FITT Principle Test F I Name: T T What word does the letter stand for? What is the definition? What does it mean? Using the exercise card below fill in the information according to the FITT Principle. Write a paragraph explaining the below question using your favorite physical activity: How will you use the FITT principle to stay active and improve in your interest area? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ FITT Principle Test Name: Physical and health education MYP 1 Criterion A: Knowing and understanding Maximum: 8 At the end of year 1, students should be able to: i. Outline physical health education-related factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge ii. Identify physical and health education knowledge to describe issues and solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations iii. Apply physical and health terminology to communicate understanding. Achievement level 0 1–2 IB Task specific clarifications The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. The student: Does not make an attempt. i. recalls some physical health education factual, procedural conceptual knowledge ii. identifies physical and health education knowledge to outline issues iii. recalls physical and health terminology. 1 3–4 IB The student: i. recalls physical health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge ii. identifies physical and health education knowledge to outline issues and suggest solutions to problems set in familiar situations iii. applies physical and health terminology to communicate understanding with limited success. 2 5–6 IB The student: i. states physical health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge ii. identifies physical and health education knowledge to outline issues and solve problems set in familiar situations iii. applies physical and health terminology to communicate understanding. 3 7–8 IB 4 Achievement level descriptor The student: i. outlines physical health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge ii. identifies physical and health education knowledge to describe issues and solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations iii. applies physical and health terminology consistently to communicate understanding. Attempts to recall and identify FITT Principle. Recalls most of the FITT Principle and correct terminology. States and applies correct terminology and facts of FITT Principle. Describes specific detail of FITT Principle. Applies FITT principle to activity interest.