables: Tables should be numbered and captioned. As a guideline, the extended abstract
should not contain more than 2 tables. The following is an example of a Table.
Table 1: Important Dates for APTS Student Conference 2015
Registration and abstract submission open
Early 2015
Final abstract submission
Notification of abstract acceptance
APTS Student Conference 2015
15 July 2015
2 weeks after submission
25-27 September 2015
Australasian Particle Technology Society (APTS)
Student Conference
Phillip Island
25-27 September 2015
Figures: The figures should be numbered and captioned. The figures can be produced in
colour and has at least 300 dpi. As a guideline, the extended abstract should not contain
more than 2 figures.
Equations: The equations should be indented with the numbers displayed on the right side in
S  k ln 
Acknowledgements: Any acknowledgements can be included at the end of the main body of
the extended abstract but before the references.
Citations and References: In the text, refer to literature citations in the author-year format,
e.g. [Author, 2006] or [Author1 and Author2, 2007] or [Author 1 et al., 2008]. The
references should be placed at the end of the extended abstract in the alphabetical order.
Acknowledgement: The Organizing Committee thanks the financial support from Australasian
Particle Technology Society.
[1] N.S. Dey, S. Majumdar, M.E.B. Rao, Multiparticulate Drug Delivery Systems for Controlled
Release, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (2008) 1067-1075.
[2] D.A. LaVan, T. McGuire, R. Langer, Small-scale systems for in vivo drug delivery, Nature
Biotechnology, 21 (2003) 1184-1191.
[3] A.L.R. Rattes, W.P. Oliveira, Spray drying conditions and encapsulating composition effects on
formation and properties of sodium diclofenac microparticles, Powder Technology, 171 (2007) 7-14.
[4] K.E. Uhrich, S.M. Cannizzaro, R.S. Langer, K.M. Shakesheff, Polymeric Systems for Controlled
Drug Release, Chemical Reviews, 99 (1999) 3181-3198.
[5] K. Pancholi, E. Stride, M. Edirisinghe, In Vitro Method to Characterize Diffusion of Dye from
Polymeric Particles: A Model for Drug Release, Langmuir, 25 (2009) 10007-10013.