Student Instruction Project
Part 3 Form
Resources for Events and People of the Vietnam War
Locate 5 resources (print, DVD/video, audio, online, primary source, etc.) that both enhance your own
knowledge about the Vietnam War.
Title and location
of resource
Brief description of
information provided
by resource
How information
could be utilized by
teachers, students,
media specialists,
Provides pictures and
historical information
on the war. It also has
interviews of current
day Vietnamese teens
to give students’ teen
relevant perspectives.
Teachers could use
the clips to help
students relate to
history from a
teen’s perspective.
Media specialist
could access PBS
free resources and
create a school link
to it or download
information from
this site to create a
student resource
folder on computer
desktops. Since
this source has
pictures and
videos, the
specialist might
create a voice
thread where
students can view
the videos and
pictures and post
responses them.
Provides archived
Time Magazine
articles as far back as
the 1930’s.
Teachers could use
articles for students
to read how the war
was actually
reported. Media
specialists could
used articles on the
war to create a
database for
teachers and
students doing
specialists could
create a web
scavenger hunt
using archived
articles for multiple
Provides lesson
plans(for states and
regions), worksheets,
activities, and pictures
that document the war.
Provides audio
speeches on Vietnam Return of POW’s,
Nixon’s declaration of
the end of the war.
For teachers
teaching anything
from a historical
perspective, it
provides lessons
for teaching about
the war. Media
specialist could
access some of the
online document
archives and
incorporate lesson
on research. The
specialist could use
pictures to create a
slide show of the
war for the teacher
and students.
Teachers could use
these as a
journaling tool listen and respond.
Media specialists
could combine the
audios with pictures
and demonstrate
how students could
use movie-maker to
specialists could
set up audio
stations in the labs
for students to
listen to.
Lens, Sidney. Vietnam : a war on two fronts. New York:
Lodestar Books, 1990. Print.
Located in Lost Mountain Middle School Library, Cobb
County, GA
This book contains
black and white
photographs of ground
soldiers, airplanes
bombing and dropping
napalm, protests in
Washington, D. C.,
Presidents L. B.
Johnson, and R. M.
Nixon. Discusses anti-
Teachers can use
this book to
introduce the
political and social
unrest that arose
from U.S.
involvement in the
Vietnam war.
Media specialists
can locate other
Vietnam War : United States History, Origins to 2000. Library
Video, 2003. Film.
Located in Lost Mountain Middle School Library, Cobb
County, GA
war sentiment in
America and the
mistakes U. S. leaders
made which instigated
it. The author, Lens,
was among the many
leaders of the peace
movement in the U. S.,
so his anti-war point of
view is utmost in this
resources (AV,
online) with the
same point of view
or an opposing
point of view for
students to
compare it with.
The technology
specialists could
show students how
to scan photos form
the source and use
them in a
This is a 25-minute
DVD that gives the
history of the Vietnam
war and U. S.
involvement. It
includes evenhanded
information about the
leaders of the
countries involved,
interviews with
historians, details
about events, and
archival photographs
and film footage. It is
Teachers can use
the guiding
materials provided.
Librarians can
locate other
materials, including
those about the
aftermath of the
war. Technology
specialists can
teach students to
make their own film
or pictorial
presentation about
the war using
scanners and/or
video cameras
using PhotoStory or
another visual
program. Students
could role play the
parts of the people
involved in the war:
leaders, soldiers,
peace activists,
etc., and document
their interviews or
tableaux on film.
part of the United
States History Origins
to 2000 DVD series.
Includes teacher
guides and provides
more resources for
teachers online. Is
matched to the
National History
Donnelly, Judy. A
wall of names: the
story of the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial.
New York: Random
House, 1991. Print.
Locate in Buford
Elementary School
Media Center.
This is a non-fiction book
that surveys the history
of the Vietnam War,
chronicles the
construction of the the
Vietnam Memorial, and
discusses what the
Memorial means to many
This story could be
used by the media
specialist or the
teacher to
introduce the
student to the
Vietnam War. It
approaches the war
from the
prospective of
building a memorial
and remember and
honoring our
veterans. It would
be a good book to
use on Veteran's
Day. Students
could use this book
as a source for a
research project.
Vietnam and President Johnson's LegacyA Segment of: America in
the 20th Century: The Sixties
This is a 5:00 minute
streaming video program
that examines the
challenges President
Johnson faces in trying
to balance the cost of the
Vietnam War and
domestic spending.
Deciding not to seek
reelection after public
opinion of the war
changes, the
presentation reveals
Johnson's legacy.
The technology
specialist or
classroom teacher
could use this short
streaming video as
a hook at the
beginning of the
unit about the
Vietnam War. It
could be a stepping
off point to discuss
what roles the
Presidents prior to
an after Johnson
played in the
Vietnam war.
McCormick, Anita Louise, The Vietnam Antiwar Movement in
American History. Berkley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2000.
Located in Heritage Middle School Media Center.
This book is full of quotes
and pictures that
chronicle the protests
that took place during the
Vietnam War.
This book could be
used as a resource
for classes doing
research on the
Vietnam War. It
would be good
resource for students
to find quotes from
both sides of the antiwar protests that took
place during the
Vietnam War.
Young, Fitzgerald, Grunfield, (2002). The Vietnam War: a history in
documents. New York, NY: Oxford.
This book contains good
photos and diagrams that
students will find very
interesting. For example,
it has hand-drawn
diagrams that show the
tunnel systems that the
Vietnamese soldiers
used to travel and hide.
Teachers can use
this resource to show
students the details
of the war that might
not be found in other
resources. The
media specialist can
include this book as a
resource for classes
doing research on the
Vietnam War.
Copyright © 2011 Discovery Education. All rights reserved.
Discovery Education is a subsidiary of Discovery Communications,
This source was found
on Discovery United Streaming Video.
3/25 Sue: I’m testing to see whether I can save to the doc.
3/25 Charlotte: I did not think about it, but I guess we need to ensure we include the different sources
Dr.Putney listed. The 2 I posted so far are internet, but I chose them because they
include pictures and
video clips.
3/26 Sue: I have books and DVDs from my school. Do we each need five sources, or is it 5 total?
3/26 Did you see the message from Eddy that he cannot edit this document?
3/26 I can get in now. I have some DVD sources and also a reference book on the Vietnam War. My
only problem is that I left them at school yesterday. I have a key but I don’t have the new alarm code.
I have left messages with all the administrators, so hopefully I will get a code and get in either today
or tomorrow.
3/26 Sue: Good to “see” you, Eddy. I think you can wait until Monday to get the sources. The project does
not have to be posted until Tuesday at midnight, right?
3/27 Christi: I will work on getting my sources added tonight. There are a lot of streaming videos on United
Streaming. I am still working on the finishing touches to my module this weekend, so Monday is fine for
finishing up for me.
3/27 Charlotte - I think we need 5 sources total, but I am sure if we have some more to add, it would be fine. If
we all check in Monday night, we should be good.
3/27 Charlotte - I found some good audio clips on the war through the history channel, so I think we covered
the different sources. I did find another print source, has most of its issues for the past 50 years
archived. Students could read about the war as it occurred. We can add it if you guys think its worth it. Even
though it’s archived online, its print.
3/28 Eddy - Charlotte, I think that is a good idea. would definitely have good info.
3/28 Sue: This chart looks good, everyone! Thanks!
3/28 Charlotte; I added the Time link for another print -do you guys think we are done? We have covered
3/28 Christi - I think it looks good. Thanks to all.